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Which Youngster Would You Blood Now

Guest Big Si

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After all the fun and games this week, I think the time has come to start to give the next generation of youngsters a first team chance, but putting several of them in at the same time (like the start of the season) makes it difficult for the team to get results in the short term. Who would you try out now?

Realistically, It would be one of Anyinsah, Cotterill, Golbourne, Fortune (not that young anymore!), Gillespie, Harley, Loxton.

I would go for Golbourne as the long term replacement for Bell. What do you reckon? I also like the look of Anyinsah, but those two down the left at this stage could spell trouble if we are under pressure in a league game.


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It's always hard for defender to come into a struggling side and therefore wouldnt bring Golbourne in at this stage of the season.

I would like Scott Brown to be given a chance in the midfield and possibly Gillespie a couple of games, but only due to these players being offensive players where there is less pressure on them.

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I think the current senior squad got us into this mess and as such should be given the opportunity to get us out. Playing youngsters when we are getting beat is not wise as it can have a long term effect. Always best to integrate young players into a winning side. Goldbourne is a good player but is at least a year off first team level. Brown is probably the closest on current form but is competing for an area where we have the most senior pro's.

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Undoubtedly Scott Brown, I cant understand why he has'nt already been given a proper run in the side, he has the drive AND ability so sadly lacking in our midfield this season.

Brown and Gillespie should be given decent runs of at least 5 games, no dropping again if they don't shine first time out. Brown has pace, tenacity and shooting ability and would fit in well with Wilkshire in the middle.

Gillespie, well i'm biased because i've rated him since day one. He's got more of a footballing brain than the present forward incumbents and has always scored goals. Shoots on sight and will create goals too.

Both will be extremely fired up and keen to impress when they do get a chance and this could work against them initially, hence the 5 game opportunity.

Loxton looks like a young Doherty to me, (both physically, but more importantly style of play) which can't be a bad thing, and i'm surprised he may be on his last chance to impress. If so, give him that chance before the season's out, we don't want to be shedding the wrong player.

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After Hull, 4 games against lower half teams, ideal to give Brown and Gillespie a run of games to check the blend. Harley when he comes back from injury and Cotterill. All 4 are well rated by Tins, lets see how well rated. Brown, to be in on standby for Englands under 20's, has to have something going. I would play him against Hull, and not wait for the lower order games.

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I'd like to see Gillespie given a few starts, maybe instead of Lita (who in my view always plays better off the bench anyway) or maybe as an "in the hole" attacking midfileder. Not seen much of Brown (About 20 mins of an LDV tie) but looked good. I think our probs lie in the midfield (both as an attacking and defensive unit ) and that's where tinman should be looking to mix things up.

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I'd like to see Gillespie given a few starts, maybe instead of Lita (who in my view always plays better off the bench anyway) or maybe as an "in the hole" attacking midfileder.  Not seen much of Brown (About 20 mins of an LDV tie) but looked good.  I think our probs lie in the midfield (both as an attacking and defensive unit ) and that's where tinman should be looking to mix things up.

Agreed. I don't see Gilly as a Lita/Heffs type striker. More of a creative linkman/striker. With Browns speed and skill, they could add a new dimension to Citys attacking flair.Up to Tins to work on a formation to maximise their skills, but i believe we have the players to be a fine attacking unit.

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