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Sick Of Peacock's Nonchalance

Guest Orj

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This man is becoming an utter liability with his lack of effort and for my money he doesn't merit a place in the squad let alone in the starting 11 until he seriously bucks his ideas up. Let's remember that this club paid £600,000 for his services, £600,000 for a man who believes that it is perfectly acceptable to trot gently back to an onside position as soon as attacks break down. I lost count of how many times he did this today today but, quite simply put, to put both hands up in the air as an indication to the officials that you aren't interfering with play whilst wandering back slowly to an onside position simply is not acceptable; he bloody well should be interfering with play and the only way he can do that is by putting some effort in to get himself back onside as quickly as he possibly can. Roberts has been guilty of this far too much in his City career but it wasn't evident today, Miller also did it once today when there was no excuse for not being onside in the first place. Lack of talent I can tolerate, lack of effort when you are representing thousands of people and cost the club over half a million pounds I cannot. If that bloke is out on the beers in The Works or somewhere else in town tonight feeling content with his part in an away draw then he has only himself to blame if a disgruntled City fan confronts him to give him a piece of his mind.

Yet again, it falls on the shoulders of a kid in Leroy to show the so-called senior pros how to do their jobs properly. Within 30 seconds of coming on he was sprinting back to get into an onside position and that allowed him to create a very good goalscoring opportunity that I can guarantee would not have come about if Peacock had been in his position.

I implore all of you reading this to take careful note of this inexcusable trait in the next match and get on Peacock's back to kick his lazy arse into shape as this pansy of a manager clearly isn't going to do so. I normally wouldn't condone booing of our own players but if that is what it takes to let Peacock know that as a professional footballer he has to be putting in maximum effort then it has to be in all of our interests to do it.

:Fume: £600,000 :Fume:

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I didnt read all of your post, but i would agree that peacock is lazy and innefective , he doesnt want to play up front with roberts and this cant help team spirit , he is no way near as goood at winning flick ons as miller and has poor control , him and miller dont work well together because miller needs to be up front with a smaller quicker striker , ie lita or roberts. I would like to see wilson put him on the transfer list and get a decent striker up front that wants to play for the team.

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He'll leave at the end of the season, and we'll be a bit less full of strikers. Miller and Roberts/Lita will be our main strike force.

What wages do you think he's (Peacock) on? Letting him go might enable us to strengthen another part of the pitch (e.g. Tinman's replacement if he hangs up his boots (god forbid!)).

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Glad you raised this. I and those and around me couldn't believe that gesture was actually made. On the plus side, three times he tried getting a toe onto a through ball, so presumably that is a move the team have practiced. Each time the keeper saved though. then again minutes from the end, the ball arrived at his feet and he tripped over it, and in falling pushed the ball with his hand giving away a free kick.

I'm surprised no one has raised Phillips' two fumbles early in the game that cost us one and nearly two goals. The Rushden goalie however, appeared to cleanly catch everything that came into his box. :D

Speaking of keepers, for those whose memories stretch back 30 years, I reckon Ray cashley would have fancied his chances of scoring on a pitch that small! ;)

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I'm not the only one who dont rate him then, at last. Why did we pay 600,000 for him? :D

Did anyone actually see him play, or check we have the right one? :)

The best thing about him is his tatts, footballer he aint.

Anyone know how his chances are for a new contract?

Miller 4 in 5, Peacock, aint scored since when? ;)

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I agree with you entirely about Peacock and have been complaining about his lack of skill for a good while.

For the second week in a row he simply didn't look like scoring and posed little threat.His anticipation is non existant - several times today balls chipped into the box were just too long for him,balls he could have reached with a bit of anticipation.

He was a complete waste of space.And then Wilson takes off Miller after 80mins and leaves Peacock on! Miller who looked the part again and scored a good goal.Amazing...

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Guest the silkman

tut,tut to you all

fancy slagging off a player from city

you will all be skinned alive next week at the attractive home game against the might of stockport county :how funny:

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Guest Cider Red Sam
This man is becoming an utter liability with his lack of effort

Sorry, but as soon as I read that I thought there was no point in reading the rest of the post....

Peacock always gives 110%, i just really cannot see how anyone can critisice his work rate?

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  • Admin
<br /> Sorry, but as soon as I read that I thought there was no point in reading the rest of the post....

Peacock always gives 110%, i just really cannot see how anyone can critisice his work rate?

Maybe if you read the rest of the posting it would become clearer to you!

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Three points:

I stand corrected scored gainst Sheff Wed, was otherwise disposed in muddy fields and fun stuff, then, so apart from the fact we won, dunno anything else.

Secondly, unless he's dramatically improved since I saw him gainst Wycombe, when he was 'kin useless, we cannot afford to carry the likes of him, his scoring rate is not adequate for the team, not exactly flushed with goal scorers, as we are, for better or for worse, skint, skint or skint.

Last season did he finish third highest scorer- behind a winger, and behind the much maligned Robbo, who has the excuse of being young, at least to mitigate his careless finishing. When a winger is top scorer for the team, you gotta question the quality of our strikers. Peacock is the No 9 for chrissakes. Robbo gets regularly caned for his performances, and the times I've seen Peacock, its more like 60% effort, maybe I see the token p*** poor performance, but I've seen nowt to convince me he is worth keeping (other than the fact his next appearance at the Gate will get him a hat trick for the side he joins!). Robbo's finishing aint good but he tries and forces teams to think about how to deal with his pace.

Maybe the Robins fans have a point re a shock to the system by having competition for Peacock??

WE still aint scored a lot of goals, only our defensive record keeps the goal difference so good....

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