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City Fans? Some Of You Make Me Wonder....

Guest Rob_ctid

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Guest Rob_ctid

Listen to all you lot!You call your selves city fans for g-d sake!!!!!Listen you have got to stick with city through thick and thin I've never heard such people complain so much.Yes maybe the football we are playing this season is not up to our standards but that does not mean you can not support the lads.Maybe because you guys are complaining the whole time has put a complex upon themselves.When I went to the cityvsWednesday match someone was hurling abuse at Philips and a guy in the crowd was telling him to stop it as it damages their morale for the second half which obviously it does.A second later you see the guy that was hurling abuse at philips going to punch the other guy.If city fans can't stick together and stay united and boost the morale to try and gain promotion, who can!



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But thats the point!

We fans can't get the team promoted on support alone and with Wilson picking unfathomable teams week after week the fans resolve is wearing very thin.

Are we just supposed to stand by and watch another fruitless season go by?

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Listen to all you lot!You call your selves city fans for g-d sake

Erm, the majority of this board are City Supporters, always have been, and always will be. Just because some aren't happy at certain things within the club, it doesn't mean that it makes you any less of a supporter.

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Guest Bow_Legged_Chicken

and just because we are not happy with the manager does not mean we are all going to boycott the game and not go!!

I for one will always support city no matter waht prem or dr martins western divsion 9!

Just because i say i want wilson out does not mean i dont support the boys!

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Guest Rob_ctid

I know the majority are die hard city fans just like myself and i know that everyone is entitled to their opinions but some of the replies have blown it out of proportion...e.g i did not say that we can get the lads up to div 1 but we can help them. I've always thought that the home support has a lot to be desired compared to how we are at away games.I'm honestly not having a go but we need to give a bit more to the lads especially at home.I see none of you complained about the punch up between two city fans but decided to complain about different aspects of my statement towards you.

The bottom line is..... WE ALL WANT THE SAME THING, even though we have all bare witness to the horrific displays recently but i still feel that danny is man for the job.

If none of you agree with that then ok have a go at me if you think you're hard enough :P jokes but seriously.............


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Listen to all you lot!You call your selves city fans for g-d sake!!!!!Listen you have got to stick with city through thick and thin I've never heard such people complain so much.Yes maybe the football we are playing this season is not up to our standards but that does not mean you can not support the lads.Maybe because you guys are complaining the whole time has put a complex upon themselves.When I went to the cityvsWednesday match someone was hurling abuse at Philips and a guy in the crowd was telling him to stop it as it damages their morale for the second half which obviously it does.A second later you see the guy that was hurling abuse at philips going to punch the other guy.If city fans can't stick together and stay united and boost the morale to try and gain promotion, who can!



Bottom line is we have a joke of a manager in charge who has amazed us all this season with unbelievable team formations, Stevie Wonder tactics, substitutions at bizarre times with no benefit to the team and forgetting the squad number of Peacock when it's time he left the pitch, mistaken it for Roberts or Miller everytime.

I think you are looking in the wrong direction when your title says City fans? Some of you make me wonder..

Try looking at what Wilson has done to this club since taking charge, i think you'll find we are still in the same division after he has spent an incredible amount of money yet still we are no closer to promotion, i feel i have every right to say he's a bad manager for Bristol City, my support for the club never dies regardless who's manager.

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Guest SuttonRed

I applaude your centiment Glos boy but you must also understand that fans have a variety of opinions and should be allowed to express them.

Comparisons with A Dicks are irrelevant what next "it took A Ferguson 5 years to win anything". The point is we are still s####ping around in division 2. Wilson has had ample time and money to get us promoted, hasn't, and doesn't look like doing it either.

We all pay our money and are therefore allowed to take our choice. I want Wilson to leave but it's probably not going to happen but that still doesn't negate what anyone says. It also doesn't mean that we don't back the team. Dont mistake healthy debate on either side with lack of support. I'm sure every single one of us want city i division 1.

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<br /> But thats the point!

We fans can't get the team promoted on support alone and with Wilson picking unfathomable teams week after week the fans resolve is wearing very thin.

Are we just supposed to stand by and watch another fruitless season go by?



Charlatans/Immitators are operating in this area.

Does Robbored know somebody is posting using his username? ;)

they may even be using his PC? It's all very worrying B) :rolleyes:



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Listen to all you lot!You call your selves city fans for g-d sake!!!!!Listen you have got to stick with city through thick and thin I've never heard such people complain so much.Yes maybe the football we are playing this season is not up to our standards but that does not mean you can not support the lads.Maybe because you guys are complaining the whole time has put a complex upon themselves.When I went to the cityvsWednesday match someone was hurling abuse at Philips and a guy in the crowd was telling him to stop it as it damages their morale for the second half which obviously it does.A second later you see the guy that was hurling abuse at philips going to punch the other guy.If city fans can't stick together and stay united and boost the morale to try and gain promotion, who can!



thank you someone who agrees

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I see none of you complained about the punch up between two city fans but decided to complain about different aspects of my statement towards you.

Rob_CTID are you talking about the punch between the 2 City fans in the Ateyo after the Luton game?

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Comparisons with A Dicks are irrelevant what next "it took A Ferguson 5 years to win anything". The point is we are still s####ping around in division 2.

Why are comparisons with Dicks and Ferguson irrelevant? Both achieved success at their respective clubs after periods where results weren't going their way and they could've been sacked. I see more similarities than differences.

On another note - where is the shed-load of money that Wilson has spent? You can't include this season's until the season is over - we have neither gained nor lost promotion yet this season.


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City since 77, and I dont need lecturing about supporting the Reds, a lot of people dumped em around the early 80's and have come back.

this team is currently drifting, and this is down to Wilsons Blunderland. All of us who have had enough care bout City so much we know we can be better, what we need is a manager who can make it better. The happy clappys are sticking with this loser, I,and many others want is a manager who can manage and lead, our old mate Wonder-son plainly cant, and its time for a change, before every thing impldes, fans arguing, board and players falling out.

For those who think Wonder-son is super etc, think on back to Wednesday, in his last months, recognise a few common problems, cos it sure looks the same to me. doc might even do a Paulo De Canio, on a ref! Frustrated, he might well be, but most of us are too!!

Wonder-son, GO NOW, thanks for your past efforts, but you are the weakest link, GOODBYE!!

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