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Severnside Stadium


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Redrow Homes have had a successful High Court challenge to a government ruling banning cars lorries from accessing the development land via Easter Compton.

Also, they have announced changes to the draft masterplan. This basically involves the following:

- The plans for the stadium have been moved North away from the villages to reduce public opposition.

- Mixed-use, retail facilities have been moved to the centre of the proposed housing development as opposed to the periphery.

- Redrow now want to build 2,000 homes instead of 1,600 previously.

- The idea of using Pilning train station as a transport link has been abandoned and now the focus is on using Severn Beach Station.

- Increased parking provision at the stadium itself to prevent over spill problems in the nearby villages.

- New traffic calming measures for the B4055 and A403.

- And basically loads more kiss-assing the locals like; new emergency evacuation plan for stadium, replacing any bridle ways etc destroyed by development, high quality bus routes and new spine road with M49.

You can call it "pie in the sky" all you want but there WILL be development on Severnside sooner or later and if permission goes ahead for the housing you can be damn sure the stadium will be on as well.

Now, in response to Steve Webb's recent survey for the Lib-Dems in Almonsbury 85% of people oppose the plans.

This revised master plan is being considered IN MARCH, so get your opinions into South Glos council immediately!

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- The idea of using Pilning train station as a transport link has been abandoned and now the focus is on using Severn Beach Station.

Too silly! Pilning is on the main line with trains from Bristol and london passing it on route to South Wales. Severn Beach is at the end of a single track branch line.

Unless of course, Network Rail intend relaying the abandoned track from Pilning to Severn Beach at a cost of £?

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You are expecting it to be obvious?

I lived in a town on the main west coast line (London - Glasgow) and to go anywhere we had to go either north 25 miles or south 14 miles before getting on the major train because it did not stop at our station!! Purely due to Virgin having to pay to stop at stations. So to go to London on the 6.50 train I would have to drive to Warrington and then over an hour after leaving my house (which was 200 yards from the station) I would pass back through my station!!

On the return trip the train would stop at my station (the tree times a day it did) but I had to stay on board to retrieve my car.

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