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The Morning After


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It's difficult to put into words exactly how I feel right now, but I'll try, either way.

First of all, last night was, in a word, disappointing. First half, or what I actually saw of it, was a shambles. We failed to get hold of the ball and get it into the right areas of the pitch. We were under relentless pressure from Barnsley, and seemed clueless how to break away and threat the opposition goal, really due to the lack of pace in the team.

All we really had to show for our efforts was a decent penalty appeal turned down and a couple of half-hearted pot shots at goal.

2nd half was an improvement, but it would've been a struggle to play too much worse, and this was mainly down to the introduction of Christian Roberts, adding more urgency down the right flank, coming on for the clueless Simon Clist, being stupidly played out of position. Lee Miller got into a couple of useful positions before ludicrously being substituted for a lively Leroy Lita, while the useless and ineffective Lee Peacock continued to struggle on upfront.

When Peacock finally did touch the ball, he provided a neat ball for Christian Roberts who slotted home comfortably, giving City a rather undeserved lifeline. Few more chances came while gaps began to open up, Christian Roberts blasted high and wide when a cross/shot hit low would've been more than sufficient. Leroy Lita was unlucky to see his header cleared off the line, and apart from the occasional decent delivery into the box we offered little. Barnsley had done the job and held on without too much hassle.

A lack of fight and passion was clear, but a lack of pace cost us dearly as we failed to cause Barnsley enough problems to do a job, and where we have been quite direct in recent weeks, we were far from it last night.

Match Ratings:

Phillips - 7 - Made 2 good saves, and looked sound. Kicking atrocious at times though.

Carey - 4/5 - Abysmal, couldn't be bothered to pick up his man and chase when the clock was ticking, and looked as though he really couldn't give a toss.

Coles - 4/5 - All over the place, turned inside out by Betsy at times.

Hill - 6 - One of the better performers, but nothing more than steady.

Woodman - 6 - Did ok, needs to overlap and hit the by-line before crossing on occasions though.

Clist - 5 - Well he isn't a right-winger, is he?

Wilkshire - 6/7 - Played quite well and was the most physical out of our midfield, but not a shade on recent performances.

Tinnion - 5 - Passing was all over the place, didn't look particularly interested.

Brown - 6 Ineffective and failed to run at Barnsley when we needed an injection of pace.

Miller - 6/7 - held the ball up well and did well to get involved with poor service.

Peacock - 4 - Wilson's love child ineffective and anonymous again. Service was poor, but so was Peacock.

Ok, so that's last night's match in not so many words.

Now, onto the clown that poses as first team manager of Bristol City Football Club, also known as Danny Wilson. Firstly I'll question last night's calamities, before venting my feeling's towards the idiot.

First of all, Simon Clist on the right wing. I do not see the point in leaving a player out of first team football for two years, only to dent what little confidence he must already have by playing him in a position which he has never played before, only for him to play poorly as a result and get substituted every game, through little fault of his own.

At the moment, Lee Peacock does not even merit a place in the first 16, yet Wilson brings off a player who is currently looking more like scoring, and actually doing just that, rather than bringing off a player who hasn't scored in God knows how long. Once again, Peacock was ineffective and failed to get involved, his first touch was at times poor and by the end Leroy Lita was left to challenge for almost every long aimless punt up the field acting as target man rather than his more experienced 6ft strike partner, who simply couldn't be arsed to get into these positions.

In a game we needed pace and flair to hit Barnsley on the counter attack, we were given an out of position right winger, an inconsistent left winger, a front man who fails to look interested or link up with any other striker at the club, and Lee Miller.

Danny Wilson is one of the best backed managers in the division, the board make transfer funds available, he has an academy at his disposal, yet resorts to consistently playing players out of position, using systems which clearly do not suit the personnel available, and then fails to change it before it's too late, despite all the fans pointing out our downfalls literally months before.

His refusal to alter the clearly incapable partnership of Doherty and Burnell for long periods were pathetic, the way in which he has treated such players like Roberts (Bringing in the useless Craig Fagen when Roberts was our top scoring striker, as well as playing Rosenior upfront ahead of him) and Simon Clist (Leaving him out for 2 years, and then bringing him in out of position completely pointlessly) is disappointing, and his failure to put his hands up and admit mistakes rather than making poor excuses and/or blaming his players for his own mistakes is cowardly.

And to cap all that off, last night he's basically criticised his players for trying to play football. Well I've got a question for the stubborn prat; what exactly are you hoping to achieve at this football club and how an earth do you intend getting us there?

Because from where I'm sitting, Danny Wilson, you are the weakest link; Good-bye.

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Excellent post, just wish we could put these points to wilson and hear his defence, would be very interested to see what he would say.

I thought it was interesting to see that the two players whom fans at the game credited most with reviving our fortunes (slightly) after the break - Leroy and Robbo - were honoured to find themselves singled out (along with the out of position Simon Clist) for criticism by Danny after the match.

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Leroy and Robbo - were honoured to find themselves singled out (along with the out of position Simon Clist) for criticism by Danny after the match.

What did Wilson say? I turned the radio off when the final whistle blew :rolleyes:

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Not a word about Peacock, no doubt Wilson thought it was another faultless display. I've been ranting about Wilson's obcession with playing Peacock since Notts County last season, I really can't waste my breath anymore :rolleyes:

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I'm not a fan of peacock who is draining our wages i agree to let him go we have miller lita some people wont like this by matthews who i think will be good when fully fit and roberts

i dont understand the obsession he has with peacock but i think it has to be sorted out

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Good post Godzilla. I don't know why Wilson is infatuated with Peacock at the expense of 'real talent' in the squad. All last season Peacock was a crock of sh** and i was one of those who continually asked for Lita to be included in a starting line-up. God knows how many times myself and others would chant Lita's name to try to urge Danny to bring him on. From where we left off last season we should be 20 points clear at the top of this godforesaken league and i can't wait to come back home so that Danny once again will hear the wrath of Taffy belting out in his ears. I know it's only halfway through the season but i do not think that we will make the play-offs if we continue to be mis-managed by somebody who thinks that he is bigger than the team.

Danny, ##** what you think is best for the club and start listening to the fans, because ultimately we can make it very hard for you to remain in charge at this club. I'll be prepared to give you the next 5 games to prove that you've got what it takes before the wrath of the fans begins. oh and don't forget that the pro-wilson brigade on this forum are only a tiny minority of those who turn up week in week out so be warned.

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<br /> I thought it was interesting to see that the two players whom fans at the game credited most with reviving our fortunes (slightly) after the break - Leroy and Robbo - were honoured to find themselves singled out (along with the out of position Simon Clist) for criticism by Danny after the match.

Yet this is typical of Wilson.

Clist, a left footed central midfielder, being played on the right wing was never going to be successful. Wilson leaves him out of the first team fold for 2 years, then when brought in plays him out of position. It's of no fault of his own that he has under-performed in a position he has never played before, and this is made even worse by the fact he has had very little first team action under his belt. As if his confidence couldn't get any lower.

As for Roberts and Lita, it's dissapointing that Wilson has once again pointed the finger at certain players, who were actually amongst our better performers, rather than holding his own hands up and admitting his own mistakes.

It's understandable why he doesn't do this, however... radio interviews can only be so long.

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