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Leroy Vs Wilson


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First and foremost, well done and thanks to the guys that produce the incider, another great addition supplying a very interesting interview with Liam Rosenior.

I found it interesting to read Liam's thoughts on Leroy Lita, and the way he was treated in the team. This was very much subject to discussion when it happened, but Wilson playing Rosenior out of position ahead of Leroy Lita perhaps emphesises Wilson's ignorance.

As Liam points out, Lita was/is a proven goalscorer at reserve team level yet Wilson continued to play Liam, a right back, upfront instead of Leroy when there were injuries in the side.

I think all though results are improving slightly, and the attacking style we are playing is great to watch and a big improvement, I still feel Wilson is a stubborn fool, who sticks to his own principles whether that is the correct thing or not to take the team/club forward.

It took until league game 18 for Wilson to play a really attacking formation, with the centre midfield I'd been crying out for some time (Tinnion and Wilkshire) and we end up taking an addmitadly poor Brighton side apart winning 4-1.

The players will do really well to get into the top 2 from the position we are currently in, and Wilson's ignorance in sticking with certain formula's (Wilkshire on the right wing, Doherty and Burnell, Peacock and Roberts) which aren't the answer will continue to hold this club back.

I'm sure aslong as the current attacking style is maintained, and performances continue to improve we will put a good run of results together and push for the play-offs. Wilson is just lucky this division is so tight nobody has run away with it, because if the likes of QPR and Sheff. Wed had put together the sort of results they are probably capable of, we would be looking at play-offs at very best. The players will produce, that I'm sure of, but once again we're on the brink of wasting another season of football because the management were too slow to realise our downfalls and turn it around.

An oppertunity missed, in what is a very average division.

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I'm sure aslong as the current attacking style is maintained, and performances continue to improve we will put a good run of results together and push for the play-offs. Wilson is just lucky this division is so tight nobody has run away with it, because if the likes of QPR and Sheff. Wed had put together the sort of results they are probably capable of, we would be looking at play-offs at very best.

QPR fair enough but SW, please, they have more chance of relegation than auto.

My major concern is similar to your own that Wilson is not tactically astute for this division let alone the first.

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Danny Wilson is a professional manager who knows football inside out - and depends on it for his livelyhood - and you lot think you know what you are talking about but don't and think you know more than he does when he sees the players perform every day and you don't- yeah right, sad or what?

Not tactically astute? Stubborn fool? Wilsons ignorance? - dream on you fools, why do you think Lansdown and the board pay him to do the job and not you!

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Danny Wilson is a professional manager who knows football inside out - and depends on it for his livelyhood - and you lot think you know what you are talking about but don't and think you know more than he does when he sees the players perform every day and you don't- yeah right, sad or what?

Not tactically astute? Stubborn fool? Wilsons ignorance? - dream on you fools, why do you think Lansdown and the board pay him to do the job and not you!

Ok, so if you're going to be like that.

1. Read the post, and not once do I say I think I could do a better job than Wilson.

2. What's wrong with thinking he's a stubborn fool? Nobodies perfect, you should know that.

3. I didn't realise we weren't allowed to critisise personell at the club, is that just your job?

In my oppinion, Wilson is holding back both the club and it's players by continually playing players who are not up to it, continuing to stick to systems which don't suit the personell available, and sticking to partnerships (ie. Doherty and Burnell, Roberts and Peacock) which quite obviously don't work.

My oppinion does not make me a fool, thank you.

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England - that's really quite a petty and childish response. First you attack a guy for having an opinion and then when he comes back with a reasoned response, you attack his grammar.

There seems to be a lot of this personal abuse on the board right now - I just hope it's due to frustration with City's results rather than being representative of City fans as a whole...

And as for the opinion - compared to many other teams in the division, City have much better resources and a much deeper squad. The fault for the lack of success can only lie with the manager. In terms of both formation and motivation, he only recently appears to have got it working despite losing only one key player from last year's team.

How you think he's above reproach is beyond me..

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Newboy - butt out when Godzilla and I want a dig at each other!

Red Goblin - oi, " good / average " ain't bad and we are still there or there abouts despite the inconsistency of some of the players - DW & FB can only wind them up and push them out with instructions ringing in there ears and the current team reflects many of the opinions profferred(spell?) on this forum.

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get real England, if newboy wants to contribute to an OPEN FORUM thread he has every right to do that.

If you want a private slanging match then do it on email else expect people like me, new boy and Goblin to chuck there "two pence" in.

BTW my opinion is dannys had plenty of chance to heave this sleeping giant from its slumber, if the league wasnt so poor he would have been sacked by now.

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