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Percy Parrot

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Why can't some people just get used to the fact that the majority of City fans just come to watch and enjoy the game and are not particularly interested in singing?

Either that or lobby the club to provide an unreserved area for those that wish to sing to go there.

We seem to get a thread about atmosphere after every home game :D

My own opinion is - so what?

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

"or lobby the club to provide an unreserved area for those that wish to sing to go there."

We have been, usual excuses come out.

"Why can't some people just get used to the fact that the majority of City fans just come to watch and enjoy the game and are not particularly interested in singing?"

I think you'll find most people from 8 to 25 would rather be able to sing at a gme than sit there in silence.

If singers are in such a minority why do so many sing away

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Why can't some people just get used to the fact that the majority of City fans just  come to watch and enjoy the game and are not particularly interested in singing?

I have to disagree with you there mate, i recon about 30-40% of the supporters want to sing. Which is quite a lot of people considering our average home gate is over 10 thousand.

When chants are started mainly from the Ateyo end or Dolman people to far away from those areas and who want to sing may not have the courage to satnd up and join in as they will be on their own with the chant coming from quite a while away. Which is fair enough, i don't think i would stand up and sing on my own.

So how can we improve the atmosphere then?

Well, where a chant is trated and say 50 are so are singing it is then up to the fans in the row infront to sing along with the people behind them (as they will add to the volume and not stand out) then the row infront of that should join in, etc etc

If they do not join in the the song will stay with the fans who started it and will not create a better atnosphere.

When we look at the subject of atmsophere there is lots of different things behind it, and we must look at each one.

Fans may not know the words of the songs, East end etc you get the pic. But, i'm afraid there is not an awful lot we can do about it.

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Missing atmosphere = playing ######e.

Simple as really.

If you look back at when there was an atmosphere at the Gate it conincided with decent performances on the pitch, until this gets sorted, 100 topless dancers could not improve the atmosphere.

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<br /> I have to disagree with you there mate, i recon about 30-40% of the supporters want to sing. Which is quite a lot of people considering our average home gate is over 10 thousand.


According to my arithmetic, if 30-40% of fans wish to sing, that means that 60-70% of fans do not.

With reference to my original post, does that not mean that the MAJORITY do not want to sing?


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I think you'll find most people from 8 to 25 would rather be able to sing at a gme than sit there in silence.

If singers are in such a minority why do so many sing away

Another one of those 'I think you'll find' finger-in-the-air statistics?

From where do you get your figures that the majority of 8-25's want to sing? And what about the 26 - 103's - what percentage of the crowd do these represent and how many of those sing?

Also, if - as you state - 'so many fans want to sing', what is the point of this thread which was bemoaning the fact that hardly anyone sings?


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Guest WillsbridgeRed

I doubt you could prove me wrong on what I said - Although no I doubt I can find figures to prove.

The fact that noone sings is simple. Its hard to sing when there is only 2 of you surrounded by old men, children or people that don't sing.

The east end day will show what a large group can do for the Home atmosphere at Ashton

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As a middle aged supporter who attends mainly away fixtures I sing along and clap along with the majority of songs.

Noted that when I arrived 20 minutes late at Barnsley there was a deathly hush on the walk down the hill from the car park. When I got into the ground the majority were middle aged plus. 15 minutes later the coach/es arrived and the singing started immediately.

I don't sing to: England's No.1, Everywhere we go..........., The world's greatest team.

I will always sing c'mon you reds, yellow yellow (well last season anyway), BBBBBristol etc.

I remember listening to the JP commentary on Radio 5 in the home play-off game against Cardiff, the noise as he was attempting to read out the teams from C'mon You Reds at kick off was so loud and raised goose pimples. He literally was shouting into the Microphone, they went back to the studio and the link man said "What an intimidating atmosphere at Ashton Gate......................"!!

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There need to be cheap, unreserved singing areas if the atmosphere is to be brought back to Ashton Gate.

My suggestion would be that these areas are in Blocks F/G of the Dolman stand and also as close as possible to the away supporters in the Williams stand.

That would bring the atmosphere back.

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