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Getting Carried Away - Too Soon?


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Difficult one - Yep great were up to 3rd & the smiles return (too many) :wub:

But while I feel that this forum has gone along way in convincing DW that many decisions he has got wrong, the fact is that we have got our 9 point haul over Xmas against teams that are at the bottom of the 'current form table'

Ok we still have to beat them & going back a couple of weeks (LW on the wing days) we could well have slipped up against teams like Brentford & Bournemouth.

But while I am not a DW hater, I still believe that the real tests are still to come as to whether tactically we can get it right against teams whose form is good ( Wrexham is next )

I was disappointed to see the SL comments in EP as to blame 'play-off blues' is shallow & deflects from the real truths of DW's tactics & selections.

So lets not get to carried away that DW has got it spot on yet, as we have real tests to come - without LW! :(

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tbh rithie its nice to read about a bit of optimisum on here, often the crowd can play a large part in a game, lifting the players, and as this wave of optimisum spreads so will it spread to the pitch.

Anyone remeber the game at swindon a few seasons back , i think we were 3 or 4 nil down and heading for a right thumping , when suddenly a chant came from the right of us and 10 bare chested city boys got the atmosphere going.

hell we nearly got a point from that game as the crowd lifted the players and suddenly we believed again.

the power of positive thought works wonders, i still remember being at gigg lane in the promtion season, first game of the season that is,in the 80's think it was 88-89 super bob equalising late in the game and the crowd all as one signing "going up" that wave of optimism followed us throughout the whole season, we were destined to go up

We are now third with all to play for, its a new year , lets roar the boys to promotion I'm May

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Tend to disagree here. Everyone is human, and when we go back to work on 5th January, we will all be thinking..######ing hell 'back to the same old grind, same old faces.(Except the majority of Roboreds forum friends, who will be going back to school :P )

There is every possibility, that having gone so close to promotion last season, the players and management had the feeling of 'after the lord mayors show' and could not raise their attitudes/effort to previous levels. Not very professional I know but we are all guilty of this.

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Th0m0, couldn't agree more & as on every occasion, we should all sing our hearts out for the lads.

Yep, off the field support breads on field success.

But we all have to have a tadge of realisum & remove the rose coloured specs now & again.

Personally I don't believe DW has done himself any favours - but having said this I really do hope that it flies full in our faces & that he takes us up.

And I also don't give a toss where he lives :(

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Face facts - City are third without playing consistantly well all season.City have also beaten both Plymouth and Brighton on their own turf and drawn at QPR and have beaten B'sley at Ashton Gate.All promotion rivals.

So far City have lost only once to a promotion rival.Colchester.

So, considering the above facts, surely we fans have to be impressed with our league position and have confidence after three back to back wins that City have finally turned the corner and the second part of this season will be all ours.

Trust me.......I know what I'm what I'm talking about.. B)

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To me, City always seem to rise the occasion and draw/win against big rivals. The weakness always seemed to be when we cranked it down a gear against lesser teams and we end up losing/drawing when we should be taking the points.

That's how Man Utd keep on winning the leagues - take the odd loss/draw against the big teams, but make sure you consistently take the points you expect to against easier games.

So the fact that we've taken 9 points from easy wins is of great heart to me...

Notts county should be interesting...

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