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Would You Go To A Game On Xmas Day

Guest Neo

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Forgetting all the sacred day, everybody has the right and wants to be with family etc etc; purely hypothetical.

If City had a game at the Gate tomorrow @ 3pm; who would go?

Personally I would love it as normally i've had enough of what I find (with kids) to be a long day by the time dinner is eaten.

Would love to have that release to look forward to.

Boxing Day has always been a day (for my family anyway) to go to the local, have a steak and get bladdered, hence, I can't normally make a game that day.

So would it be a big crowd or would too many not attend for the reasons at the top? :Confused13: :Confused13: :Confused13:

By the way, Merry bloody Christmas :D

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Guest cider gliders

They always used ta play on Christmas day yers ago! We the remember

in the 1957/58 season we beat Derby County 2-1 on Christmas day at the Gate,

and we went ta Derby the next day (Boxing Day) and lost 5-2!

In they days we was never home fer Christmas!

Got us out the house though!! Ha-Ha!

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why not having a match kicking off midnight on the morning of the 25th, a la Barcelona's league game earlier on this season...

would beat Midnight mass anyway!

Now that would be class.

Just about now would be heading off to the Red n White bar for a couple via chip shop.

Instead the missus is watching the Real beckhams and i'm about to chisel the carrots so it looks like thet got teeth-marks! Can life get any sadder? :Confused13:

Actually could be worse, I could spend half my life on one of those internet forum thingys. D'oh! :D

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You wouldn`t see me there,

Bristol City Football Club have given me many highs and too many good memories to count, but if it is a choice between football and family, my wife and kids are always No 1.

Have a great xmas everyone.


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You wouldn`t see me there,

Bristol City Football Club have given me many highs and too many good memories to count, but if it is a choice between football and family, my wife and kids are always No 1.

Have a great xmas everyone.


Agreed Potbelly family comes first; always. The ONLY reason i'm not going to Brentford today.

In my case it wouldn't be about putting my family 2nd (albeit didn't make that clear with orig. post). I asked the wife shortly after reading your response what she would say if I went to watch City next Christmas Day (at home).

She replied "we'll all go provided we have opened the presents and had some food".

Bring it on I say!!

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As the Cider Gliders point out, clubs used to play on Christmas Day and have the return fixture on Boxing Day. Look through the record books and it was amazing how ofetn a team would win, say 4-1 and then lose 4-1 in the return! That sort of thing hapenened when City played Plymuff one Easter. Tony Cook in goal for the game we lost, (and he always denied stories that he was drunk that day), Bob Anderson was goalie the next day.

Getting back to the theme, I think the last year of a full fixture list on Christmas day was 1958, but so many fans reckoned it was spoiling Christmas Lunch, the practice was discontinued.

Saw some of those part timers yesterday! A load of people who we don't see any other time of time of the year turned up at our Church as it was Christmas Day!

Seasonal greetings to one and all. :D

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Guest SteveinNC
You wouldn`t see me there,

Bristol City Football Club have given me many highs and too many good memories to count, but if it is a choice between football and family, my wife and kids are always No 1.

Have a great xmas everyone.


I live in the USA, but if I was in Bristol for Christmas I would tell my American wife that watching footy on Christmas day was a British tradition :D

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I'd be there difinately!!!!!!!!!!!!

Be better i recon as long as it was a 3ish kick off prefered to a 12 kick off although i'd be there whatever time.

Like TFE said christmas is over come the afternoon and drag on too long i recon anyway. Thank god christmas comes only once a year.

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