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Wearing My Blue Shirt With Pride!

Guest Neo

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Not wanting to open a debate on different shirts again.

Just wondered if the fans who were dead against wearing a premiership teams colours were like this as they truly felt you should only wear city colours or because most of the discussion centred around the top clubs (Man you, Arsehal, Chelski etc); i.e. glory hunting.

I received rather suprisingly a Portsmouth shirt for Xmas from my Dad. Surprising because I only mentioned when watching a sky game a couple of months ago that I thought it looked nice with the "TY" bit and suspected it was a popular shirt (I meant with people from the Portsmouth area).

The only place to purchase this shirt was Portsmouth home ground, so there was a fair bit of trouble went to in order to get for me (for starters; my old man on the net!!).

So basically, I won't obviously wear it to City games, however, I will wear it regularly elsewhere as it does look nice and a lot of thought/effort went in to the present.

I guess the real question I am asking is, is it ok to wear a shirt from a less fashionable/successful club IYO?

By the way, it was only £40 and is valid from 2003 to 2005; be lovely to think City will one day have the funding to allow its main kit to run for 2 seasons!

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Could never wear another teams shirt myself, oh apart from the red and white stripes of SAINTS.

3-0 3-0 3-0


Fancy ruining Harry's Christmas like that. ;)

You have hit on a back-up point I should add. I have no real interest in Portsmouth football whatsoever. I like them enough that I hope they survive, but that's about it. It is not a case of suddenly supporting a premiership team.

I just like the top :D

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I won apart from about 5 city shirts a Man you shirt bought from me when i was around 8 and a Barcelona shirt which i bought when i went to see the Nou Camp.

I wouldn't wear a Aresnal top or any of the big guns from the prem but wouldn't mind wearing a div 1 shirt, one which i liked and saw no hatred towards there team ie. Bardiff which doesn't eben bare a thought.

I like the portsmouth top too. Not too keen on the heart though in the middle of it.

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Wearing My Blue Shirt With Pride!

Try wearing it in the S'oton area young man!

Get your Dad to do what every other parent(including meself) has to do after Crimbo, change unwanted presents!!

How presumptious. I'm a parent of two myself.

Personally I don't consider any present unwanted and would never change one unless it didn't fit etc.

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