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This may seem like a very contravertial post, and I'm sure many might disagree with me.

Although it kills me to say it, I think BCFC will stay in the lower divisions for the forseeable future unless we recieve at least sound financial backing (it wouldn't take Roman A, but certainly a few £million).

Sure we might go up to div 1, now and again, but I find it hard to see how we could really cement our place there with our finances. We've all heard how we are 'giants' and we deserve to be higher, but this is rubbish, as we have not earned it.

It's been the same for years now, we all hear about how we've got on of the best potential fan bases in England and the best academy out of the premiership, but where have they got us in the last 10+ years?

Every season people tip us for promotion because they look at us and on paper, we look stronger than most teams in div 2 (players, ground, fan base etc.), but the fact is that when it comes to May we are very rarely up there.

Look at Cardiff, they were in the same posistion as us until Sam Hammam came: even bigger potential fan base than us, "better" players on paper than most of the other teams' in their division, not a bad ground; but at the end of the day, even with all that, it needed money to lift them up.

So if you are a millionaire and you are reading this, please buy us!!!

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