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There was a time when on the old forum you could ask a question like this and get 4 or 5 sensible replies with in minutes, this new forum is very poor in comparison.

There seem to be a lot less fans on this forum and the level of debate and also information suffers.

Oh well all good things must come to an end, the novelty and glory days of fans forum are over.

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I think that is comedy of the highest order the Wurzels have tribute band, that is a classic.

Of course there's a Wurzels tribute band!

A D Rice And The Wazzucks, featuring former members of the legendary anarcho-cider-punk combo Chaos UK, to be precise.

They played a seminal, showstopping set at the Ashton Court Festival a few years back, culminating in an outrageous amphetamine-stoked version of 'Drink Up Thy Zider', during which I ended up at the bottom of a huge pile of s#itfaced punters.

Which was nice :rolleyes:

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