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The Facts

Lita For Congo

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Ok after a long discussion with Lucy(CityGal9), i decided to look up some of the stats of 'Mr Untouchable' Christian Roberts. I Do rate this bloke but sometimes he is treated as god on this forum. Where as Lee Peacok, our top scorer, "should be let go". I Will show you both Points of view of this argument

I Feel Roberts should be played on the wing. Today his performance was good and was a contender for MOTM undoubtable. He was showing shades of the stuff we have sorely been missing. The only thing that was missing was the goals. Peacock missed 2 clear cut chances, yet he still put away a more difficult shot. At the end of the day, despite all the misses, he did the job, because of Lee Peacock who put that chance away we took away 3 points. Yes, its a team effort but someone needs to put those chances away. Miller is an excellent player but today he couldnt do it. Peacock looked lively and to anyone who say he played poorly, what drugs was you smoking? He was a really pain in the bum today, as was Roberts, in the stockport defence during the 2nd half.

Now some people sugest Wilson should play Roberts up front? Why? Roberts is a very good example of how to create your own chances. Sadly he cant finish. He misses vital chances, sometimes it doesnt matter, but others, it would have an immense effect on our season. If Roberts had the number of goals Peacock i wouldnt bother typing this post. He IS a good player, but the point i am making is, why must everyone slate Peacock, as when you look at the stats, Peacock beats Roberts hands down.

Here are the stats of the last 1 and a half seasons. Both players had a contrast in form, Roberts had a good season last year and Peacock has had a good season, in my eyes, this Season. Looking through programmes i have come to the conclusion Roberts has started 11 games upfront. In those 11 games he has scored 1 goal which was a vital goal against Grimsby. On the wing he has played started 10 games on the wing scoring 1 goal. With 6 sub apperances, that is a total of 21 starts and 6 sub appearances. Lets forget the Sub appearances so it makes 2 goals in 21 games this season, which is a goal ration of 0.09 goals per game.

However, last season, he had much more success. In 41 starts and 14 sub apperances in all compitions he scored an impressive 17, becoming Citys 2nd top goal scorer in his 1st season, However in my view, as i have said earlier, he tended to miss alot of easy chances, including one on ones, which natural goal scorers would put away. Roberts is a raw talent, and with the right coaching could be one of Wales best products. Rumours of Liverpool sniffing around last year didnt suprise me as he is a Raw talent and could be improbved in time but he simply isnt good enough to play upfront. Saying that his goal ratio last season was 0.31. He scored one from a sub apperance against Oldham, the rest of his goals came from starts.

Going on to Lee Peacock, some accuse Lee of not trying, i dunno how you cant say that. When we are 1-0 he is back grinding out tackles, heading it out then running up from the break. He is our top scorer this year and without him, i feel we would be far worse off than we are now. Yes, his form has dipped in the last 6 games, but he still looks dangerous. His effort has to be rewarded after carrying an injury. In his BCFC career Peacocks apperances from the bench and starts is, 0.39 per game, despite many Ankle injurys.

The Transfer funds of the two players are something that people ALWAYS bring up. Yes Peacock cost us 600k but if i remeber on this VERY forum we had people saying lets sign him and i think we were chasing him for about 2 years. He was a player we were after for sometime and we got him at a price. Now at that current state of the financial climate of the fooball league we would of paid about 200k-300k. Kevin Davies went to Blackburn for 7m in the same period so it shows how little the money was valued!

I Feel i have made a good argument so discuss

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Why has noone replied to this thread :D

Today Mr Peacock answered his crictics with a great goal, I have doubted him, so have many forum members, but today I say that Peacock is god and should be the new manager and also Chief Executive of BCFC ;)

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Peacock and Miller were excellent yesterday.  The problem is that they are not getting the service either from the flanks or through the middle.


agreed, i feel 3/4 signings are needed, 2 wingers, striker and a defender. I Feel Robins would of been Ideal to start on the bench and come on, he would of also added vast expieriance and could of been made a Striker coach when he retired as it seems to me, young talent like: Roberts, M.Brown, Lita ect. doesnt have a player at the club to look up to and help them in there ways.

Something i wondered despite him being out on loan, why not give Darren Hawkins a try on the right? He is quality in Pre Season and no one has heard from him since. He could do a job, but with the pressure of the fans on his shoulder and the expectance would it be unfair for him?

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Ok after a long discussion with Lucy(CityGal9), i decided to look up some of the stats of 'Mr Untouchable' Christian Roberts. I Do rate this bloke but sometimes he is treated as god on this forum. Where as Lee Peacok, our top scorer, "should be let go". I Will show you both Points of view of this argument

I Feel Roberts should be played on the wing. Today his performance was good and was a contender for MOTM undoubtable. He was showing shades of the stuff we have sorely been missing. The only thing that was missing was the goals. Peacock missed 2 clear cut chances, yet he still put away a more difficult shot. At the end of the day, despite all the misses, he did the job, because of Lee Peacock who put that chance away we took away 3 points. Yes, its a team effort but someone needs to put those chances away. Miller is an excellent player but today he couldnt do it. Peacock looked lively and to anyone who say he played poorly, what drugs was you smoking? He was a really pain in the bum today, as was Roberts, in the stockport defence during the 2nd half.

Now some people sugest Wilson should play Roberts up front? Why? Roberts is a very good example of how to create your own chances. Sadly he cant finish. He misses vital chances, sometimes it doesnt matter, but others, it would have an immense effect on our season. If Roberts had the number of goals Peacock i wouldnt bother typing this post. He IS a good player, but the point i am making is, why must everyone slate Peacock, as when you look at the stats, Peacock beats Roberts hands down.

Here are the stats of the last 1 and a half seasons. Both players had a contrast in form, Roberts had a good season last year and Peacock has had a good season, in my eyes, this Season. Looking through programmes i have come to the conclusion Roberts has started 11 games upfront. In those 11 games he has scored 1 goal which was a vital goal against Grimsby. On the wing he has played started 10 games on the wing scoring 1 goal. With 6 sub apperances, that is a total of 21 starts and 6 sub appearances. Lets forget the Sub appearances so it makes 2 goals in 21 games this season, which is a goal ration of 0.09 goals per game.

However, last season, he had much more success. In 41 starts and 14 sub apperances in all compitions he scored an impressive 17, becoming Citys 2nd top goal scorer in his 1st season, However in my view, as i have said earlier, he tended to miss alot of easy chances, including one on ones, which natural goal scorers would put away. Roberts is a raw talent, and with the right coaching could be one of Wales best products. Rumours of Liverpool sniffing around last year didnt suprise me as he is a Raw talent and could be improbved in time but he simply isnt good enough to play upfront. Saying that his goal ratio last season was 0.31. He scored one from a sub apperance against Oldham, the rest of his goals came from starts.

Going on to Lee Peacock, some accuse Lee of not trying, i dunno how you cant say that. When we are 1-0 he is back grinding out tackles, heading it out then running up from the break. He is our top scorer this year and without him, i feel we would be far worse off than we are now. Yes, his form has dipped in the last 6 games, but he still looks dangerous. His effort has to be rewarded after carrying an injury. In his BCFC career Peacocks apperances from the bench and starts is, 0.39 per game, despite many Ankle injurys.

The Transfer funds of the two players are something that people ALWAYS bring up. Yes Peacock cost us 600k but if i remeber on this VERY forum we had people saying lets sign him and i think we were chasing him for about 2 years. He was a player we were after for sometime and we got him at a price. Now at that current state of the financial climate of the fooball league we would of paid about 200k-300k. Kevin Davies went to Blackburn for 7m in the same period so it shows how little the money was valued!

I Feel i have made a good argument so discuss

Well from a 15 year old that is a class post. Presented us with some raw facts and yes Peacock and Roberts were both excellent yesterday with Roberts using his pace to its full as i think he's been slightly lazy in the last few games.

Roberts SHOULD be on the right wing and NOT upfront. I think from yesterday DW will see that Roberts is indeed the best man for the job and not start putting players such as SIMON CLIST there. Why?????? :D

I'm suprised we havent had replies to the post from Robbored, Madger etc.... Maybe you have stunned them into silence!!! Sean, cracking post mate ;)

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The fact is 2 goals in 13 starts is simply not good enough, while Christian Roberts' longest run of consequetive games has been just 7. In recent weeks Lee Peacock has looked annonymous and ineffective at times. At the start of the season he was in fantastic form, and scoring left right and centre.

But, you pick a team and form and he's not in form yet Wilson's stuck with him for a long period when there's another strikers at the club that are worth a go.

Those that have been crying out for Roberts on the right, myself included, finally got our wish and he repaid us with an excellent direct 2nd half performance.

1 goal and an average performance from Lee Peacock doesn't change my oppinion of him yet, his form has been poor and he doesn't merit a place in the starting 11. But Wilson will persist with him no doubt, so let's hope the goal yesterday gives him renewed confidence infront of goal, and we can start seeing the Lee Peacock we were getting at the start of the season.

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£110'000 v £600'000 - I think you forgot to mention that bit

I agree Peacock had a good game yesterday, the sort of game I'd EXPECT from a £600k man. Roberts played well too.

Its Peacocks lifesyle and current incompatability to work with anyone up front that I don't like.

1 goal and he's the hero again... wooohooo!

To be honest, you no clear cut facts about his lifestyle unless you stalk him and quite frankly its nothing to do with you.

No-one said he was hero again but his goal yesterday would have been a massive confidence booster for the guy.

More of that please Lee P and hopefully we will see what your trully made of just as we did at the start of the season!!!

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£110'000 v £600'000 - I think you forgot to mention that bit

I agree Peacock had a good game yesterday, the sort of game I'd EXPECT from a £600k man. Roberts played well too.

Its Peacocks lifesyle and current incompatability to work with anyone up front that I don't like.

1 goal and he's the hero again... wooohooo!

I Did mention it......

Peacocks lifestyle eh? My Dads Brother is a personal friend of Lee Peacock, and i can assure you, now he has found himself a Girlfriend and settled with her, he has dramatically changed his lifestyle. The only time he is seen out is on a Saturday after a game. Now call me old fashioned, but i think a player has earnt going out and getting rat assed, after playing.

As you can see this thread is 'The Facts' now Peacocks life style is a myth.

1 goal and he's the hero again... wooohooo!

Yeh ok, earnt us 3 points. If he WOULDNT of scored it would of been his fault again. If he would of scored a Hatrick it would of been an OK Performance.

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<br /> ... if your love of Peacock wasn't just based on him being you favorate player and 'oh he's so lush' then they might be compelled to reply  :D

Oh grow up Tomarse please..... your like a stuck record. It's so boring.

My replies arent based on Lee Peacock being my favourite player. In mine and Sean's chat before he posted this thread i did not once mention how 'lush' he is instead talking about the positives and negatives.

I'm not ten years of age, i have a passion and love for this club just as the rest of you. I dont appreciate being spoken to like all i care about is whether Lee P looks good or is wearing the right football boots!!! :sport5:

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The fact is 2 goals in 13 starts is simply not good enough, while Christian Roberts' longest run of consequetive games has been just 7. In recent weeks Lee Peacock has looked annonymous and ineffective at times. At the start of the season he was in fantastic form, and scoring left right and centre.

But 2 in 21 from Christian Roberts is?

Those that have been crying out for Roberts on the right, myself included, finally got our wish and he repaid us with an excellent direct 2nd half performance.

Agrred, but thats not my argument, i wouldnt play him upfront as he cannot finish. I Have seen you at most away games this season yeh? Think of all those times he came on and wasted chance after chance which could of got us some valuble points.

But, you pick a team and form and he's not in form yet Wilson's stuck with him for a long period when there's another strikers at the club that are worth a go.

But he has just been recalled, the only league game he has been back before yesterday was Rushden, i never went so i cant assess his performance.

1 goal and an average performance from Lee Peacock doesn't change my oppinion of him yet, his form has been poor and he doesn't merit a place in the starting 11.

Thats fair enough then, but who else would you play in his place?

Miller would start with him anyways

Roberts cant finish a toffe apple never mind a goal opportunity

Lita is too lightweight, he gets knocked off the ball to easy

Matthews is too unfit, but maybe this loan spell at Darlington will do him good

M.Brown hasnt lived up to any of his expectations

The only way i would drop Peacock was if we got someone in

But Wilson will persist with him no doubt, so let's hope the goal yesterday gives him renewed confidence infront of goal, and we can start seeing the Lee Peacock we were getting at the start of the season.

Every Strikers Confidence is renewed with a goal and his form will rise again, i agree his form has been low, but even at the beginning of the season when everyone loved him and ticker tape parades happened when he walked in Broadmead, some people STILL slated him when he was the one scoring all our goals. Maybe his start to his season was TOO good as now all the goals have dried up people state him at every chance they get.

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..and Wednesdays eh? Perhaps you can ask your dads brother about Clayton Fortunes 21's bash then. I'll welcome you explaing that little 'story' on the forum, I really would.

But of course Peacock was the only person drinking :D

Not saying he didn't earn us the three points, after missing two easier chances..

How many 'easier chances' did the messiah miss? 3 wasnt it?

But of late he's been lackluster and basically ####. Notice how he gets recalled to the side after injury straight away yet Amankwah hasn't featured in the last two games? Danny take those bloody favortism glasses off.

Amankwaah has been injured while Carey has performed and kept him out the side, but i didnt relize Peacock was a right back. It isnt like he has had a run is it? Thats everyones argument for Roberts. Since BHA, he has been in and out. He was recalled, 'straight away' as we couldnt score. He was brought on at Blackpool and did ok, then was recalled at Barnsley in the cup.

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<br /> and vice versa Lucy...  :P

If you continue to personally slag Peacock off and myself for sticking up for him, sorry its going to have the opposite effect and I'm going to speak out more. If you learn to respect my views and actually give me some credit for backing and supporting a CITY player then maybe i can give you some credit back for yours.

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If you continue to personally slag Peacock off and myself for sticking up for him, sorry its going to have the opposite effect and I'm going to speak out more. If you learn to respect my views and actually give me some credit for backing and supporting a CITY player then maybe i can give you some credit back for yours.

Here Here

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I'm suprised we havent had replies to the post from Robbored, Madger etc.... Maybe you have stunned them into silence!!! Sean, cracking post mate  :D

Because we work for a living.

Peacock played well today but it doesn't improve the performances he gave in the previous 12 or so games.

....and while I'm briefly here (before working again) the above stats are all well and good but don't take into account the fact that Roberts' "starts" don't last as long as Peacock's "starts" as he invariably got subbed off whilst Peacock completed the match. This is particularly strange when you consider that Roberts pace could be even more deadly in the final minutes against TIRED defenders.

Pointless debate for me anyway as I don't want Roberts to replace Peacock up front I want Lita to :P

I want Roberts on the wing ;)

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In summary:

Peacock, Cost £600'000, Games 137 Goals 58 - S/R: 0.42 Cost Per Goal: £10'344

Roberts, Cost £110'000, Games 61 Goals 20 - S/R:  0.32 Cost Per Goal: £5'500

Of all the negative things that can be levelled at a player the price a club paid for him has to be the most unfair as far as I am aware the have very little to do with it. Apart from that the fact is the two players were bought from teams in different circumstances and in very different markets.

I agree that certainly up to the start of this season Peacock has appeared well over priced, in fact in his first game I turned to my mate and said "you don't get much for 600,000 these days, do you?. This season has been much better he has scored three absolute screamers and was doing particularly well up to getting injured. We are told he played with that injury before finally giving in to it, (again something he might not of done before) and has taken a little while to get back to the same sharpness.

There have even been signs that he is starting to play with team mates, setting up goals for Miller last weekend and Roberts on Tuesday and nearly a 3rd on Sat. if Roberts could have stayed onside.

he is not the greatest player we have ever had, or the worst, he's an average 2nd div player that we played over the odds for that is starting to put in the effort required to score goals at this level.

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Lucy, I'm not trying to make this debate personal, so please don't think it is.

My point is, that this post started off lambasting the fact that Roberts one way or another should not be upfront at the expense of Mr Peacock.

The simple point I would raise is Peacock has been at the club for nearly 3 seasons now, he cost £600'000 and I can rarely remember performances that reflect that price tag from previous seasons. This season he has shown glimpses of that price tag, but in my book its too little too late - its not suprising he is putting the effort in now his contract is up. Personally I believe he's playing for a contract elsewhere. 1 good perfomance in 10 games is not acceptable, 1 bad in 10 good games would be much more like it, perhaps he'll do that now, but I won't hold my breath.

Someone stated that Roberts couldn't score in a brothel, well he managed 18 goals last season, more than Peacock. He needs a goal to get going, who needed one yesterday to get going again? Roberts yes, but Lee needed one too.

Now he had a good game yesterday by all accounts, he ran his little socks off (no doubt saving enough energy for last nights antics in his favourate bars) and scored a good goal. But his efforts since returning from a somewhat self imposed injury (flu, lets not go into how he might have got it) he's been lackluster and seems a pale shadow of his early season form.

What worries me is people keep saying that Peacock has settled down, blah blah blah, well sorry if he has then the stories I hear this season of his antics, and what I've seen personally worry me to the extent of what he's been doing to 'calm down' It would be wrong of me to detail these antics - as an admin of this board and employee of Clik  - I'll just put my concerns across.

Roberts may have only got two goals in the past 13 games, but he's hardly been give a starting place consistantly. If someone would be kind enough to pull up the stats of minutes on the pitch versus goals scored then I'd expect Peacock would still win due to those 8 goals early on. Is anyone able to tell me how many points we've earnt with Roberts in the side compared to Peacock and / by amount of games to give a ratio.

My basis of believing that Miller and Roberts/Lita would do a better job up front than any Peacock/* combination are that of last seasons run when Beadle (big tall man) and Roberts (pacey) brought our best spell of the season (the 19 game unbeaten run) - The best game this season would be the Brighton game, where we scored 4 good goals from little over 5-6 chances in the entire game. The starting pair were?

Roberts subsequently got dropped for Peacock despite putting two sterling performances in Peacocks absence.

In summary:

Peacock, Cost £600'000, Games 137 Goals 58 - S/R: 0.42 Cost Per Goal: £10'344

Roberts, Cost £110'000, Games 61 Goals 20 - S/R:  0.32 Cost Per Goal: £5'500

So on that front, yup Peacok has the better strike rate, of Roberts 61 games,  27 were from the bench opposed to Peacocks 13 subsitute appearences...

And i respect that.

Arguements shouldnt be personal on here and it is bloody Christmas afterall....

Let's all be happy and try and target our 9 points over Christmas with or without Mr Peacock's help ;):D

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he's an average 2nd div player that we played over the odds for that is starting to put in the effort required to score goals at this level.

Tend to disagree with 'average 2nd div player' he would be top scorer if service was correct ect. He could s####e though a decent job in Div 1 i think. But yeh Div 2 is probably his level.

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Lee Peacock has had a not so rich vein in his form but yesterdays goal shows that it only takes 1 kick of a ball to change a game and fair play to him he has bounced back from his critics and has scored a great goal that wouldn't look out of place in a higher division, now onto Christian Roberts his best posistion is on the wing and he has to be 1 of the if not THE hardest striker of a ball at the club his shot yesterday first half was only denied a goal by a full stretched goalkeeper on the right wing he can exploit defenders don't know if anyone noticed but at times they were doing a Scott Murray and had 2 defenders marking him and that has to be a sign that he is doing something right. Roberts has real pace but his shot accuracy has to improve but hitting it hard and accurate is a skill that not many players can do and if Roberts accuracy can be improved then he may just be our right wing answer.

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Which one was Peacock? :D

The goal aside, his all round contribution left a lot to be desired. He should've been the one to make way for Lita, not Miller. I would suggest that Miller is fast becoming the top striker at the club.

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Which one was Peacock? :D

The goal aside, his all round contribution left a lot to be desired. He should've been the one to make way for Lita, not Miller. I would suggest that Miller is fast becoming the top striker at the club.

Well said. Peacock was anonymous, cumbersome and ineffective for 95% of the game. Why challenge for a ball when you can stay on the ground and elbow the defender in the ribs, conceding a needless freekick, hey Leapy?

There was one occasion yesterday that, to me, typified Lee Peacock's contribution: Matt Hill was the furthest player forward at a corner, challenging the keeper. The keeper caught the ball and waited for his players to move out. In the mean time, Matty had sprinted 70 yards to be back in position. Not only did he get back in position, he won the header from the goalkeeper's kick and launched a decent ball forward. Well, I say decent, it would have been if Mr Peacock hadn't still been lumbering back in an offside position. And to me, that is Lee Peacock. While his team mate sprints back 70 yards, wins a header and sends the ball forward, he cannot even be bothered to run 40 yards to get onside. It's just not good enough.

Yes, he scored an excellent goal yesterday and yes, we desperately needed it. But for him to be voted man of the match on the strength of another half-hearted performance where he looked exhausted after 20 minutes, is an insult to Christian Roberts who ran and ran and ran all afternoon. Okay, Roberts' decision-makiing can be frustrating around the box, but if he was occasionally given a pat on the back by his manager instead of being picked out for persoanl criticism (as he was against Barnsley, despite nearly getting us back in a game we looked out of), then we may see better things from him.

Lee Peacock is very lucky, in that his manager keeps faith in him regardless of the performances he puts in. If only Mr Wilson showed such faith in Roberts, we may see a better player as a result.

If we end up loaning in the likes of Jansen, Cureton or any such striker then, presumably, Miller will not even be in the first XI. If that happens, then Wilson is even stupider than I have given him credit for and I wouldn't blame Miller for knocking on the manager's door and asking for a transfer. Then, once Miller's gone and Peacock is still wheezing back from an offside position with his arms above his head, we can say "I see Miller scored for (insert name of club he moves to here) again. We could do with a player like that". I'll look forward to that happy day.

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I really cannot understand why Roberts is being treated so badly by DW - yesterday, when he saw the subs were coming on he was stood on the half way line below me watching desperately which numbers were being shown which shows his lack of confidence or at least the usual lack of confidence shown in him by the manager - he was having a good 2nd half and should have been buzzing not worried! Also good to see Carey and him linking well, another couple of goals and he will be our best striker again.

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I have finally been drawn to comment at last.

Peacock improve your game or no new contract. Try a dry social life and lots of fitness training etc.

Christian Roberts........ You are a God but work on that finishing.

If any of you don't like it....... stuff you, I'm in that kind of mood.

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By the comments of many in the Dolman yesterday, Roberts is fighting a battle on two fronts, trying to gain favour with Wilson and one he'll never win - against the anti-Welsh bigots who slag off his every touch, just because he is Welsh.

If these comments were shouted at one of the black players, all hell would break loose, but it seems to be OK to abuse him because of his birthplace.

To add my piece to the debate, I believe that Roberts should be given the opportunity (by a decent run of games) to fill Murrays boots.

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So what exactly does that mean, if he can't finish, but got more goals that Lee P last term? That must mean Peacock can't hit a barn door??  :D

Remember the penalty at Cambridge two seasons ago in the LDV. he hit a barn door then - but it was 2 miles from the ground, Johnny Wilkinson would have been proud.

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Peacock should be dropped, one goal suddenly dont improve him. He aint worth 600,000, and shouldnt be an automatic first choice. When he gets a goal every other match at least, I will change my opinion. We need more from our No 9. He is far too much a prima donna, for our level, cant play with Robbo, Leroy etc, you should damn well learn mate, you aint at Man City now, and are allegedly, playing for a new contract? Shades of Judas anyone, he stopped showing an intrest too

Robbo, has found a new, and I reckon, much better role, in which I think he will star, because as everyone agrees he aint able to hit much on target, and he looks a lot more dangerous playing there, and games under his belt will only improve the raw talent that is starting to show through, now.

For the Peacock lovers, dont forget Robbo, played a big part in the lead up, and yes he missed two or three too, which is why his new role is more suited to him. He has a knack of scoring crucial goals too, Baadiff last season anyone

If I had to choose between em, Bye Peacock, because he wont contribute as much in the long term to City, and thats what I care about. Peacock is being carried, and City cant afford people like him

Peacock will get nothing like what we paid for him, but we will recover our cost, when Robbo gets brought by a bigger club, as will Miller, and possibly even Leroy.

We now have a winger, but STILL need 2 strikers...to back Miller up

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Guest Cider Red Sam
<br /> Okay, Okay.. I think I've got this right now.

He' can't finsh, but he got 18 goals last season including such subline efforts as the winner at Mansfield,

...indeed scored more than Mr Peacock.

So what exactly does that mean, if he can't finish, but got more goals that Lee P last term? That must mean Peacock can't hit a barn door??  :D

Yeh, but when you consider how long Peacock was injured for last season, it sort of puts it into perspective.

Personally, I think an on form Lee Peacock is possibly the best striker in this division, or certainly one of them. The thing is he doesn't just score goals either. He holds the ball up brilliantly (when on form) and brings other players into the game well. I think 600k was a fair price for an on form Peacock.

As for Roberts, whoever said he can't finish couldn't be more right. How many times has he burst clear of the defence, only to panic and blast the ball high and wide? Too many. I think 100k is a fair price for Roberts too, and there is no way he is a striker.

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He may have scored the winning goal, but he's still not fulfiling his promise.

His overall (i.e. everything but the goal) performance on Saturday was poor. He missed 3 clear cut chances, the goal actually being the most unlikely and difficult to score.

What REALLY frustrates me is the apparent view from the bench (and indeed Peacock himself) is that he is the first choice striker.

I don't think its any coincidence our best passage of play and Saturday came through Miller and Roberts link play.

If we do acquire a striker like Cureton on loan, you can gaurantee Miller will be making way for them.

One Team

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His overall (i.e. everything but the goal) performance on Saturday was poor.  He missed 3 clear cut chances, the goal actually being the most unlikely and difficult to score.

It was 2 chances so dont exagerate but yeh its fine for Roberts to miss three as he deserves an OBE for being a nice guy and a brilliant player.

I'm SICK TO DEATH OF LAST SEASON. We are a different team this year. The fact is, Roberts CANNOT finish. He is a good winger, but he isnt a foward. Roberts is so Frustrating, he has the tools i feel to be a Foward but not now, he will break through a defence one on one with the keeper and blast it over. I Have seen this at least 7 times this season.

Schutzhund however is correct, he does have to battle the "Welsh Pr!ck" stuff at games and that is harsh. If this was saidf to Lita that person would be arrested. I Think those shouting "Welsh Pr!ck" ect. should be given a warning, not banned or thrown out just a small warning from a steward.

Roberts is a winger, not a Foward. Fullstop. Yeh you can say Peacock didnt do this and that, and all that rubbish but he got the job done, Roberts did his job in the build up. If The Chances Peacock had were given to Roberts he wouldnt of scored.

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I have got a lot of time for any player that gives 100%.

Roberts unquestionably will work his socks off.

Peacock used to, lately hasn't looked interested. Getting back onside is an example of this.

Perhaps, just perhaps they are BOTH average players and thats what we are seeing?

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  • Admin
<br /> It was 2 chances so dont exagerate but yeh its fine for Roberts to miss three as he deserves an OBE for being a nice guy and a brilliant player.

1) Free header first half - straight into keeper's arms

2) 1-on-1 second half - straight at keeper

3) Free header second half - into ground and over crossbar.

Looks like 3 to me.

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>It was 2 chances so dont exagerate but yeh its fine for Roberts to miss three as >he deserves an OBE for being a nice guy and a brilliant player.

It was 3 chances - didn't you see the highlights as well?

There was the 1-on-1 with the keeper, the header into the ground from 1 yard out and a header into the keepers hands from about 3 yards - plus the 4th chance, the goal.

Like I said, if Roberts had the support and starts Peacock had, you might have a different view.

Probably what I find most amazing of all is how split we fans are on Roberts and Peacock. Its been quite some time (Goater?) since we've had a striker the fans all think is quality.

One Team

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I have got a lot of time for any player that gives 100%.

Roberts unquestionably will work his socks off.

Peacock used to, lately hasn't looked interested. Getting back onside is an example of this.

Perhaps, just perhaps they are BOTH average players and thats what we are seeing?

Sorry but do i imagine this? When we are 1-0 or 0-0 when its one of those times where you think there going to score here, is it my imagination that without fail Peacock is ALWAYS back, and usually clears it away, then Roberts may get the ball break away and you will see Peacock galloping down the pitch only for it to be wasted or no get to the right person. Do i imagine that? As if he doesnt try then i wouldnt think he would be back, or if he was clear it then run as fast as he can down the pitch, he would possibly jog.

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Enjoyed a decent debate for once!

I have always been a fan at this level of a big 'un, and a fast 'un. I am not in a position to comment on Peacock's personal life (and think it unfair to do so), but do think he is a fairly decent 2nd division player. His strike rate has been ok this season overall. Come on; I've had to live with Nugent and Baird in my time! This is nothing personal against him, but in my view is likely to go at the end of the season. With Miller and Sicknote around, he has a lot to prove. He is by far not the worst I have paid good money to watch at the gate however.

As for Roberts. Somebody I enjoy watching. But not a forward. He has to learn to judge when to shoot and when to pass. Reminds me quite a lot of Junior Bent. Will use pace, but seems to lose it in front of goal to often. Also a greedy sod. One wonders if this latter trait is brought on a degree by wondering if he does not score, whether he will play again! Not seen it discussed on here, but was convinced his effort on Saturday was on side?

Worth remembering when we get super critical as well, how very young this side remains. Believe all we are short of is a nippy 'poacher' type natural goalscorer - but then I suppose everybody in this league could say that. Any youn Lineker's around?

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Its been quite some time (Goater?) since we've had a striker the fans all think is quality.

One Team

Goater was different class though anyone who complained about him was an idiot to be fair as he was different class, i suppose you could say Akinbiyi but some critisised him for the number he missed. If it was 3 then fair enough i couldnt remember one of the headers. I Apoligize. I Missed Soccer Sunday as they keep messing around with the start times.

My opinion is Roberts is better utilized on the wing, than a striker.

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It was 2 chances so dont exagerate

... who put that free header into the keeper's arms in the first half then?

The fact is, Roberts CANNOT finish. He is a good winger, but he isnt a foward. Roberts is so Frustrating, he has the tools i feel to be a Foward but not now, he will break through a defence one on one with the keeper and blast it over.

... he finished perfectly well for the one chalked off for offside (Leapy delaying the pass too long) ... I just wish he'd pass it into the net like that more often (like Scoot learned to do) instead, as you say, forever trying to blast it like he does.

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who put that free header into the keeper's arms in the first half then?

We have Established that.

... he finished perfectly well for the one chalked off for offside (Leapy delaying the pass too long) ... I just wish he'd pass it into the net like that more often (like Scoot learned to do) instead, as you say, forever trying to blast it like he does.

I Would agree, he only needs to place it at times but goes for power. He leans back as well so it gots high and wide, if he placed it with his head over it, he would be more frequant in scoring. But for the 100th time, i still think he is better utilized as a winger, especially at away games when we dont look too good(Bournemouth and Blackpool spring to mind) He just seemed to drift out onto the wing when we desperatley needed that something extra up front.

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Guest ziderhead2003

I couldnt be bothered to read the whole lot cause its too much. So i cant really reply with a proper message. I love you, you do know that, don't you? :D

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Guest ziderhead2003
<br /> Why did you reply then you fish monger? Just pointless.

because i wanted to get my 'number of posts' up. i Know there really wasnt much point. but i felt lyk doin it... I love you, you do know that, don't you?

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