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I say , against popular belief. Lets Back Tins but get Steve L to help him with a MENTOR. Someone to replace Millen who is a positive motivator like Terry Venebles or Sir Bobby R.

Someone who has a history of managing who knows how to get players playing as a team. with Tins allegiance he can be a positive influence for the future. Lets face it Steve has thrown him in with no formal People Management training.

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Guest hairyshamrock

He's an A licensed coach for gods sake!!! Did they get professionals to teach them how to wipe the players bums? No, but they were all doing it!

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Lets Back Tins but get Steve L to help him with a MENTOR. Someone to replace Millen who is a positive motivator like Terry Venebles or Sir Bobby R.

Someone who has a history of managing who knows how to get players playing as a team. with Tins allegiance he can be a positive influence for the future. Lets face it Steve has thrown him in with no formal People Management training.

But when this has been mooted on the Steve L forum this has been dismissed by him. He says that any decision like that is down to Tinns. The question has to be is he to proud or arrogant to take advice?

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Guest hairyshamrock

On thinking, he's backing himself... INTO A CORNER!!!!

The second problem is that its in a room on the 5th floor and he's got an open windown behind him!!! That's not a parking ticket on your windscreen Brian, its your P45 in an envelope!

Oh i'm bored with this now its like kicking a baby puppy...

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Let's be honest, if Tinnion was any other manager, he'd have been out on his arse by now for this season's performance. Just because he is, and always will be a legend as a player, doesn't give him a divine right to an extended stay of execution...

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Cinker - you are spot on, that this is whats needed,

but it won't happen because of the memory of Ward / Benny.

It would be better if Tinman (who is the right guy to lead us)grabs the ball by the horns and changes the backroom to bring in a mentor.

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