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Well Done

Bristol Boy

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When Lee moved on loan,I said that it was a likely win-win scenario, both for the player and the club.

After reading Whiteys thread, it looks like the Jambos new owner is prepared to stump up a few sheckles.

On that basis, it makes sense to allow Lee to go home with our best wishes, with a cheque for £325k coming back the other way for much needed team strengthening.

Good luck to the boy :D

Like I said, Win-Win :(

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The way he's playing and given that hearts have dosh.

WE should go for profit.

Personally I'd like to see him stay

I want him to stay too, for 2 reasons...

1/ He has prooved himself, I never doubted for a moment he was the player some of us thought he was. I now seriously doubt that most of the rest of the team are good enough for him though.

2/ I want him to stay as I really don't trust tinnion to spend any money he gets wisely! When he was first manager it was spend, spend, spend. He's only stopped, or been stopped, when the money ran out. I don't want him to spend anymore until he works out his business plan! Time for someone to look him in the eyes maybe? :D

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It would be great if Lee came back, but why the hell should he.

He is enjoying his football at Hearts, and showing us what he is

capable of.

What frustrates me the most is that 2 managers at City have chosen

to ignore his very obvious talent which is a disgrace in my opinion.

all the best lee.

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It would be great if Lee came back, but why the hell should he.

He is enjoying his football at Hearts, and showing us what he is

capable of.

What frustrates me the most is that 2 managers at City have chosen

to ignore his very obvious talent which is a disgrace in my opinion.

all the best lee.

Exactly, how on earth is it possible for him to play in better standard of football and shine, yet two managers in a crap league playing crap football can't see that this lad has real talent, I'm not a football manager, but give me the job as boss of City and I couldn't do any worse than these guys, and I'd do it for the wages I get now.

I could fail to get City promotion year after year - easy!

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Guest DukeCoxer

2/ I want him to stay as I really don't trust tinnion to spend any money he gets wisely! When he was first manager it was spend, spend, spend. He's only stopped, or been stopped, when the money ran out. I don't want him to spend anymore until he works out his business plan! Time for someone to look him in the eyes maybe? :D

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I want him to stay too, for 2 reasons...

1/ He has prooved himself, I never doubted for a moment he was the player some of us thought he was. I now seriously doubt that most of the rest of the team are good enough for him though.

And you have just hit the nail on the head unfortunately most of our team couldn't hit Lee's

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I want him to stay too, for 2 reasons...

1/ He has prooved himself, I never doubted for a moment he was the player some of us thought he was. I now seriously doubt that most of the rest of the team are good enough for him though.

That's a bit strong but you could be right about Bell & Orr :D

2/ I want him to stay as I really don't trust tinnion to spend any money he gets wisely! When he was first manager it was spend, spend, spend. He's only stopped, or been stopped, when the money ran out. I don't want him to spend anymore until he works out his business plan! Time for someone to look him in the eyes maybe? :(

In fairness to Tinnion, I think the players he's bought, or declared an interest in, have all been OK with the possible exception of Dinning who fooled a lot of us, but could still come good as the defensive midfield anchor (yes, anchor :( ) of a 3-5-2.

Orr is young and could/will improve and wasn't on big money.

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It would be great if Lee came back, but why the hell should he.

He is enjoying his football at Hearts, and showing us what he is

capable of.

What frustrates me the most is that 2 managers at City have chosen

to ignore his very obvious talent which is a disgrace in my opinion.

all the best lee.

Well said, he has never had the chance here to show how good he really is. I VERY much doubt if he would really WANT to come back to us , and who can blame him :D . I bet theres a few of the Miller moaners on here who are lost for a few words at the moment. We will rue the day we let him go to Hearts i'm sure. :( .

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In fairness to Tinnion, I think the players he's bought, or declared an interest in, have all been OK with the possible exception of Dinning who fooled a lot of us, but could still come good as the defensive midfield anchor (yes, anchor :laugh: ) of a 3-5-2.

Orr is young and could/will improve and wasn't on big money.

Maybe that's it, they have been 'ok'. I don't want 'ok', I want talent, potential, excitement, entertainment, skill....I want more than 'ok' :laugh:

Using Miller as an example, to keep on topic of this thread. I thought by buying him we showed ambition. We fought off a few other clubs who wanted him, Wigan for example, and everton were also watching him. He was/is more than your average 'ok' player. The club was heading the right way, preparing for promotion.

Tinnion seems to enjoy spending money, and they say it's us females who do that! I just don't trust him with a wad of money at the moment, panic buying. He isn't in the right frame of mind, it seems. I don't think he knows what area needs strengthening or what his best formation/team is. He is recalling or not extending players we have loaned out and not playing them, and then talking about us loaning in players??? :(

Orr I like, hasn't played well lately but before has shown potential, if a bit raw.

Dinning, have we got the recept? Can we take him back and get a refund?

Ireland, not sure if he just happened to be 'gifted' to us after the Butler v Platt incident, ie not sure how much tinnion had to do with 'finding' him.

Brooker. Not sure about him really. A typical 3rd division lump of a player. Not in the same class as Miller, but a player who offers a physical presence which May help us get out of this division one day.A good buy, looked better playing for Port Vale? :(

Heffernan. Rarely seen, sadly. Although if you buy a player who has scored so well in this division last year, in a relegated team, there's no reason he won't do the same for you this year is there? I think it helps if he actually gets played though. :D

And of course his big discovery, Lita. Of course I am happy he has been given the chance. I just feel some other players could equally do with a bit more attention and confidence boosting. Tinnion has just got that little bit too obsessed with Lita to the detriment of others. Could this be causing some friction???

As for my sig, Miller and orr I've explained. Mickey Bell has always been my favourite for years :laugh: A bit of a family joke. I don't think he has too many games left in him though, but I'm glad the game he was stretchered off wasn't his last.

Go on, what the heck slate me! :P

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I don't rate Orr as a midfield player, good engine but not enough other plusses. Certainly not the box to box player with goals in him that i anticipated. Could do worse than concentrate on developing him as a defender.

Miller i do rate. Instead of unloading him we should be scouring the divisions for creative midfielders/wingers who can actually cross the ball, which so far he's never had here. Then lets see what he can do when with his feet and head in the danger area. Quite a bit i reckon.

Lita has taken his chance but undoubtedly to the detriment of others. Tinman's unwillingness to rest him on several occasions earlier in the season is partly why he finds himself in the position he does now. Plenty of players have suffered for "not wanting to dent his confidence". What about Heffernan's confidence, Gillespie,s, Millers even?

Tinman said he always intended to play Leroy this year and a few games ago that he had never considered resting him. Why not? Is he that more effective than the others? I don't think so, certainly not in the last 3 months. Heffernan's season's total, for one, would have equalled Leroy's, i've no doubt about that at all.

Can't have been good for squad morale and will probably lead to several of our other strikers wanting to go. They may well not want to be Div.3 reserves for another season. When they have no doubt the offer will come in for Leroy, he'll go and we'll all rue the day we once had 6 good strikers and only really played 2 of them.

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Red M .....Your idol Bell is 2 years past being effective and at 34 should retire or drop down a division. He tries but its just not there.....go ! Miller is a ball player, not a 3rd division bash and barge player. His skills will never work here, but will work in the SPL, its about different styles. This has been covered by countless posts in recent months. This is a forum and we have different points of view on show, we do however disagree on these points.

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Guest Cidergal
When Lee moved on loan,I said that it was a likely win-win scenario, both for the player and the club.

After reading Whiteys thread, it looks like the Jambos new owner is prepared to stump up a few sheckles.

On that basis, it makes sense to allow Lee to go home with our best wishes, with a cheque for £325k coming back the other way for much needed team strengthening.

Good luck to the boy :D

Like I said, Win-Win :(

Seems strange that we are going to receive more than 3 times the amount for Lee - a guy who hasn't shown anywhere near his true potential than we got for Matty Hill - a really talented defender who got better every week.

Not that I'm complaining - Thank you very much.

Good luck Lee... And you are right BB - win win situation!

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Guest monster red
He is enjoying his football at Hearts, and showing us what he is

capable of.

Probably say's more about the state of Scottish football than it does about Lee Millers abillity :D

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Seems strange that we are going to receive more than 3 times the amount for Lee - a guy who hasn't shown anywhere near his true potential than we got for Matty Hill - a really talented defender who got better every week.

Not that I'm complaining - Thank you very much.

Good luck Lee... And you are right BB - win win situation!

How do you know what we are going to get for Miller? How do you know that we are going to get anything at all? What if he stops "playing for a contract" (which is clearly what he's doing at the moment) and Hearts change their mind about him? Don't get me wrong, I don't want him back (because he has had his chances at City and has shown that he is no use to us at all), but I don't think we should assume that we are going to receive big money for him.

Personally, I'd settle for somewhere between £150k and £200k, with a possible bonus for us if he plays for Scotland in future.

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Maybe that's it, they have been 'ok'. I don't want 'ok', I want talent, potential, excitement, entertainment, skill....I want more than 'ok' :laugh:

Then you probably don't want Div One!

Using Miller as an example, to keep on topic of this thread. I thought by buying him we showed ambition. We fought off a few other clubs who wanted him, Wigan for example, and everton were also watching him. He was/is more than your average 'ok' player. The club was heading the right way, preparing for promotion.

Yes, but it didn't work out and two managers wouldn't select him including the one that bought him for £325k!

Tinnion seems to enjoy spending money, and they say it's us females who do that! I just don't trust him with a wad of money at the moment, panic buying. He isn't in the right frame of mind, it seems.

He's only going for loans and with the 12 players he's shipped out plus 5 on loan, I think he's more than made room.

I don't think he knows what area needs strengthening or what his best formation/team is.

Now, you could be right there :(

He is recalling or not extending players we have loaned out and not playing them, and then talking about us loaning in players??? :D

Ah, Goodfellow & Anyinsah the curse of the left wing.

Orr I like, hasn't played well lately but before has shown potential, if a bit raw.

What was that about you didn't want OK? On what I've seen, Orr falls exactly into that category

Dinning, have we got the recept? Can we take him back and get a refund?

No, but there's always the loan market :laugh:

Ireland, not sure if he just happened to be 'gifted' to us after the Butler v Platt incident, ie not sure how much tinnion had to do with 'finding' him.

The point is, he's a good player and if you're going to knock Tins for Dinning you have to givem him credit for Ireland.

Brooker. Not sure about him really. A typical 3rd division lump of a player.

Sorry he's better than that and 14 League Goals season to date, in a team placed tenth, proves it!

Not in the same class as Miller,

Who scored 8 in 30+ with one assist :(

Heffernan. Rarely seen, sadly.

Done OK, but when you have four smaller strikers and one target man, that's going to happen, even after we sold Roberts.

And of course his big discovery, Lita. Of course I am happy he has been given the chance. I just feel some other players could equally do with a bit more attention and confidence boosting. Tinnion has just got that little bit too obsessed with Lita to the detriment of others. Could this be causing some friction???

With 20+ Goals? No.

Comparing BT's signings to Wilson who was experienced, done it before, etc, I prefer Tinnions.

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Guest matts99
It would be great if Lee came back, but why the hell should he.

He is enjoying his football at Hearts, and showing us what he is

capable of.

What frustrates me the most is that 2 managers at City have chosen

to ignore his very obvious talent which is a disgrace in my opinion.

all the best lee.

While I agree Lee Miller has potential I wonder why nobody feels he has any accountability for his failure to be sucessful at City. Surely the management can't be entirely to blame, and having played under two managers and numerous coaches they can't all have got it wrong with him. Would love to see the guy back scoring goals in a City shirt, but feel he needs to look at why he hasn't taken the chances that have been given to him when others have. Very easy to put all the blame on the management, but I feel the player has some responsibility as well.

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Guest Cidergal
How do you know what we are going to get for Miller? How do you know that we are going to get anything at all? What if he stops "playing for a contract" (which is clearly what he's doing at the moment) and Hearts change their mind about him? Don't get me wrong, I don't want him back (because he has had his chances at City and has shown that he is no use to us at all), but I don't think we should assume that we are going to receive big money for him.

Personally, I'd settle for somewhere between £150k and £200k, with a possible bonus for us if he plays for Scotland in future.

Bristol Boy mentioned 325K price tag which is also the sort of money the Hearts fans on here have been mentioning. I would certainly take 200K for him - most guys that have produced (or rather not produced) what Lee has for us would go for free.

However, it seems that with Hearts new chairman and Lee's form for them, that we may well get big money for him. Hearts have openly stated that they want to keep him and judging by Granny Joy's last post, it seems Lee is definately on his way out.

I wouldn't be disappointed with less that 300k - though I don't see any reason why we shouldn't expect this kind of money - considering the circumstances.

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