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Players Hospital Visits

Guest Red Sinjen

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Guest Red Sinjen

Just read the story on the main site about the players visiting Southmead Hospital and my initial thought was fair play to them but then it got me thinking (yeah dangerous I know). Do these players just go through these motions at this time of year only or is it something that they do throughout the year. If they finish training at 2pm they must have plenty of time for it, they have plenty of time to be seen down the clubs and bars in the evenings. It does not cost them anything and is all about putting and giving something back, especially these sick kids whom for many these players are idols.

I know many will ask if go visiting sick kids/charity on my own precious time off from work. Well I think a visit from me would probably make the kids worse and working anything between 10-12 hour days does make it difficlut to find the time.

Just wondering if we are doing the players a disservice and that we never hear about these things becasue they are not reported or we never hear about these things because the players are too busy with trips to the local bookies/wine bars/designer clothes shops!!!??

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I would think that any time the players attend functions such as this would be reported in the local press.

Christmas is traditionally a time of giving and consideration for others less fortunate than ourselves. That the players have given up their time to bring some cheer to kids in hospital should be applauded.

Whether it be a publicity stunt or not and whether it is only at this time of the year is irrelevant and the more cynical among us should take it at face value, if only because some poor unfortunate lad has had his Christmas improved by a visit from his favourite player.

Well done, lads!

:Party27: :D

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