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So in the Butlergate scandal we now have the following list of events that have occured:

An incident occurs involving Butler and Platt.

2 days later, knowing that Butler may be out for up to 5 weeks City suddenly express interest in signing a Posh defender! Or is that Posh 'offering' us a defender to replace the injured Butler?!

Craig Ireland joins us and no-one really raises an eyebrow. Tony Butler also declares that he doesn't want to press charges. Meanwhile the ref's report to the FA still hasn't emerged.

Some days later, Posh decide to get rid of Clive Platt PERMANENTLY! Did he really want to go or was he pushed? Hmmmm

All I can say is if this was Wayne Rooney and Sol Campbell involved, we'd know a lot more about it!

Mod Edit: Possible legal issues removed

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It's an eductated guess to assume that Butler in some way upset/annoyed Clive Platt.

Depends where you were educated I guess. :D

An alternative scenario could be:

Platt and Butler have a few "handbag" sessions throughout the 1st half, which many of us saw.

Platt frustrated at the 2-0 scoreline, being tightly marked and aggrieved at the niggling, "snaps" when he thinks he can get away with it.

Butler, being an old pro, doesn't want to get involved in further investigations.

a) Because he knows that it opens up several cans of worms. (tackles could become assualt charges etc)

b) Because he doesn't want to get a reputation as the kind of player that goes running to the authorities, just because he came out on the wrong side of a niggling match.

Seeems equally valid to me.

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Surely there's no conspiracy theory or whatever. It's just 'one of those things' & Butler is big enough to let it lie. It's hardly the end of the world now is it!

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Surely there's no conspiracy theory or whatever. It's just 'one of those things' & Butler is big enough to let it lie. It's hardly the end of the world now is it!

Ahhh some sense.

Many people have been on the end of physical attacks and not bothered to press charges so don't see why there has to be an underlying reason for it.

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It's an eductated guess to assume that Butler in some way upset/annoyed Clive Platt.

Also, if Butler was innocent of any wrong doing and was sidelined from his career for 4 weeks - do you seriously think he wouldn't press charges?

This saga tells its own story in my humble opinion.

This is an extract from the Evening Post after the incident

Butler declined to comment on the details of the incident but admitted: "When I first looked in the mirror in the treatment room the mess was horrific.

"I was very fortunate because a dentist, who myself and the other players know, Dr John York, had been watching the game with his wife Sarah and he was called down to sort me out.

"He whisked me off to his practice in Bristol and did what he could before calling a specialist who deals with the more difficult cases.

"I was only given local anaesthetic and this guy ripped all eight teeth, and possibly one other, back into place. The pain was like nothing I've ever experienced.

"I stayed overnight with Mike Stowell, our goalkeeper, and came back home to Cheshire yesterday.

"I've got to see the dentist again tomorrow and I'm going to have splints and a gum-shield put in to hold the teeth firmly in place."

Butler added: "I've no idea how long I'll be out of action. The worry is the teeth could be displaced again if they're not fully welded in.

"Whether I take any personal action regarding the incident I don't know yet. At the moment all I can think about is getting fit and playing again."My mouth is horribly swollen and I'm on a diet of soup. I'll know more, I suppose, when I've seen the dentist again."

Detective Constable Tommy Alford, of Avon and Somerset Police, is the Football Liaison Officer for all City matches and was in sole charge of the fixture, which was classed as "police-free" due to its low risk for potential flashpoints off the field.

DC Alford said: "Mr Butler has intimated to me through the club that he wishes no police action to be taken at this moment although he can change his mind at a later date."As with many football stadia, there are no cameras in the tunnel area at Ashton Gate and unless Mr Butler comes forward to make an official complaint, we will not be taking any further action. I know the referee is aware of the report but whether he saw the alleged incident and includes it in his report remains to be seen."

My reading of the situation is that the door is still open for Butler to press charges or even take civil action.

However, I suspect that he will take the view that it is all part and parcel of the game and want it all to die a natural death.

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It wasn't just 'handbags' and a bit of 'niggling',

You can tell how badly injured Butler was by the way he talks about it in the EP.

No comments on us bringing in Ireland and Posh getting rid of Platt then??!! It's barely a conspiracy - its blatent what has gone on!

Mod Note: PLEASE refrain from making acusations that may have a possible libelious nature

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Guest AndrewTN

If Butler wants to let it lie then why is everyone here carping on about it?

Maybe Butler said something inappropriate to him while walking off the pitch that set him off....maybe it was something about his mum or something racial or even worse maybe he reminded him he was once almost a gashead and now maybe TB would rather shake hands and let it all go away than press charges for the sake of a few extra quid in damages that at the same time will harm his reputation?

We can think up conspiracy theories all day long but why bother? All the parties involved have clearly done the sensible thing and sat down to discuss the problem rather than sling it about in the media. Let them handle it the way they want to.

I'm sure that if the club or TB really wanted to they could push the issue but they have decided not to at this time. Also, do we really want the distraction of a court case affecting our season?

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It wasn't just 'handbags' and a bit of 'niggling',

My post clearly refers to what happened ON the pitch.

No comments on us bringing in Ireland and Posh getting rid of Platt then??!! It's barely a conspiracy - its blatent what has gone on!

That may have something to do with guilty feelings at the club or from the manager agreed. But I think we will never really know the truth, as with all good conspiracies........

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I thought it a bit curious the whole situation, and how even though it was seen by the 4th official nothing has been done via the FA. By all accounts Butler was innocent (or mostly innocent, he can't have done anything to deserve to get all his teeth knocked out). It seems that the club should pursue the incident.


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