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Calm Down Everyone

Southport Red

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OK guys, there is clearly a lot of anger and frustration on the board following the way the season is panning out. Most of the points are entirely understandable (e.g. why Miller and not Peacock came off last night - what the hell was that about?). HOWEVER (and this is important) getting on Lansdowne's/Wilson's/The teams back is NOT going to improve matters. Simple fact is that if the Board sack Danny they will have to pay him a fortune, do you really want rid of Danny so much that you'd see him given money that could probably buy a good right winger and and goo striker?.

Let's stay behind the team and the management, not because we're happy clappy, living in a dream world or looking at theo world through rose tinted specs but simply because it is the ONLY POSITIVE THING WE CAN DO.

Fans can (and do) get managers sacked - no doubt, but fan power is a much more potent thing when applied positively. Let's get behind the team (on here as well as at games) not because we're easily satisfied, but because we're not, we're frustrated but we're City fans and we have our part to play in getting the team out of this division.

Moaning and calling for heads makes us all feel better - no doubt, but it serves no other useful purpose than that. Steve Lansdowne has shown himself to be a very good businessman and manager, I have no doubt he knows better than I what the correct course of action is and I back his judgement - as long as Steve says Danny stays I say Danny stays.

Come on guys - stop whinging, get behind the team, calling for heads does nothing other than make the moaner feel (temporarily) better. Pragmatism not emotion is need at this stage.

Sermon over - may I wish a very merry christmas to all our readers :rolleyes:

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Merry Xmas to you as well SR.

I have come on like you & posted the 'happy clappy' get behind the Manager posts before & have gradually lost patience with the support message getting thrown back in my face.

But a couple of things I do agree with you on.

1 - get behind the lads - on the pitch. Saturday will be shouting from the rafters.

2 - SL knows whats best & will take action as & when.

Lets hope that what every happens we are in the shake up come 2004.

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Guest BCFC Matt
1 - get behind the lads - on the pitch. Saturday will be shouting from the rafters.

2 - SL knows whats best & will take action as & when.

Lets hope that what every happens we are in the shake up come 2004.

I think alot of us agree with that but it is extremely frustrating!

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I am losing/have lost patience with dw over the last 3 months.I understand everyone's comments re the cost of sacking him.However we have a shed load of players out of contract at the end of the season.Contract negotiations will be starting now or very soon,not at the end of the season.If dw stays then he will be deciding who he wants to keep,if we grasp the nettle and get someone else in,at least they can decide who they want to keep instead.Big decisions need to be made,yes we can still go up this year,with the squad we've got even Ray grayden would have a shout at achieving that,but seriously i cannot see that dw is the man to see us through a div 1 campaign if we ever got there.No point putting it off,hopefully the deep pockets we know our directors have will be used to do the deed-as to be fair it was them that gave him a 3 yr deal!

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Contract negotiations will be starting now or very soon,not at the end of the season.If dw stays then he will be deciding who he wants to keep,if we grasp the nettle and get someone else in,at least they can decide who they want to keep instead.

Very good point, i hadnt thought about that, maybe SL should consider our options ASAP.

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No problem supporting the team, or the club, but I do have a problem with Wilson.

More and more fans will vote with their feet, and some would say tough, paret time supporters, but they stop coming, gates go down, and money gets tighter, and we COULD end up like the Gas, another laughing stock, with ann even ####per manager than Wilson, Greydoom.

Action this day, Mr Lansdown, please, your club expects you to do your duty (sorry for nicking Nelsons quote)

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