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Stolen Xmas Presents From Southmead Hospital


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Sorry to post off topic, but it's xmas.

My missus has just been down Woolworths and they're doing a collection in store for Southmead Hospital.

Some utter bstd has stolen all the kids' xmas presents.

Bad enough to steal presents.

Even worse to steal kids' presents.

Diabolical to steal sick kids' presents.

Please help if you can. Or if you know the git, please shop him/her in.

Happy xmas to all City fans.

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Unfortunately, nothing new in todays society. Constant problem in the BRI when i worked in A&E. Had my car broken into 3 times and the 3rd occassion was captured on CCTV by a drug addict i had only treated a few hours earlier. The biggest shame is that when they catch the scum, they are nearly always drug addicts and nine times out of ten get away with it by agreeing to go on a drug rehab course. I've always advocated that when caught, these scum go on a national database and when they attempt to seek NHS treatment, they are refused point blank regardless of their medical complaint.

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I worked in a social services Day Nursery in Bristol. One day the police came in to ask if we has seen one of our (nursery) mothers. She had stolen a huge TV from Southmead hospital, just walked out with it! What sickened me was that she was there visiting her baby son who was in hospital from smoke inhalation caused by a suspicious house fire allegedly for a fraudulent insurance claim/ rehousing claim. We were all doing double shifts at the nursery to care for her other children over Xmas and had given her clothes and food etc. UNBELIEVEABLE!

By the way they found the TV and she was made to return it, she never got done for it of course as she had so much previous that it would have meant jail. She had 5 kids and they would have had to go into care, too much for police/ social services to sort out so she was let off with another caution. I'm afraid hospitals were easy targets for many of our clients.

Just to keep it City related it was nice to see the lads spreading a little happiness there yesterday. i hope it wasn't any of their presents that got taken. :D

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

A sick thing to say? Well I kind of find it sick you lot always saying people in South Bristol are smack taking, granny robbing layabouts!

Lets face it, the scum that nicked from the hospital today won't get done if caught. Even if charged it would only go magistraight court and result in a paultry fine. Even if sent down the court could only issue a 6 month sentence maximum, and If two offences were heard at the same time and both resulted in prison the periods would be served at the same time.

It would be far better for society if the scum that have stolen these presents are FORCED into a strict drug treatment centre, then found jobs when they become clean.

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Guest brfc1883

I cannot recall anything being posted about people south of the river being 'smack taking, granny robbing layabouts' as you call it, in fact we have quite a few supporters who live south of the river.

I agree with what you are saying though, that this certainley is a sick thing to do, I think that if they EVER do get found out, they should be made to take the presents back to the hospital themselves, and apologise to the kids there. They should also serve time in Jail, and fined at least £2000 IMHO.

We cannot say that they sould go on drug programmes, because we dont know that they are drug addicts, they may be stealing for their own xmas use.

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cannot recall anything being posted about people south of the river being 'smack taking, granny robbing layabouts' as you call it, in fact we have quite a few supporters who live south of the river.

This close enough for you :D

Page 5 of today's BEP contains the article reproduced below.

100 Years of Bristol City? Did 1982 not happen?

Will they be inviting people employed by companies who went bust because BCFC1982Ltd never honoured the debts of the prvious Football Club?

As the story will "centre around the day in the life" of an 82er, will it involve theft, drug dealing, car stealing, beating up women and kids at football grounds, trashing Cardiff pubs, possibly?

Posted: Dec 18 2003, 11:58 AM

Await a comeback.....

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Guest brfc1883

As the story will "centre around the day in the life" of an 82er, will it involve theft, drug dealing, car stealing, beating up women and kids at football grounds, trashing Cardiff pubs, possibly?

As it says, a day in the life of an 82er, it does not mention 'south of the river' or south Bristol anywhere!! :P

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