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This Rio Thing


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A lot of forum members appear to be sympathising with Rio Ferdinand and believe he has been treated very harshly - what nonsense.

Put it this way, if you are stopped for suspected drink driving by the police and refusee to give a breath test or blood test, the courts will deem you guilty of the offence irrespective of whether you had been drinking as failure to provide specimens is seen as an admission of guilt.

What nobody has said on here yet is maybe the reason why Rio 'forgot' to give a sample was the fact that maybe he had taken some illegal substances and thought that he would get a more lenient fine and ban if he pleaded ignorance. Don't assume that he was drug free - only Rio knows, but he did have the opportunity to prove whether he was or not. Irrespective of previous fines and bans handed out or not, Rio is a high profile footballer and is a very privileged member of society, so the FA needed to make an example of Rio and send out a message to any possible 'cheat' that this behaviour will not be tolerated. It's about time these prima-donnas were made aware of the impact they have on youngsters and begin to act like mature role models.

Personally i think Rio got off lightly, if he were an athlete he would have been banned for much longer and shunned by his peers and fellow professionals.

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I agree that he should have been punished but, using your analogy, how angry would you be if you refused to take the test and got put in jail for 8 months as a result and had to pay a £2500 fine when 12 months earlier an acquaintance of yours who came from a less priveledged background got away with no jailtime and £20 fine? Not only that but you also have two friends who did take the test, were found to have been over the limit considerably and as a result merely got 5 months inside and a £500 fine?

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Guest Red Sinjen
I agree that he should have been punished but, using your analogy, how angry would you be if you refused to take the test and got put in jail for 8 months as a result and had to pay a £2500 fine when 12 months earlier an acquaintance of yours who came from a less priveledged background got away with no jailtime and £20 fine? Not only that but you also have two friends who did take the test, were found to have been over the limit considerably and as a result merely got 5 months inside and a £500 fine?

The fact that the FA got it wrong on the previous cases does not then mean they have to continue to get it wrong for all subsequent cases. The chap who got off from Man City can really count himself extremely fortunate. This does not therefore mean Rio should be excused. Really he should have got 2 years as should the Man City player.

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I agree that he should have been punished but, using your analogy, how angry would you be if you refused to take the test and got put in jail for 8 months as a result and had to pay a £2500 fine when 12 months earlier an acquaintance of yours who came from a less priveledged background got away with no jailtime and £20 fine? Not only that but you also have two friends who did take the test, were found to have been over the limit considerably and as a result merely got 5 months inside and a £500 fine?

If you don't take the test then you must be prepared to suffer the consequences, regardless of what has happened to other people.

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Yeah but if your caught drink driving the police dont tell you to go to the police station in 5 hours to be tested.

Actually you can be told to go to the local police station to give a blood sample.

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Guest ziderhead2003
he should of had a lengthy ban and he got it good well done FA hope that will teach him a lesson and other footballers

I cant beleive you just said that. The ban was VERY unfair towards rio ferdinand. There have been other players which have done worse and not got bans as bad. Shocking descision by the FA. Look at Mark Bosnich. He tok cocaine and he got a 9 month ban. 1 month difference. The FA have embarresed them selves by this awful desciision. :D;):(:o:o:angry:

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He got off very lightly - his main "crime" was I am Rio Ferdinand, I play for Manure so I can do what I like. Well he can't and he should have been banned for 2 years and fined £500,000 not the pathetic amount of part of one weeks wages - the difference from the Man City guy being that he was of foreign ilk and could not speak or understand English, come to think of it, that probably applies to most footballers.

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He got off very lightly - his main "crime" was I am Rio Ferdinand, I play for Manure so I can do what I like. Well he can't and he should have been banned for 2 years and fined £500,000 not the pathetic amount of part of one weeks wages - the difference from the Man City guy being that he was of foreign ilk and could not speak or understand English, come to think of it, that probably applies to most footballers.

Agreed Sir

It was the absolute disregard for the rules that also annoyed myself.

Manure will protest loud and long as will Ericksson.

I hope that the F.A. stand firm on this and not give way to the pressure that will undoubtedly be placed on them to reduce this ban.

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Look at Mark Bosnich. He tok cocaine and he got a 9 month ban. 1 month difference.

yeah but did bosnich play football ever again no not really he messed himself up and he paid the price I'm glad he got 8 months the fine wasnt big enough 50,000 weeks wages. i think the fa should tell manchester united to stop paying him during this period

football is known as a beautiful game with people taking drugs they should be punished and HARD

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It's simple really.

He missed the drugs test.

He broke the rules.

For his 'forgetfulness', he will now suffer the consequences.

Maybe he won't be such a dope next time and remember that when asked to provide a sample, that he does so, rather than worrying about a Carpet for the floor of his house.

Did any of you guys/girls forget to go to work today? Because if you did you'd be out of a job.

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Ferdinand was not found to be taking drugs. His only crime was that he 'broke' an FA rule. The question is, did he deliberately miss the test or was it a genuine mistake?

The fact that he offered to take the test just 60 minutes later, for my money, indicates innocence. If he was full of drugs, why would he do that?

I think that point raises sufficient doubt that his actions were deliberate. And if it wasn't deliberate, it doesn't warrant an 8 month ban.

The FA should have applied the SPIRIT of the rule and not the LETTER, just as we are always telling referees to do.

The FA should have used common sense to resolve this issue far quicker than it has taken.

The FA have now, once again, shot themselves in the foot by denying England the use of one of their best defenders for Euro 2004.

The FA, in short, are fast losing the plot and the respect of most football fans.

Furthermore, I am saddened that most of the vitriol emanating from threads on this forum seems to be based solely on a dislike of Ferdinand (why?) or a hatred of everything Manchester United. Clear the red mist from your eyes and view the incident objectively.

Finally, I am puzzled as to why the FA apply a random drugs test anyway. Can someone on the forum please enlighten me as to what drugs a player can take that will actually make him a better player?

Yes, I kow there are performance-related drugs, but they merely increase stamina and reduce fatigue - generally not a great advantage for a footballer. So, apart from recreational, hallucinogenic drugs, what wonder drugs are out there that turn a 2nd division hack into a premier league player, because our lot could certainly do with some!

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