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Fighting Talk From Tinnion


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"Tinnion:"Life is too easy for players at this club. We virtualy wipe their backsides for them. In return you want a bit of desire and some lacked it tonight. :unsure::ph34r:

I got to agree with what he says though the players have got it easy at the club. some of them need the have one hell of a good look at themselfs and think "Do i want too to improve my career or do i want to be stagnent all my life". Becuss that is what they are stagnent players at this moment in time. I would not say they are good players (Not 90% of them anyway) a few of them sure has hell could find room for improvment.

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"Tinnion:"Life is too easy for players at this club. We virtualy wipe their backsides for them. In return you want a bit of desire and some lacked it tonight.  :unsure:  :ph34r:

I got to agree with what he says though the players have got it easy at the club. some of them need the have one hell of a good look at themselfs and think "Do i want too to improve my career or do i want to be stagnent all my life". Becuss that is what they are stagnent players at this moment in time. I would not say they are good players (Not 90% of them anyway) a few of them sure has hell could find room for improvment.

I am amazed at this statement by Tinnion. Supporters with their eyes wide open have been saying this for at least 5 years, Where the hell has he been.
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Guest KingswoodRed
I am amazed at this statement by Tinnion. Supporters with their eyes wide open have been saying this for at least 5 years, Where the hell has he been.

So why have two players back that have been at other clubs for less than a year then?

What arguement is he trying to make?

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Guest redrebel

This is Tinnion's last feeble attempt to gain credibility or some last pockets of support with supporters.He has been in charge all season he is responsible for the this.He might have inherited this but his job as Manager is to sort it. Which he has clearly proved unable to do.

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Would really mean something if he named names and then dropped them.

Kin A Chesh................start with Doc, Murray, Coles, Butler, Dinning............anymore for anymore. We got rid of Robbo among others, and they want CAREY back as well...........Gypsies kiss, the players and taking, put in a sentence concerning City :@

What price Leapy, Burnell, AWOL Brown, Robbo, and Fagan coming back??

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Kin A Chesh................start with Doc, Murray, Coles, Butler, Dinning............anymore for anymore. We got rid of Robbo among others, and they want CAREY back as well...........Gypsies kiss, the players and taking, put in a sentence concerning City :@

What price Leapy, Burnell, AWOL Brown, Robbo, and Fagan coming back??

Fagan's turned out to be none too shabby actually :unsure:

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Would really mean something if he named names and then dropped them.

Have to agree, he said after Port Vale I think, that players were making his life as manager difficult and the following week he'd pick himself and 10 other players who had the desire to play for this club. He then proceeded to pick virtually the same team. So Brian, hollowed threats arent working, you will have to carry some of them out.

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Have to agree, he said after Port Vale I think, that players were making his life as manager difficult and the following week he'd pick himself and 10 other players who had the desire to play for this club. He then proceeded to pick virtually the same team. So Brian, hollowed threats arent working, you will have to carry some of them out.

If you check the lineups for the Port Vasle game, then the lineup for the Brentford game, it was VERY different actually.

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Tinnion has put himself and the club in a position where action has to be taken. What himself and Lansdown need to be wary of is that many supporters might just start showing the same level of "desire" as Coles, Doherty first half tonight, Dinning, Murray and the like. Then it's 8-9,000 crowds here we come.

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If you check the lineups for the Port Vasle game, then the lineup for the Brentford game, it was VERY different actually.

Port Vale Brentford

Phillips Phillips

Smith Smith

Butler Butler

Fortune Coles

Hill Hill

Gillespie Doherty

Orr Tinnion

Wilkshire Wilkshire

Harley Roberts

Miller Lita

Lita Murray

Roberts Heffernan

Tinnion Miller

Heffernan Woodman

Woodman Gillespie

S Brown Orr

So lets see, 5 changes, Tommy was injured at Port Vale, Roberts & Woodman benched and Murray was dropped entirely to refind form or family reasons (iirc)

The Brentford game, Coles & Doherty were fit again, Roberts came off bench to start along with Tinnion himself and Murray briught in as well.

Not mass personnel changes, more reson of fitness recalls for two of them, strange to think of Roberts and desire in same sentence :unsure:

I don't know I still call that virtually the same 16 bar Fortune and Harley.

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Port Vale      Brentford

Phillips        Phillips

Smith          Smith

Butler          Butler

Fortune        Coles

Hill            Hill

Gillespie      Doherty

Orr            Tinnion

Wilkshire      Wilkshire

Harley          Roberts

Miller          Lita

Lita            Murray

Roberts        Heffernan

Tinnion        Miller

Heffernan      Woodman

Woodman        Gillespie

S Brown        Orr

So lets see, 5 changes, Tommy was injured at Port Vale, Roberts & Woodman benched and Murray was dropped entirely to refind form or family reasons (iirc)

The Brentford game, Coles & Doherty were fit again, Roberts came off bench to start along with Tinnion himself and Murray briught in as well.

Not mass personnel changes, more reson of fitness recalls for two of them, strange to think of Roberts and desire in same sentence  :unsure:

Here's a sentence for you then.

I desire Roberts was still at Bristol City.

Speed, flair, tales of the unexpected, call it what you like, all the things we were lacking tonight and in so many games since he was sold. :ph34r:

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Guest oneforthe

I like most people am not happy tonight even if we had managed to get a draw! but without sitting on the fence to much don't you think whatever tin's is response would have been, someone would have said something against it, whatever this is it is his career and his lively hood at the end of the day.

Though i would question the fact that he has an Millen as his number two but that was his decision even though i think it was wrong and i have't seen anything to change my apinion.

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Would really mean something if he named names and then dropped them.

Well he certainly named Woodman, he tried to sell Goody, and shut out Miller and Gilly. He might start with the 30ish slowing down Bell/Butler/Murray, and find out why a young and promising Coles has turned up his toes. Take Dinning into the front office and say perform or be transfer listed. Then for whats left of the season try forming a squad for next season.

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Lets see desire among City players- That'll be the ones mentioned above.

But look at the players who have been frozen out/transfer listed/jumped ship/loaned:

Leapy, AWOL Brown, Burnell, Rouge, Robbo, Matthews, Freezer, Lee Miller, Ayinsah,& Gillespie to name the prominent ones-ALL who could and should have taken places from our over rated wannabees. All the above players had good spells, followed by poor ones warming the bench

Be interestin to see how many were forced/ decided to leave cos of the comfort zone wouldnt it

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I think Tinnion has been too quick to blame his fellow professionals. His staff watch the opposition in the run up to games, they should have realised what strengths Chesterfield possess up front and planned accordingly, not to have started with Clayton was questionable at best. If he is not satisfied with the performance of the players that HE picked, then he should sort that out in private. I am not anti Tinnion and feel that with time he will come good, however, I do not feel questioning his staff in public will achieve the desired results.

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Guest BCFCSteve

In fairness he came out and said the right things last night and if you look at his picture he looks at a loss and (I said a naughty word) off. He is trying his best to sort things out but it ain't working for him. I recon he should have stayed on the pitch all evening as well cos it didn't half give Chesterfield a boost when he left as well

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He must back up what he says with action. fine players that are not disciplined. Drop the ones that are not performing and replace them with ones that will put in 100 percente at least they will put the effort in. Will be interesting to see what happens in the run up to the hull game next weekend

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Here's a sentence for you then.

I desire Roberts was still at Bristol City.

Speed, flair, tales of the unexpected, call it what you like, all the things we were lacking tonight and in so many games since he was sold. :unsure:

Hang around, given our record of re-signing players he might be soon! :ph34r:

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"Tinnion:"Life is too easy for players at this club. We virtualy wipe their backsides for them. In return you want a bit of desire and some lacked it tonight.  :ph34r:  :grr:

I got to agree with what he says though the players have got it easy at the club. some of them need the have one hell of a good look at themselfs and think "Do i want too to improve my career or do i want to be stagnent all my life". Becuss that is what they are stagnent players at this moment in time. I would not say they are good players (Not 90% of them anyway) a few of them sure has hell could find room for improvment.

He's been happy enough for the last ten years or so having his backside wiped without a murmur of complaint.

He's been happy enough to stagnate for the last ten years playing in the comfort zone, without a murmur of complaint.

He's been guilty of the above under numerous managers.As said before: He who lives by the sword.

A worm can wriggle, but the buck stops with the manager, however inept he may be. :unsure:

Tinnion Out

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The dressing rooms a funny place. Tins has blistered the paint with some firey words, and told some players the facts of life. Thing is he has been too close to many of them over the years, and they cant handle him now yelling at them or dropping them.So they dig in their toes say F' you and just turn up in a red shirt and go through the motions. They have contracts and they know if the results don't happen, then Tins will get the shaft, then they will have a new boy to train.Bell/Butler/Murray and Tins should not be in the starting line up, let them now try from the bench. Coles/Dinning need to shape up in 2 weeks or be transfer listed, and one of those 2 is possibly on substance abuse, work it out.In summation these players, half the team have been grossly disloyal to their manager. Tins put his faith and trust in them and they basically have thumbed their nose.Thats names, and thats STRAIGHT.

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