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Preaching To The Converted


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Following last night's defeat, anyone wanting to know why we struggled can find out from our all-knowing manager.

You're not going to believe this, but apparently:

"Simon is a completely different player to Christian and perhaps we were asking him to play a difficult role."

Yes, Danny, 'completely different' as in 'not a right winger at all, but a very talented and capable left-footed central midfielder'. I would also say that it wasn't so much 'a difficult role' as 'being played totally out of position.'

In addition, you'll all be equally stunned to learn that:

"At least when we brought on Christian and young Leroy (Lita) we had an injection of someone with a bit of impetus behind them."

Did we? Who'd have guessed that would be the case? Amazing. It's a shame football league regulations stipulate that we're not allowed to play them from the start, or that Lita can only come on for Miller and not Peacock, or we might have the makings of a pacey and direct team.

Also, it's our fault to a degree, because we're sending out very mixed messages to the gaffer, and he wants us to know that:

"Everyone is calling for us to play football, and everyone is also calling for us to stop s####ping. But we can't have it both ways and you have to have a happy medium."

We apologise for asking your team to play football, Danny, it's just we assumed you were managing a football team, so we didn't think it was too much to ask.

Who has asked the team to stop s####ping? Anyone? Anyone at all? No, I thought not. I don't recall anyone saying "Oi! Stop trying to win the ball in such a committed way. That's not what we want to see." but I may be wrong.

I'm sorry, but if we can't have it both ways but we can have a happy medium, then how is a happy medium not having it both ways?


"Bear with me and we'll get it right."

Would you be so good as to hang some dates on when that might be, please, Mr. Wilson. It's just that we're halfway though the season and some of us are starting to run low on patience and belief. Thanks.

p.s. Same team Saturday, I presume?

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With regards to Edsons comments above,

Whilst Clist is not a right winger, neither is Christian Roberts, which is why i am certain that are loan signing (if it happens) is going to be a winger,

Why does Danny have to bring on Christian and Leroy to Motivate the team ?? surely the team should have been motivated from the start, I would blame the players that started for not being up for it, their is only so much a manager can do to motivate, if the players dont want to play the manager will get the blame anyway,

As for the playing football and start s####ping - i completel;y agree with DW comments at the start of the season everyone moaned about having Tommy and Joe in Midfield and s####ping for the 3 points, now we play with a very attacking midfield then everyone alls for wilsons head because we lose a cup tie.

I believe that Danny will get it right, we have one of the best defence's in the league we are in a good position to make our move for promotion once we get the form togeather (i.e Crewe last year) and i honestly believe that DW is the man to take us forward.

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As with Calculus's post, very good posting & while not being knee-jerking, shows up the ongoing concerns with the Manager & the way he is going about things.

DW has had the support of many (including me) but it is waining with every game.

Post match comments like these highlighted by Edson does nothing to adher the 'die hards' to continue to fight his corner.

PS - great to have a Edson post back on the frontline. :rolleyes:

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PS - great to have a Edson post back on the frontline. :rolleyes:

Hear hear.

I too am still a member of the pro-Danny brigade but it is becoming increasingly difficult to justify and rationalise (in my own mind, let alone in public) some of his decisions.

Calculus sums up a lot of our collective frustrations in his post to Steve. I hope that by the end of December, with wins against Stockport, Brentford and Bournemouth under our belts it'll be different but I must confess, this member of the happy-clappers is finding it a little tough at the moment...........

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Does anyone seriously believe that people are calling for Wilson's head because of ONE defeat in the FA Cup?! It's been building up for months or even years.

Yup. I for one have never been happy with DW and have said so on here on many occasions.

As Rod Stewart sang:

Wake up Danny I think I've something to say to you,

It's late December and we really should be at the top you fool,

You rarely keep me amused,

And I feel I'm being used,

Oh Danny couldn't you have tried, any more?

We never win away from home,

And you've only found one decent loan,

You stole my team, and that's what really hurts,

The failure in, the promotion race,

Really is a disgrace,

And in my eyes you're responsible for everything,

Your team selections really are jokes,

Was putting Clisty on the wing a hoax?

Oh Danny couldn't you have tried, any more?

We never win away from home,

And you've only found one decent loan,

You stole my team and that's a pain I can do without.

Catchy huh? :rolleyes:

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With regards to Edsons comments above,

Whilst Clist is not a right winger, neither is Christian Roberts, which is why i am certain that are loan signing (if it happens) is going to be a winger,

Why does Danny have to bring on Christian and Leroy to Motivate the team ?? surely the team should have been motivated from the start, I would blame the players that started for not being up for it, their is only so much a manager can do to motivate, if the players dont want to play the manager will get the blame anyway,

As for the playing football and start s####ping  - i completel;y agree with DW comments at the start of the season everyone moaned about having Tommy and Joe in Midfield and s####ping for the 3 points, now we play with a very attacking midfield then everyone alls for wilsons head because we lose a cup tie.

I believe that Danny will get it right, we have one of the best defence's in the league we are in a good position to make our move for promotion once we get the form togeather (i.e Crewe last year) and i honestly believe that DW is the man to take us forward.

Roberts isn't a right winger? Well he's fast, direct, is prepared to run at defences and cut in at goal and he can cross.

I grant you, he isn't the finished article by any stretch of the imagination. His decision-making in or around the box needs work along with other parts of his game (perhaps a run of games in the position might help with this. It's called practice). But he is more of a right winger than Simon Clist (who could be a major player for us, if used in the right position) and as such, should be given the nod.

Danny has to bring on Roberts and Lita to motivate the team because the team are human too, just like the fans. They are as prone to the "what's Wilson done that for?" feeling as we are, and we all know how hard it is to believe in the team when that mindset pervades your innermost desire to win.

Just because you're out on the pitch playing, why should your shoulders slump any less at the sight of Peacock jogging back from an offside position than those of the most ardent fan, when you know there's a player on the bench who will sprint and jostle for every ball? Why should your shoulders slump any less at the sight of Miller making way for Lita, when Peacock is being as ineffectual as he has been for more games than I care to remember?

I am not calling for his head because of one defeat in an F.A. cup tie. I don't presume for a second that he will be sacked, based on one defeat. What I was trying to put forward, was the simple fact that Wilson is telling us things we already know but is doing nothing to rectify. We knew from Saturday that Roberts' running changed the game, we knew from Saturday that Lita causes Second Division defenders nightmares and we knew from Saturday that Miller is the best forward at this club. So why does he choose not to employ the facts we can all see.

If anyone can tell me why Clist was moved to the right wing, or why Peacock has remained on the pitch instead of Miller in the last two games, and they can equate this to a rationale as to why Wilson is the man to take us forward, I'm all ears.

For my money, Wilson has lost the belief of the fans and, more worryingly, the belief of the players he sends out onto the pitch. Just because they are paid to play for Bristol City, I don't see why I should suppose they are any less baffled, disconcerted and disillusioned by his team selections and tactics than the majority of the paying fans, and why that feeling wouldn't affect their play.

Imagine yourself to be Simon Clist. After two years in the wilderness, you finally get a long overdue chance to show what you can do in the centre of midfield, alongside Tinnion and Wilkshire. In that game, you show yourself to be capable, assured and prepared to have a go at goal and, indeed, you pick up a Man Of The Match award, to boot. Two games on and, for some inexplicable reason, you are shoved out on the right wing, hopelessly out of position, with the 'support' of Carey behind you, you are promptly substituted. Does a manager worth his salt not think 'Ok, that didn't work. He's clearly better in a central three, I won't put him through that again or his fragile confidence will be shattered for good'? No, you stick him out there again, substitute him again and leave him to take the long journey home in despair. If that's man-management that will take us forward, then it's somewhat at odds with the way I think players should be handled.

We have the players at this club to win promotion. Indeed, before a ball was kicked, Wilson said he was happy with his squad and considered it to be stronger than the one from the previous season. As a man who has been in football all his life, and me a mere punter, I have to believe Wilson on that. So, if it's true, why does he now need to add to a squad that is, in his opinion, better than a squad that finished third the year before, which is now playing in a weaker division? Is it that he was wrong and didn't use the half a million pounds he was given to strengthen in the right areas? Or is it that he can't get the best out of a group of players he told us were good enough? Either way, it hardly reflects well on him and his abilities as a manager.

People say that we, as fans, don't know as much about football as a man like Wilson, who has been in the game all his life and, to an extent, that is obviously true. But football isn't rocket science, it's a simple game, which involves putting your most effective 11 players on the pitch and scoring more goals than the opposition. Wilson is doing neither at present, and unless he can turn it round quick-sharp, I suggest he admits he has reached the end of the line and walks.

Christ, this is longer than the last book I read. Congratulations to anyone who made it to here.

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Christ, this is longer than the last book I read. Congratulations to anyone who made it to here.

Well said that man. Its well worth the trawl when the content is so good.

I for one just hope that SL & company take heed.

Just knew we needed Edson back.

And it seems our hymn sheet is the same.

Football is a beautiful game & I for one believe that fan power is even more attractive. B)

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Wilson just bloody go.

I lost faith in Wilson at the Wycombe game in January, followed by the mini slump, and totall lost patience after the Wycombe abortion this season.

If you cant work it out for yourself what 5the best team is, give up your day job and pontificate on TV instead, and give us a chance at Div 1 football this side of 2010...

I thank you, in advance for listening to the supporters (allegedly!!)

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If you cant work it out for yourself what the best team is, give up your day job and pontificate on TV instead, and give us a chance at Div 1 football this side of 2010...

This is another worrying aspect to Danny Wilson's management.

Here we are, as good as halfway through the season, and our manager still doesn't know his strongest XI. Okay, there will be times when players need to be rested, are injured, or are out of form. Indeed, there may be games when a certain player may be required to do a specific job against any given team. But, I would say, the number of teams in this division who pose sufficient a threat to make us change our line-up are few and far between, and the manager should know his best team, for the vast majority of games, at this stage of the season.

Whether you are pro or anti-Wilson, the undeniable truth is, he is floundering badly. There have been wholesale changes since the start of the season, some of them for the better, some of them for the worse. That is part of how a team evolves over a season, and I fully accept that. What is worrying, is that few of the changes that have worked have been adhered to (Clist in the middle. Roberts wide or up front with Miller. Miller with anyone but Peacock), and Wilson's learning curve is not going up sharply enough.

A public show of Wilson's uncertainty is the captaincy. Passed from pillar to post, the captain's armband has been on more arms in the last five months than Lindsay Dawn Mackenzie. Surely a captain should be a mainstay of the side, someone whose name is first on the teamsheet and who will do the manager's role on the pitch.

First, we had Tommy. An odd choice, given his inability to last an hour, matched only by his inability to keep a cool head while all around are losing theirs. Should a captain not be responsible, vocal and an example to his peers? Tommy is none of those things, and this has been accentuated by his liking for twenty Benson's.

For anyone interested, Tommy Doherty, Wilson's first choice captain, can now be found huffing and puffing around on a Tuesday afternoon in the reserves. Hardly a public declaration that Wilson was right in his opinion that Tommy was the man for the job.

Step up Joe Burnell. I like Joe, he's not the most skilful player at the club, but he is a professional, works hard and makes the most of the limited footballing tools at his disposal. He's not my type of player but, if there were awards for professionalism and hard work, Joe would win an armful of them.

An odd choice of captain again though, given that he is something of a quiet man and very young. Can you really imagine him bawling Tinnion out, or telling Lee Peacock to shift his arse? No, nor can I.

This appeared an odder appointment still, when he was dropped and can now, again, be found plying his trade in the reserves, just in case you wanted to say 'Hello'.

Currently, Matty Hill is captain. Again a really likeable lad, who works his socks off for the team and, to be fair, a player who has improved since he was given the captaincy. But, bearing in mind that he has hardly been a first choice, ever present under Wilson, how long before we see Butler back in the team, with Hill dropped and turning out for the Tuesday Afternooners Ex-Captains XI?

Who should the captain be? I don't know. We have a well-paid manager who knows the team better than me, and who should be capable of giving me the answer to that question. The fact that he can't, allied to the fact that he can't tell me his best team to play alongside his captain, is a basic flaw and one that, to me, epitomises his uncertainty, his poor man-management and his flawed instinct.

Sorry to harp on and that. That'll teach those that encouraged me!

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