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Peacock And Clist


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Not having a go at Peacock but what is this thing that Wilson has with him, it doesn't matter what he does, he always sticks with him, Miller was having a good game tonight yet he goes off instead.

Tonight we have seen Clist played yet again on the right side when everybody knows (except Wilson) that he is not a right midfielder, how bloody obvious is it to realise a left footed central midfielder wont play too well out of position.

I have completely lost faith with Wilson and his mind boggling tactics, he must leave now, does anyone genuinely have any confidence in him to get it right on the pitch for us to go up, if you do please explain the Clist thing in midfield.

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After Rushden: "Simon did well in the first half, particularly, though I think he could have been a little more positive going forward and getting behind them at times. But what he did, he did well and his substitution in the second half was nothing to do with how Simon was playing but we just needed a more direct player like Christian out there, which is why we made the change."

So why stick with the same system that forced you to change it tonight Wilson? Being "clueless" isn't something to be proud of!

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Ok I appreciate your points about Clist and I witnessed 25 minutes of him on the right tonight and he didnt do a lot wrong or particularly right.

If we are playing 4-4-2 who would you have put there or should we just play 3-5-2 because we don't have a right midfielder/winger on the staff who is fit? Because Roberts is no more a right winger than Clist is a right midfielder and Amanks, who doesn't want to play there is injured.

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Guest lobster

Not that it should be an issue but I think Wilson feels the need to justify the £600,000 spent on Peacock when he first came to the club. The guy is a good, but not great striker, and seems to have slipped from the standards he was setting at the start of the season.

Peacock's air of indifference doesn't do him any favours, especially when compared to his striking partner. Miller at least looks committed and his work rate can't be faulted even if not everything he tries comes off. There's more to good forward play than setting up the odd goal.

The decision to play Clist on the right is one of the most extraordinary tactical decisions made by Wilson (just behind the defensive formation sent out against Stockport last year). The guy has been waiting for a chance for the best part of two years and having been frozen out and sent on loan, is suddenly drafted into the side.

However, playing him out of position on the right side of midfield doesn't do him or the team any favours. DW practically admitted this in his post-match interview. It's almost as if he wanted the plan to fail so that he could disprove the pro-Clist lobby.

The right wing has been a problem position ever since Murray's departure but the dilemna isn't going to be solved by plucking a lad from the reserves and asking him to play an unnatural role.

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