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What An Insult


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1) What formation were we playing? The players didn't know what they were supposed to be doing and we had no coherence and no clue.

2) Why was Leroy Lita, a player who is supposedly high on confidence having scored on his debut for England U21, played wide on the left?

3) Why did we have absolutely no width or threat from either side?

4) What were those substitutions supposed to achieve?

And then to top it all off, I got an SMS from the o2 service about half an hour after full time, with a Tinnion quote saying that the team are suffering from the weight of expectation at home games.

So after Tins' bad selections (WHERE THE HELL IS WILKSHIRE?!) and completely clueless tactical decisions he then turns the blame towards the fans?

I've been siding with Tinnion all season and have been firmly in the "give him time" camp, but tonight was a key turning point for me. This was a must-win game and he failed to motivate the players and failed to show the tactical nous required to win a game of football.


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Guest jonny k

If what you say is true, any respect for Tinnion has now well and truely gone..how can he blame the fans who have given him 30 odd games to get some kind of team performance..the players are highly paid professionals for god's sake not some shy 8 year olds who feel a bit intimidated having to perform in front of 10,000 fans or so...what an insult !!! Nothing to do with poor management and no ability to motivate the team then ...???

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Yep,I am afraid I to have to subscribe to your views.

I am not a Tinnion fan & was sticking with it for the sake of BCFC.

But from what I hear & saw tonight, I really do now feel that our club is being ripped apart.

And if your Tinnion comments are correct, then it is the biggest insult I have heard.


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It's true, anytime something breaks down or a mistake is made, the crowd make such a groan. Lets face it, our fans think that we should be walking this division, and we deserve to be higher up and not playing Walsall on a Friday night.

Hardly a way to install confidence when that audible "grooooan" comes when any mistake is made.

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I think Tins has lost it as a player must of missed at least 6 tackles tonight and think took off to save hom from being sent off. Brown was taken off why? thought he was playing well and had moved to the middle and was running at players second half. Wallsall came with a plan 4-5-1 so we keep on 4 defenders to counter act there 1 forward and get overrun in midfield.

So tactical genius move from our bench take off two midfielders and bring on a forward and a midfielder and play 4-3-3. Do not think we got near ball in mifield after that. They just walked out of defence. We have a inform striker on bench and decide to replace fortune with bell madness. If we were going to lose go down fighting. bell was outpaced when he came on,murray has no confidence and not once beat there number 3. I think smith got forward more than he did. Poor heffs ws left in the hole and game passed him bye.

Where are wilkshire, and goodfellow two players who were in form and have vanished. The funniest moment was we sussed they only had one up front so stick our centre half up front who credit where credits due hit a good shoot on the bar, but were trying to play one twos with him.

Tins needs to sit down tonight and think can he improve on what is out there for we are losing fans weekly, gate was roughly 10800 with 8500 season tickets 500 walsall fans leaves less than 2000 paying customers tonight, early season 14-15 thousand, we are losing money big time now and need to do something quick.

Reckon coles is listed to try and clear some debts, for we wil be lucky to get 10 thousand next home game. 2 guys next to me who live in london are not coming next game or going to colchester had enough and cannot see where improvement is going to be. Worrying thing is if they cannot be bothered how many more will have same attitude.

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