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Lansdowne Commentary


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Unfortunately I had to depend on Radio Bristol todaybut the comments coming from SL were illuminating eg

If Peacock had made more effort, he might have reached that one,

If Roberts had looked up or thought about his next move he may have come to a different decision

There were other views expressed which shows the Chairman is not overly impressed with several of the players - wonder if he expresses those views to them or the manager?

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Unfortunately I had to depend on Radio Bristol todaybut the comments coming from SL were illuminating eg

If Peacock had made more effort, he might have reached that one,

If Roberts had looked up or thought about his next move he may have come to a different decision

There were other views expressed which shows the Chairman is not overly impressed with several of the players - wonder if he expresses those views to them or the manager?

I picked up similar vibes TP. It demonstrates that people behind the scenes see similar problems that I do and gives some hope that may be addressed.

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Just before we equalised Steve said something like 'these next 20 minutes are vital to the future of Bristol City Football Club'.

Which I took to mean something along the lines of 'I will be very very unhappy if we lose this game, and I will make it clear to all concerned that this is just not good enough'.

Or have I misinterpreted him?

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I was hoping someone would raise the point about steve l's commentary

at one point he said something about long balls and said how hesitante steve philips is with long/high balls

i think a loss today and changes would have been made

But fair play to steve l for his honest views and its nice to know he is sharing the same frustrations as the fans

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Totally agree here.

I thought the commentry duo were great.

And thought that SL had a very good perspective on what the average fan feels week in week out.

I reckon that Clist's involvment in the team is much to do with the Chairman. :D

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I reckon that Clist's involvment in the team is much to do with the Chairman. :D

I reckon that Clist's involvment in the team is much to do with the Chairman. ;)

This has crossed my mind too. SteveL seemed to praise Clist quite a bit today. He was good to listen to and I could feel his frustrations. I think Danny must be worried as I wouldn't like to displease him!


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Guest Harchesterx1

Yer i picked up on it to. Most of it about Roberts and how he dont pass. So do you think h would of gne as far as sacking wilson today or just a warning.

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Guest Red_Rat

He did seem to look unfavourably on some players,and did seem very disappointed with the result,amnd the postition the club is currently in.

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I have to say that I enjoyed Steve Lansdown's commentary on Radio Bristol today. He revealed himself to be articulate and knowledgable about the game and passionate in his support for the club.

I did not read anything into his comments as some of the more cynical among us have mentioned in this thread. All I would say is that he helped make the game more enjoyable for me.

As for influencing team selection, I think that is pure speculation and, in my opinion, very wide of the mark. Steve Lansdown doesn't strike me as the type of chairman who would interfere with Danny Wilson's team selection. And Danny Wilson is not the sort of manager that would put up with board interference in team selection.

That's not to say that they probably don't discuss the team, just that the team that takes the field is Danny's choice.

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Simply Red - I would think you are spot on with your view of what happens at the Gate, or at least I hope you are because as I have said before, the Mnanager is appointed to manage the team and the Chairman should not interfere but I did just wonder if some of his comments hit home.

My favourite was when City scored and went "one nil" - must be murder staying relatively calm and clear when you feel really excited!

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RG - for someone normally so on the ball I am amazed you should get something so factually wrong - DW has not "spent" any money, the board does that and not necessarily on the managers requirements plus of course any money that those players are continuing to cost in terms of contracts is 100% the responsibility of the board. :D

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SL's criticism of Roberts was very interesting as I have always had the impression that his signing was a desperate act.

Everybody could see at the time that we needed a fresh input at that stage, but signing Roberts seemed like a case of getting the best affordable at the time rather than the first choice.

I will say it again, he has good attributes in his speed and shooting power with both feet, but seems incapable of learning anything else. Last time I said this someone suggested that he needed to play with better players! If this were true then why did Mark Hughes take one look at him and never oick him again?

IMO he was bought in hope (that he could improve) and desperation (we needed somebody (anybody). My hope has all but gone and I would suggest that from yesterdays comments we can assume so has SL's.

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Have to say I always find it refreshing listening to SteveL's summarizing. It would be so easy for him to make bland non-commital comments without criticizing anyone, rather like a most managers and players interviewed after a game, but he speaks from the heart and says what he thinks. There's nothing better than listening to someone with that genuine inside-out knowledge of the club which comes from being a part of it giving honest assessments. I don't think anyone could listen to SteveL summarizing and accuse him of not having passion for the club. Actually, I thought the same listening to his AGM presentation, even though the circumstances were rather different.

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Not like you to be so vocal in your support for SL, old boy. :vomit2:

I did not get the chance to listen to his commentary, which is a shame as I would have loved to have heard his take on things. If only DW were to speak his mind a bit more, he might have a few more fans on here. Me included.

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