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Scott Murray

Red under the bed

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From the Reading fans I know here (all Reading fans because our local boy plays for them) They seem to really enjoy SM and think he is very unlucky to not be in double figures. I guess the joke is he hits the post every game. I keep trying to pass along the message that they should loan/give him back to BCFC. :(

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I spoke to a Reading fan a couple of weeks ago so we obviously brought up the subject of SM and he says when he was with us he looked a quality act. But he thinks now that he is not reached his best yet, and overall dissapionted,

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No you do not have to discuss it again.

So why bother with a reply?

If you are not interested, then do not bother to read it !


Well said mate!

I hate it when people reply critices other peoples post 's, if you don't like it ignore it!

I get annoyed with certain posts too, but it takes more to ignore

Don't drop down to there level, just leave it! :o

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