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Got To Drop Peacock


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Peacock has scored 1 goal in the last 13 games and none in the last 8 games and our manager sees him as his no1 striker!

Surely even the blinkered Wilson can see that Peacock is desperately out of form and shouldn't be in the starting 11.

With stats like the ones above it just shows how incapable Peacock is of forming a partnership with Miller or Roberts and getting into goal scoring positions.I seriously can't recall the last time that Peacock had a shot on goal or forced the keeper into a save.Lita had a header cleared of the line seconds after coming on at B'sley.

Surely Wilson has to drop him.(Peacock that is!!)

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Guest Bootylicious

Shocking statistics from our supposed 'best striker' at the club.

I cannot see DW dropping LP though. He wont even sub him when he's having a stinker, for gawds sake!

Got to be either LM with CR/LL vs Stockport.

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Oh give it a rest please. Is there any need to start a new topic when there is about twenty on here about what Wilson should or should not do.... It's so tiresome  :Sleep12:

Isn't that what a forum is for? to promote opinions and debate with others?

Or are you suggesting that we all should all post meaningless threads about "what songs shall we sing" or "where do you sit at AG?" - now those are really tiresome!

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Guest Bootylicious
<br /> Isn't that what a forum is for? to promote opinions and debate with others?

Indeed, Robbored.

I think she is trying to say it has been discussed rather alot already though?

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<br /> Isn't that what a forum is for? to promote opinions and debate with others?

Or are you suggesting that we all should all post meaningless threads about "what songs shall we sing" or "where do you sit at AG?" - now those are really tiresome!

I do believe we were being bombarded with those pointless posts almost a month ago which started a debate about Under 18's i do believe by yourself and since then there has been very few.

I was just simply stating there has been many posts about Wilson and Peacock since Barnsley and just dont see it necessary for everyone to start a new one just to state their oppinion.

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  • Admin
<br /> I do believe we were being bombarded with those pointless posts almost a month ago which started a debate about Under 18's i do believe by yourself and since then there has been very few.

I was just simply stating there has been many posts about Wilson and Peacock since Barnsley and just dont see it necessary for everyone to start a new one just to state their oppinion.

This is approaching it from a different angle though. Just a suggestion but if the player concerned wasn't your favourite player would you care so much? :rolleyes:

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<br /> This is approaching it from a different angle though. Just a suggestion but if the player concerned wasn't your favourite player would you care so much? :rolleyes:

Yes, i wouldnt care who it was. There is no need to start a new topic just express a different view when there is loads already all expressing different oppinions. Why not add on to one of those :Confused13:

Oh and another thing that is tiresome is me being singled out everytime i happen to post something on a thread concerning Mr Peacock. :Sleep12:

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

I fail to see how anyone can have confidence in Peacock.

We look so much more lively upfront when he's not playing, and seem to score more goals.

Give me Miller and Roberts anyday

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<br /> But a superb defence splitting pass  ;) by Peacock B)  gave Roberts ;)  his goal! He also does a lot of,off the ball and lay off work, also we would be proping up the league if he hadnt scored his goals when young Miller was settling in.

Anyway I would play all 3  :clap: with Lita in reserve on the bench.

Just a opinion :rolleyes:

He also set up Miller's goal against Rushden. However, these were the only positive things of note Peacock did in either of these matches. The rest of the time he was either "hiding" or fouling a defender or being caught offside. The boy needs dropping for his own sake if no-one else's.

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  • Admin
Ok, ill shut up. I obviously cant say anything concerning Peacock without somone making a joke.

Ill say it once and i'll say it again, forum = oppinions, obviously not.

But you haven't actually stated any views about Peacock's play on this thread, all you have done is criticise people for offering their opinions of Peacock.

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<br /> But you haven't actually stated any views about Peacock's play on this thread, all you have done is criticise people for offering their opinions of Peacock.

Oh ###!!!!!!

I didnt even want to get into a deabate about Peacock, i was expressing views on something else. Ive learnt to keep my views to myself to an extent on Lee P as i know what response i get from people such as yourself Madger.

I sit here and listen to people slagging him off day in and day out and quite frankly i cant be bothered to argue anymore.

If you read my original post i wasnt moaning that he was talking about Peacock just saying is there any need to keep starting new threads just with one view on them. It proves a much more interesting read to have a 20+ post thread with solid debate on it.

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I've never rated Peacock, but he had a storming start to the season and I was beginning to change my mind.

But he has slipped back into his old ways and once again looks like a player who is comfortable about his place in the team because he knows it'll always be there - ie. complacent and lazy.

Peacock's biggest problem is that unless the ball is delivered within 10 feet of him, he doesn't even make an attempt to play it. 'running (or diving) header' is an oxymoron to him



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Well before this season i was not a Peacock fan and wondered why he was rated so highly by some, i was ridiculed for suggesting he couldn't trap or head a ball and that he was a lazy player who constantly fouls and strays offside, this season however i was eating humble pie at the start of the season, when a new Peacock started rattling them in for fun and seemed to have fire in his belly, of course i wasn't eating humble pie for long as he seems to have gone back to his old Peacock self recently, so here i am saying drop him for a few games so Roberts or Lita is given the same chance as Peacock has been given to play with Miller.

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<br /> He also set up Miller's goal against Rushden. However, these were the only positive things of note Peacock did in either of these matches. The rest of the time he was either "hiding" or fouling a defender or being caught offside. The boy needs dropping for his own sake if no-one else's.

He's got goals in fits and starts but never got his fair share of assists for a forward in all his time here; the one against R&D was only his first this season, the one against Barnsley sublime - perhaps he shuld play in midfield?!

Like many others I was impressed with his start to the season where it seemed he'd finally seen the light as to what his job is supposed to be all about. He was also doing his bit defending set pieces, on Tuesday he was one of the spectators.

But it quickly evaporated back to the ineffectuality of previous seasons - I note that he is second in the Div 2 fouls conceded table despite missing a few games (for "fouls" read "posession" or "promising situations").

So all in all, not the week-in week-out foundation stone upfront that a team needs for a promotion campaign. Let's hope Santa's loan deal brings some relief.

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Weather you like it or not people will discuss people who dont perform regularly.

Peacock is not a top striker, never has been, and has been singularly useless in the last few games, in which City have scored few goals, and he is the No 9, main striker for chrissakes. No coincidence is it. Judas was loads better than Mr Peacock. Also how come Scott was highest scorer at City? Peacock didnt exactly light up the charts, and yes I know he was injured, but is is supposedly a good striker, after all Wander-son paid 600,000 for him. Transfer list him, cos he aint going to be a D1 striker, we'll be relegated relying on him to score, cos he always starts with a bang, and goes out with a whimper. Dont agree with the robins in folks, but I sure understand why they think that way. Scotts going (and no I dont want him back either) has highlighted a problem that was always there- Peacock aint that good!!

Robbo, and Miller are far more potent at the moment or even Miller/Lita with Robbo on the wing.

Never highly rated Carey either, but his workrate if nothing else is reasonable. Poor sod also experienced our last season in D1, which would gave any defender in the world defective skills, and since Shaun retired aint had any good old heads to teach him- maybe this would be what he needs.

Each person has points about why we are indifferent at the moment, most of it is down to drifting aimlessly in a Wilson Blunderland, but some players are copping for more flak.

Personally, I think Peacock has got off lightly compared to Robbo, Joe, Doc, Phillips,Aaron, Wilks, and Miller to name a few the faithfull have turned on. These two are far more at the heart of whats wrong currently, with City. Peacock is not worth 600,000, more like 60,000, and Louis, though City through and through, is not a great player, and shouldnt be considered if we manage to get promoted (Eternal Optimism, based on ##** all sense or logic)

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