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Tony Dinning

Guest C.D

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Do you all think that this man has become a passenger to the team?

Didnt make a decent tackle (Again), and passing was woefull. (Again) Seems to tell everyone what to do, waving his arms around.

Same old story, good on loan, got the contract.... enough said.

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He wasn't that bad, if we swapped him for Orr, it would be same old same old, he'd have a not amazing game, people would say it's because he's just come in so give him another chance :Sleep12: We're at the time in the season now where we need consistency in the team selection, Tinmans trying to get that, just support him :ph34r:

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Bradley Orr is worse, Dinning was good in the first half but the whole midfield were still in the dressing room in the second:(

I'd agree with that. Thought he did ok in the first half but went missing in the second and allowed Wellens to control the midfield.

Then again most players wenrt missing in the second half so to single him out is maybe harsh.

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In other lines of work, people would be disciplined for the performance put in by Dinning today. The service to the wings was non-existent in the second half, and while Brown ran his legs off, Dinning sat in front of the back four achieving next to nothing. On the rare occasions he got the ball he'd lazily pass it to the opposition. The team didn't tick in the second half because the man who should have created from midfield had the afternoon off.

It's been clear since Aaron Brown got injured last winter that we've lacked a player for the left side of midfield. We need to get such a player, allowing Wilkshire to move into the middle alongside either Tommy or Scott Brown.

Tony Dinning should apologise to the fans, his team mates and the manager for this afternoon's performance.

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Bradley Orr is worse, Dinning was good in the first half but the whole midfield were still in the dressing room in the second:(

I agree that Bradley Orr is worse - to start with, the QM2 has a tighter turning circle than him (remember Tuesday against Oldham).

However, Dinning is very poor. He's a footballing tart - likes to play simple passes that require little effort,often go astray and certainly do little to contribute to the game. I cannot remember the last time that he took the ball forward and played anyone into space. He is at best a 'sideways' player in the mould of Ray Wilkins (several grades down of course). Certainly not what we need with TD out of the side for various reasons - oh, for someone with the tenacity of, say, Richie Wellens (although Scott Brown will be very good).

It's disappointing, but Dinning is an expensive waste that we do not need - how long do we have to keep paying him for?

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It's been clear since Aaron Brown got injured last winter that we've lacked a player for the left side of midfield. We need to get such a player, allowing Wilkshire to move into the middle alongside either Tommy or Scott Brown.

Tony Dinning should apologise to the fans, his team mates and the manager for this afternoon's performance.

The left midfield position is one we have missed all season - maybe we should focus our efforts on finding someone to replace Aaron rather than anything else. Our midfield is one dimensional most the time, relies on Murray (or Cotterill) and fails. Dinning has one or two good games, then too many bad ones (like today). Wilkshire needs to play in the middle (I agree with Tommy or Scott B) and we need someone (Goodfellow if fit or Anyinsah if bothered) to play on the left - a new face a new signing, but it is what we have been missing all season!

Dinning should definitely be dropped for Sat.

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Did not rate him on loan.

As far as I'm concerned he was not good on loan and has got worse since signing.

A P1ss poor parasite of a player. I hate his guts

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Guest yeovil red
Did not rate him on loan.

As far as I'm concerned he was not good on loan and has got worse since signing.

A P1ss poor parasite of a player. I hate his guts


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Guest yeovil red
I think Tony is a hard working team player, you should all leave him alone!  He used to play for Wigan you know.......... :city:

what wigan athletic? :Laugh4:

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Guest fatherdougal

He's a curious player. It's as if the only thing on his mind is to hit the perfect ball, which (from what I've seen) 9 times out of 10 fails to come off. He can't be described as a very physical player either; he likes the well timed

clean challenge so he always seems (to me) a bit hesitant. TD has all the attributes of a great footballer, but he's simply not cutting it down here. This is League 1, and results have to be ground out not won on artistic merit.

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Dinning had a good game against a VVVpoor Oldham side unfortunately second half today (as I think someone has already noted)the whole midfield went missing...Blackpool were coming at us passing through the middle and running off the ball and TACKLING we had two players wide for long periods effectively giving Blackpool Five against two in the middle...One of which was Dinning... and the other was Luke Wilkshire who on his best day is not known for his combative style...The unfortunate thing was Brian put on Murray and Anyinsah both on the wide still allowing Blackpool to come at us through the middle....This in turn unsettled Coles in particular who was dealing with alot of opposition posession and his passing went to bits....I don't know who our other two subs were today but I guess they werent central midfielders??? any one know? Or was I seeing things....?

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Both Dinning and Orr should be released this summer. The former is barely in the game and his passing is very poor. Orr simply can't pass or play football. Aninysah didn't even look interested yesterday when he came on which was very suprising. The midfield will revolve around Tommy, Scott Brown who has played very well since coming in and Luke Wilkshire. Goodfellow is bound to be released too so that leaves Murray and Cotterill for the wings.

Given the money we have spent again this year, surely Rougier was worth keeping for one more year for another push for promotion!!!!

In any event our problem in recent years has always been the middle of the park. Even this year we are near top goal scorers in the division and strangely enough the best at home. Goals conceeded versus the rest of the division is not that poor either. A quality player alongside Tommy is key. Brown and Cotterill are going to be good for the future and have done well thus far

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Orr can tackle but is ######*t at passing, Dinning can't tackle but does sometimes play some nice balls. EG. the pass to Cotterill on Tuesday. I personally feel Dinning fits in with our 'passing' style better and should be put above Orr, cant wait til Tommys back though because he's better than both of them put together.

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Guest ziderhead2003

He was brilliant during his loan. During which he was saying to the evening post how much he loves bristol and the club! Now the bloke has got his contract which guarentees his income he cant be bothered and has no commitment at all. :@

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He was brilliant during his loan. During which he was saying to the evening post how much he loves bristol and the club! Now the bloke has got his contract which guarentees his income he cant be bothered and has no commitment at all. :@

Personaly I thought he was poor to say the least on loan, the rest of your post is spot on.

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I think dinning plays well when the team plays well, if eveyone ison top of there game and passing the ball round like they can then dinning loks good keeping things ticking over in midfield.But when we have to battle he goes missing. Probably why he looked good on loan as we were on a decent run.

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Guest Tactical Genius

Tony Dinning breaks up the opposition attacks and plays the ball to the nearest City player. That is his job. It is not his responsiblity to get ahead of the oppositions defence and lash in 10 goals a season from midfield, he is there to spoil the other sides play and set us on our way back downfield. This is not a glamorous or spectacular job, and amongst many spectators most of the work that gets done goes unnoticed. That goes for fairly much every defensive minded footballer who is there to protect and spoil rather than to create. Now unless you were watching a different game he did this to great effect in the first half and even found time to bag his second assist of the week. During the second half he got swamped by the Blackpool midfield, or put simply he was outnumbered. Except for Dinning the first tackle won by a Bristol City midfielder in the second half was on about 70 minutes when Brown won a challenge out on the right flank. Yes he was more effective in the first half than in the second, but anyone trying to make him a scapegoat for the second half performance of the team ought to take a closer look at the players around him. The whole idea of a team is that responsibility and accountability are collective.

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Tony Dinning breaks up the opposition attacks and plays the ball to the nearest City player. That is his job. It is not his responsiblity to get ahead of the oppositions defence and lash in 10 goals a season from midfield, he is there to spoil the other sides play and set us on our way back downfield. This is not a glamorous or spectacular job, and amongst many spectators most of the work that gets done goes unnoticed. That goes for fairly much every defensive minded footballer who is there to protect and spoil rather than to create.

I didn't see the game saturday due to other commitments but, I did notice on Tuesday night that he did the job described above very well. He also supplied several good passes to Cotterill in the second half.

I am afraid that the crowd reaction to anything that he DIDN'T do well, suggests that he will struggle to win them over. Once a player has a reputation (e.g. comfort zone) it is difficult to shake, many people on Tuesday appeared to be very one eyed when looking at his contribution.

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Tony Dinning breaks up the opposition attacks and plays the ball to the nearest City player. That is his job. It is not his responsiblity to get ahead of the oppositions defence and lash in 10 goals a season from midfield, he is there to spoil the other sides play and set us on our way back downfield. This is not a glamorous or spectacular job, and amongst many spectators most of the work that gets done goes unnoticed. That goes for fairly much every defensive minded footballer who is there to protect and spoil rather than to create. Now unless you were watching a different game he did this to great effect in the first half and even found time to bag his second assist of the week. During the second half he got swamped by the Blackpool midfield, or put simply he was outnumbered. Except for Dinning the first tackle won by a Bristol City midfielder in the second half was on about 70 minutes when Brown won a challenge out on the right flank. Yes he was more effective in the first half than in the second, but anyone trying to make him a scapegoat for the second half performance of the team ought to take a closer look at the players around him. The whole idea of a team is that responsibility and accountability are collective.

So the fact that he repeatedly passed the ball to the opposition in the second half passed you by?

I accept that Brown was not as effective second half as first, but in just his fifth league start I saw more effort and committment from him than I did from Dinning, who didn't win tackles and as by far the senior professional in midfield did not show the sort of example we require.

Since signing permanently it is difficult to come to any conclusion other than that now he has his two and a half year contract he is going to coast down here. Dinning can be an effective passer of the ball, but he is showing precious little effort IMO, as for Tuesday it certainly helped that Oldham were so poor and repeatedly gave the ball back to us, something that Wellens, Bullock etc did not do.

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So the fact that he repeatedly passed the ball to the opposition in the second half passed you by?

I accept that Brown was not as effective second half as first, but in just his fifth league start I saw more effort and committment from him than I did from Dinning, who didn't win tackles and as by far the senior professional in midfield did not show the sort of example we require.

I thought Dinning had a terrible second half for the reasons you give above. But, on reflection, who else was he going to pass to. Cotteril, Brown and to a lesser degree, Wilkshire had extended the half time entertainment to include a magician's turn of "The Incredible Threesome Disappearing Act". Every time Dinning looked up he must have wondered why his colleagues had disappeared into thin air!! You can't blame Dinning for this.

How I wish Tinnion had his own magician's turn involving rabbits and hats.

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Guest Tactical Genius

As I stated he was less effective in the second half, but his pass completion was nowhere near as bad as you suggest. Yes he gave the ball away more than some others, but he also made more successfull passes than those others. In other words he had a lot more of the ball than anyone else in midfield. Because instead of hiding he was in the middle of it.

I think you are confusing effort and commitment with running around a lot. Effort and commitment only get you so far.

Dinning is not going to win every tackle, but for a 10 minute spell he was the only midfielder making a tackle of any kind.

Like I said, it's a collective thing and the whole midfield was overrun. But not everyone went missing.

Edited for spelling.

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Very typical to find a player to mock, yes!!! :@

Dinning is probably our midfielder with the most ability, but he probably lacks man-mangagment and tactics - City doesn't seem to have any plan neither defensively nor going forward.

I think most players are good enough actually, but are suffering from the same - the lack of playing plan...


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