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The Final Lee Miller Thread (hopefully)

Guest Grannyjoy

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Guest Grannyjoy

Getting fed up with Lee Miller threads - ME TOO

Opinions are one of the few things today, that we can all our own, and my following comments are just that - my own.

I always thought that FOOTBALL PEOPLE, were the best. Mutual interest - mutual respect - fantastic sense of humour - welcoming, and friendly - and the ability not to take ourselves too seriousely, after all we pay money to watch 22 grown men kick a ball ( and each other )about a large park week after week :D

That was before BCFC introduced me to Fan's Forum's .

Now I am bowing out of this one.

I came on here in good faith, to follow my son's career, and to answer some questions that were asked of me. I thank all the genuine fans who have messaged me over the months, and would like to think I have answered your messages with honesty and sincerity.

Now some I think have over stepped the mark. This saddens, more than angers me, but I will now leave the way clear for you to argue amongst yourselves.

Some quotes from the past:-

Players have very little say in when and where they moved from one Club to another.

Lee will always give 110% both on and off the park, no matter which team he is playing for, and as long as he has family like us will never get too big for his boots.

20/21 year olds tend to believe what is said to them by those in authority.

Players can only play with confidence, when confidence is shown in them.

Respect is not automatic, it has to be earned.

I could go on but then I would be seen as dragging this out.

Suffice to say, I can now separate genuine Lee fan's, from good time Lee fan's.

One more quote, think on, don't be too greedy when and or if Lee is sold on, because the fact that Lee is playing well just now is down to his strength of character, and self belief, despite some of his treatment by the few at Bristol City.

I sincerely wish BCFC all the best for the future, and hope now, that Forum members can get on with discussing the present team, of which there are a few I know, share some of the fan's opinions, that Lee is lucky but also deserves to have the opportinity he has been given, playing football at Heart of Midlothian.

Joy Miller

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so your leaving the forum?

Or are you just expressing your opinion of the whole miller topic.

I just don't understand! :D :Confused13: :(

But one things for sure Miller will definatly go, but i wish him luck, he'll probably become a massive star but oh well, it happens

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Getting fed up with Lee Miller threads - ME TOO

Opinions are one of the few things today, that we can all our own, and my following comments are just that - my own.

I always thought that FOOTBALL PEOPLE, were the best. Mutual interest - mutual respect - fantastic sense of humour - welcoming, and friendly -  and the ability not to take ourselves too seriousely, after all we pay money to watch 22 grown men kick a ball ( and each other )about a large park week after week :D

That was before BCFC introduced me to Fan's Forum's .

Now I am bowing out of this one.

I came on here in good faith, to follow my son's career, and to answer some questions that were asked of me. I thank all the genuine fans who have messaged me over the months, and would like to think I have answered your messages with honesty and sincerity.

Now some I think have over stepped the mark. This saddens, more than angers me, but I will now leave the way clear for you to argue amongst yourselves.

Some quotes from the past:-

Players have very little say in when and where they moved from one Club to another.

Lee will always give 110% both on and off the park, no matter which team he is playing for, and as long as he has family like us will never get too big for his boots.

20/21 year olds tend to believe what is said to them by those in authority.

Players can only play with confidence, when confidence is shown in them.

Respect is not automatic, it has to be earned.

I could go on but then I would be seen as dragging this out.

Suffice to say, I can now separate genuine Lee fan's, from good time Lee fan's.

One more quote, think on, don't be too greedy when and or if Lee is sold on, because the fact that Lee is playing well just now is down to his strength of character, and self belief,  despite some of his treatment by the few at Bristol City.

I sincerely wish BCFC all the best for the future, and hope now, that Forum members can get on with discussing the present team, of which there are a few I know, share some of the fan's opinions, that Lee is lucky but also deserves to have the opportinity he has been given, playing football at Heart of Midlothian.

Joy Miller


I'm so sorry that you felt moved to write that. Lee is an excellent young footballer ans I have no doubt a fine young man, you should be, and rightly are, very proud of him. I think I speak for MANY City fans when I say that I was sorry he went to Hearts (sorry for us that is, it seems to have done Lee the power of good). I for one, would love to see him banging them in for City again, although I rather fear I won't.

Please don't judge us all because of a small minority of comments made by an even smaller minority of fans, if Lee's career stuttered at City then it is the clubs failure as he is clearly showing now what he is made of. Good luck to you and your son.


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I'm so sorry that you felt moved to write that.  Lee is an excellent young footballer ans I have no doubt a fine young man, you should be, and rightly are, very proud of him.  I think I speak for MANY City fans when I say that I was sorry he went to Hearts (sorry for us that is, it seems to have done Lee the power of good).  I for one, would love to see him banging them in for City again, although I rather fear I won't.

Please don't judge us all because of a small minority of comments made by an even smaller minority of fans, if Lee's career stuttered at City then it is the clubs failure as he is clearly showing now what he is made of.  Good luck to you and your son.


Agree whole heartedly.

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I think I speak for MANY City fans when I say that I was sorry he went to Hearts

I think that goes for the vast majority of City fans, if opinion in my particular section of the Atyeo is representative. Also I think this very forum showed a distinct majority towards Lee... maybe it just didn't seem that way at times. Anyhoo, if he is going I regret that, but wish him the best - he is clearly fulfilling his potential at a far higher level than we can ever hope to realise. Good luck Lee.

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Just to echo the sentiments above.

I'm sorry you feel you have to say your Goodbyes to us, but understand why. Please don't feel that we are all bad down here. I'll watch with interest what happens to Lee, knowing that I, like many others, were right believing in him.

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I hope you read mine and will see that I have been consistent throughout.

I wouldn't consider myself a fan of Lee or a detractor.I just give my honest assesment, game by game and I've no favourites

As I've said before,I don't think that Lee had a hard time at AG and certainly not on matchdays, home or away.

Certainly not in comparison to what has happened in days gone by and feel free to ask older fans and ex players what that was like :D

The old tunnell was in the Grandstand(Williams) and players had to run a gauntlet of coins, bottles and......worst of all, those poxy, luke warm pies we sell, before they reached the safety of the dressing room..........and that was if we won :P:P

Terry Cooper was admonishing our players after a game when a brick came through a nearby window,but thankfully, those days are gone and AG's lost some of it's "rustic charm!"

The fee was always going to be a millstone around his neck and his lack of goals brought that into sharp focus.

As I've said, I don't know what to make of Lees' success at Hearts and whether it says more about Lee, The quality of the SPL, Hearts, or the lousy service strikers get at City, that, for some reason, strikers like Peacock, Brooker & Lita, make more of than Lee :(

I'll be watching The Jambos tomorrow night and I for one hope Lee gets a hat trick.......and not just to inflate the fee either :laugh:

A Scotland cap and a few goals would help and, let's face it, Scotland & Bristol City are due a change in fortunes. :laugh:

I understand from Whitey that the new owner has some cash, so it sounds hopefull all round.

As I've said plenty of times and I'll say it again, good luck to the man :(:laugh:

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I'd just like to pass on my best wishes to Lee also. I think he's an exciting young talent, and one which the poor management at this club has failed to recognise fully. Lee is a skilful, athletic and intelligent player who always gave 100% for City when given the chance. I think he has been treatly poorly by this football club and SOME fans, though I feel the majority of us can see what a good player Lee is. His great goal at QPR last season will long stick in my mind as I was right behind it when he hit it. Sent us City fans wild too! It'll be sad when he inevitably does leave us as I feel we are losing a player full of potential and with a great future. But, best of luck to him. I've always liked Lee (have his name and number 10 on my shirt) and I'm sure we'll see him prove to everyone his quality at Hearts. (We already are beginning to see this...)

A real shame to see Lee leave us as he surely will - Bristol City will come to regret this. It will be Hearts' gain and our loss. Thanks Lee, you were treated like crap by some people here, now you're getting what you deserve - success and fans' recognition. Enjoy your football mate, it's well deserved, and if you do choose to stay with us I'll salute you and support you to the full! :D



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Guest Geesus the City fan

Thats some parting shot!

"Players can only play with confidence, when confidence is shown in them.

Respect is not automatic, it has to be earned."

Sounds like a real go at the management aswell as some feable minded forumers to me.

All the best to all the Miller clan should Lee not return.

Remember the positives.


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There are two sides two this forum:

1 - It brings supporters closer together. You're not always going to hear a well balanced argument from someone in the stands or the pub. In that sense this forum is great, you can get a well balanced view and have a bit of a banter all from the comfort of your armchair (or desk I suppose, whichever is appropriate).

2 - It allows the supporters who are oblivious to the fact a transfer fee is between the two clubs involved in the transfer - Not the player himself. Unfortunately many of our so called supporters cannot look past the £325k that was paid for Lee, and are judging him purely on his goal scoring record for the club. I pity these people.

Lee has shown that he loves playing football by wanting to go out on loan to get games, and to be honest I didn't see that happening here (what with Lita scoring so many and Brooker/Heff coming in). Whether or not there are other reasons aside from football, only the club and the Millers will know - I sincerely hope not anyway. He has also shown that he isn't/wasn't just here for an easy ride - the miss at Swindon last season proved this. I and many others felt for him at Full Time, he was devastated.

I hope that Lee comes back next season and does get given a chance to show us what he's made of. On the other hand I understand if he would prefer to try elsewhere.

As for your departure, well unfortunately the idiots of the forum (the minority thankfully) have just driven away another great and well respected poster. Well done to them.

All the best for the future :(:D

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Getting fed up with Lee Miller threads - ME TOO

Opinions are one of the few things today, that we can all our own, and my following comments are just that - my own.

I always thought that FOOTBALL PEOPLE, were the best. Mutual interest - mutual respect - fantastic sense of humour - welcoming, and friendly -  and the ability not to take ourselves too seriousely, after all we pay money to watch 22 grown men kick a ball ( and each other )about a large park week after week :D

That was before BCFC introduced me to Fan's Forum's .

Now I am bowing out of this one.

I came on here in good faith, to follow my son's career, and to answer some questions that were asked of me. I thank all the genuine fans who have messaged me over the months, and would like to think I have answered your messages with honesty and sincerity.

Now some I think have over stepped the mark. This saddens, more than angers me, but I will now leave the way clear for you to argue amongst yourselves.

Some quotes from the past:-

Players have very little say in when and where they moved from one Club to another.

Lee will always give 110% both on and off the park, no matter which team he is playing for, and as long as he has family like us will never get too big for his boots.

20/21 year olds tend to believe what is said to them by those in authority.

Players can only play with confidence, when confidence is shown in them.

Respect is not automatic, it has to be earned.

I could go on but then I would be seen as dragging this out.

Suffice to say, I can now separate genuine Lee fan's, from good time Lee fan's.

One more quote, think on, don't be too greedy when and or if Lee is sold on, because the fact that Lee is playing well just now is down to his strength of character, and self belief,  despite some of his treatment by the few at Bristol City.

I sincerely wish BCFC all the best for the future, and hope now, that Forum members can get on with discussing the present team, of which there are a few I know, share some of the fan's opinions, that Lee is lucky but also deserves to have the opportinity he has been given, playing football at Heart of Midlothian.

Joy Miller

I'll be sad to see Lee go, but such is life at Ashton Gate, some get a chance, a break, others regrettably don't, and I feel, Lees move to Hearts WILL come back to haunt City. Unlike some in this squad, Lee can never have been faulted for effort, and commitment.

hopefully we'll still here from you Whitey, and Lees brother on occasion, and like a probable majority of City fans wish Lee all the best.

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Joy, I'm sorry to hear that you're going although I can quite understand your reasoning. I have to say from a personal level, I will never forget the reply that you made to one of my postings following my son's birth on the day when England got knocked out of Euro 2004. You brought an element of humanity and compassion to a forum that on occasion lacks these qualities. I have to thank you for that.

I wish Lee all the best of luck if he does move on; sadly I feel that he hasn't been given a fair shake at City and I wish him all the best at Hearts where I feel it's inevitable he'll go. I wish you all the best as well.

Scooter Red

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I always thought that FOOTBALL PEOPLE, were the best. Mutual interest - mutual respect - fantastic sense of humour - welcoming, and friendly -  and the ability not to take ourselves too seriousely, after all we pay money to watch 22 grown men kick a ball ( and each other )about a large park week after week :D

That was before BCFC introduced me to Fan's Forum's .

Now I am bowing out of this one.

Joy Miller

Nice post Grannyjoy, hope you don't mind me just leaving in the main bit I'm going to reply to. You do realise, it's only the fact that you're not "GrandpaJohn" or whatever, that has prevented dozens of these inevitable replies (NOT FROM ME THOUGH):

"Shut the door on your way out".

I think that's the sort of person you're fed up with, and you're right. But don't think all Bristol City fans are like that. We have our fair share of moaners, fans who can't find anything good to say about anyone, etc, of course. But we also have many more not like that. Its just that the moaners, here and at the games, are generally more vocal.

You watch in a minute - cue the replies from the natural pessimists and downcast - "happy clappy etc".

So far as Lee is concerned, IMO he's a good player and certainly should have had more opportunity here. He was brought here by someone with an eye for talent, but hasn't been best used by either of his 2 managers here.

He's good in the air (as in, wins everything), he's got a good first touch, he's skilful and he's honest (a refreshing attribute among modern footballers). My only criticism is he could be a bit more dynamic, and stronger, but that's what the coaches should have been working on.

But it's not necessarily farewell Lee. Am I right in thinking his contract extends beyond the summer? If so, by then, Tins may have seen the light, we may even have a new manager. The point is, we don't have to let him go, so if Lee comes back here an even better player, then your loss is our gain, I'm afraid.



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