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To Those Less Fortunate ...


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Just a quick note before Xmas dinner about those less fortunate than

ourselves ... we walked Ted the dog over the Marlborough Downs

to build an appetite then moseyed along the A4 to Manton, nr

Marlborough (1210hrs) where I'd established by phone lay the forlorn

figure of J.Boon, esq

Sure enough there in a heap by the side of the road, wheels in the

air was Jer's bike having puncture number five in this epic journey

attended to ... not just a puncture but a full scale blow-out

necessitating a new tyre! ... he carries a spare but could have dne

with a footpump.

Only time to feed him a mince pie and have Ted's picture taken with

him then to dash home and baste the turkey, all the while wondering

at the man's stoicism. Hope you got sorted OK Jer!

Hark - was that the gong for dinner? ...

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Guest Uxbridge Red

Anybody got a mob number for Jer? Free night accn in Uxbridge for the night + a beer or 2?!!!!!

Heck its Crimbo, someone give him a break?!!!! :Hmm, yeah that's really funny Tarquin.:

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Anybody got a mob number for Jer?  Free night accn in Uxbridge for the night + a beer or 2?!!!!!

I just rang him - he's now London side of the M25, just passed Uxbridge in fact. Had a long day as he had another puncture near Slough. Confident of making his accommodation for tonight but glad of a rest I expect.

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Guest Uxbridge Red

2 punctures in one day - god may be trying to say something! I'll keep a look out for Jer 2moro, probably the thinnest bloke there, but probably just as wet as us as I hear it is going to p**s it down!!


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