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Get It Right At Ag

Red Robin

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:(Sorry guys I just cant help but think what a big waste of money in moving to severnside,You need to get things right at ASHTON GATE first.

My concerns in order-

1, Lets have a succesfull football team at the right end of divsion 1, and on a regular basis trying for the magical goal of the premiership.Lets see ASHTON GATE at least filled before thinking of moving from a 20000 stadium to a 40000 stadium on a regular basis.

Lets be honest and straight to the point how many times has ASHTON GATE been filled to the rafters over the past 20 years.

Personally I dont see this in my Lifetime,being forty the last quality games I saw was when I was about fourteen.

2,Ashton Gate is still under used outside of the saturday afternoon and evening games,make more use of it.

3,The quality of service in the food department for us fans is diabolical,infact I will not let my children eat the rubbish [cold burgers,chips,pasties etc] I personally do not eat the food offered after getting a upset stomach a few years ago after a dodgy burger.Staff handling food and then money with out protection for the public is again a big no no.

4,My last gripe is when we do have the big games at ASHTON GATE the quality levels of getting in the ground has been alfull not enough turnstiles open etc.

Please get it right at ASHTON GATE it has been 25 years+ since we were in the top flight. :o

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