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You Spend Hours On This Forum

Br 1st ol

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Likewise, I am self employed and work from home.

This forum is a welcome relief from having to do what I should be doing ... ie, work. It's good to drop in here for five minutes and see what's happening. It's the on-line equivalent of popping out for a fag.

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Mine does, cos its me, but this forum could explain why my billings are down!

What is your work policy on you wasting so much time on the city forum?

Actually, you had better not answer this post...get back to work....

Are you David Brent?

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

My manager knows, and sometimes he does comment. But my job doesn't involve much work these last few months so it gives me something to do.

It may sound strange but I wish I had better things to do at work than post on here all day.

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