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First and foremost, this post is following on from comments from someone that the majority of people that believe Danny Wilson is under-achieving are the 'kids' of the forum, and for curiosity sake, I'd like to find out whether you believe Danny Wilson is right for this club, or whether Wilson isn't right for this club.

Please reply with your age and either:

Wilson is the right man


Wilson isn't the right man

It's important that this post isn't percieved as whether you want Danny Wilson out or not, or whether or not you support him, but whether you think he is the right man to take us forward.

I believe the majority of us have given oppinions and this subject has been discussed over and over, but it will be interesting to see what sort of percentages this comes out as, and what the age range comes out like.

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27-Wilson isnt the right man

Would like to add that the Players have my support 100%

34 - yes I think so

By the way, the players are to blame as well, dont give me this rubbish about not playing for the manager etc etc, they are professionals, perhaps if they behaved as such off the field they would play like them on it!

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33 and still not sure. Thought he was definitely the man in the summer, however, has continuously baffled me since!

I believe the team are under-performing and not helping him whatsoever. That said, if things do not improve soon, I would have to presume he cannot motivate them properly and they (like many fans) have lost faith in him.

I will wait until after the Xmas break. Then I will be firmly on one fence or the other!

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

21 - Wilson is THE man to give us the stability the board want, I suppose it doesn't mater what we say.

But I'd give him till the end of the season to at least get us playing some decent football

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By the way, the players are to blame as well, dont give me this rubbish about not playing for the manager etc etc, they are professionals, perhaps if they behaved as such off the field they would play like them on it!

Sure the players are to blame if they play poorley, but if they are being asked to play in a system that doesnt suit them or played in the worng postion i.e Simon Clist playing on the right wing, then you cannont blame players for that.

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Old enough to recall when some fans wanted to "Chuck Fred Ford From The Avon Gorge, Hallelujah" & NO, Wilson is not the right man for the job - unless, of course, the job is to keep the unobtainable fruits of promotional Tantalus dangling above the heads of the fans thus ensuring the Board never have to meet the inevitable costs of promotion.



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42 - and depends on the context. If he had 6-12 months of his contract left I would be 50/50 and see how the Holiday games panned out because nowt will happen before the New Year.

as it is with his current contract situation, and the Board got this decision woefully wrong and should fork out any compensation from their own pockets collectively, then I say tough because it ain't going to happen.

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Guest Red Sinjen

Age 30 - Wilson is most definately NOT the right man to take this club forward! I just can not see us playing Div 1 football next year with him in charge. I want him to succeed but its just is not happening!!!!!! Even if we s####ed up via the Play offs (even that seems improbable at the moment), I would still have serious reservations regarding his abilities in the higher divsion. He has had long enough and stability for the sake of it can be just as damamging as chopping and changing every five minutes. My greatest concerns are the impact that it will have on our club not to be playing its football in Div 1 next season. I must be more fussy when it comes to my footy because this divsion, the teams and their taxi load of fans has just about bored the pants of me.

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  • Admin

Irrespective of his current contract my answer is "no"

You have to ask yourself is Wilson achieving more here than he should be considering the resources available to him? The rest of the division's clubs seem to rate him the worst manager in the division given the resources available to him. There's a lot of managers working under tighter conditions that are doing a better job than Wilson.

Age - 27

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Guest poolered

Age 45 and following this lot for 30+ years I feel it alright .

Answer is a definite no he is nothing like the man for the job, he completely underachieves considering the resources at his disposal (academy , good squad, loan signings when he needs them etc), would not trust him with any money at all now after this summers disasters , rarely gets team selection right , substitutions are a joke , tactics non existent ...need i say more

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Age 45 and following this lot for 30+ years I feel it alright .

Answer is a definite no he is nothing like the man for the job, he completely underachieves considering the resources at his disposal (academy , good squad, loan signings when he needs them etc), would not trust him with any money at all now after this summers disasters , rarely gets team selection right , substitutions are a joke , tactics non existent ...need i say more

<br /> I thought the same of the Summer signings a couple of months ago, Miller was too slow and went to ground whenever he was challenged, Wilkshire was shocking on the right.

Since then and 4 viewings all away, I have completely changed my mind. Miller is now the best striker we have and is going to get a whole lot better and Wilkshire is superb in the centre.

Gentlemen I humbly apologise to you both.

Might have been more prudent to have brought in 3/4 older have the T-shirt players for the same money short term (although we probablt couldn't afford the wages) but long term these two are superb signings.

The rest of your post I have little argument other than a few proviso's Sir.

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19 - No he is not the man to take this club forward.

If I would have replied to the same question this time last year, the answer would probably have been yes. However in that time:

- He has tried to play Louis Carey in midfield

- Drop Roberts for that useless loan signing Fagan

- Send Clist to Coventry

- Bring Clist back from Coventry and play him on the right of midfield (left footed player).

- Consistently stick with a midfield pairing that was clearly not working. Any idiot could see this.

- Bring in Luke Wilkshire as a replacement for Murray (LW doesn't play out there Danny... I have nothing against LW, and I think he's a great signing, however I think that Wilson thought he was someone else..)

- Signed a three year contract

He is stubborn, predictable, and in one year has helped me to change my opinion on him completely.

I am 100% behind the team - that will NEVER change. However I think Danny's time is up.

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Guest Dolman Moaner

Age 33

No, he is not the man for the job, as someone said sometime ago (I think it was Edson or Bournemouth Red) if we get promoted it will be in spite of Danny Wilson, not because of him.

Oh and yes, I could do as good a job as him.

I think I could cope with getting paid a massive salary, having a bit of money to spend on players, one of the better squads in the division and NOT get promoted for three years.

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Age 47.

NO ABSOLUTLY NOT, had his chance blown it, I dont want to end up like Wednesday, drifting, relegated, and bust (not a joke these days- post ITV digital).

The best reason for him going is tht diabolically bad "performance" at Wycombe.

I have never seen a worse performance by a City team in 20 years than that shambles.

Lousy team selections.

Poor performances all round.

If he goes now we MIGHT manage promotion, if he dont we are doomed to at least one more year in this lousy division.

Wonder-son OUT- reminds me of Cluless too much, albeit playing some better football. Nice guy, shame about the lack of inspirational skills.

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