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Tinnion Has Asked For Your Help...

Guest Payney

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Guest Payney

Picture the scene:

Our very own left pegged genius and managerial flop aka Tinman, decides enough is enough after spending another evening hiding behind a "made up" name perusing the Fans Forum and reading another barrage of abuse/helpful hints/suggestions/general frustration/anger(delete as appropriate)directed towards him and his rather inept performance this season as manager of Bristol City Football Club.

With that (and don't ask me how) he manages to get all of our telephone numbers and calls us all up and says "So hot shot, you think you have all the answers to turning around this disasterous season, tell me just one thing you want me to change for the Torquay match and I'll do it, and lets see if it makes a difference!"

So, what do you advise...

I think my answer would be..."Brian thanks for this get opportunity, if at all possible could you ask Steve 'Flapper' Phillips to take those stupid highlights out of his hair, its very off putting when trying to count how many people are in the stadium in only 90 mins"

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Picture the scene:

Our very own left pegged genius and managerial flop aka Tinman, decides enough is enough after spending another evening hiding behind a "made up" name perusing the Fans Forum and reading another barrage of abuse/helpful hints/suggestions/general frustration/anger(delete as appropriate)directed towards him and his rather inept performance this season as manager of Bristol City Football Club.

With that (and don't ask me how) he manages to get all of our telephone numbers and calls us all up and says "So hot shot, you think you have all the answers to turning around this disasterous season, tell me just one thing you want me to change for the Torquay match and I'll do it, and lets see if it makes a difference!"

So, what do you advise...

I think my answer would be..."Brian thanks for this get opportunity, if at all possible could you ask Steve 'Flapper' Phillips to take those stupid highlights out of his hair, its very off putting when trying to count how many people are in the stadium in only 90 mins"

Well Brian, give me enough time and I will build you a promotion winning side.

Obviously there will be a learning curve for me but I could do it as soon as next season, or if that does not work the season after that or the season after that or maybe the season after that, by which time we might be a Football League

team again.

And remember if all else fails......... blame the fans.

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"Brian, you've given it your best shot and I admire your resolve in trying to get it right. You've got a good crop of young players, who could gel in time, but ain't going to win 9 on the spin to get us in the play offs. (please, please prove me wrong!) Looking ahead to Torquay however, if you could get the Doc fit, Dinning interested, Coles focussed, and Wilkshire in position, it might just compliment the young 'uns. Once you've done that, I've know idea what you're going to find to do on Friday...." whistling.gif

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Invest in some studs for Scott's boots to keep him on his feet and shorten the studs on Brooker's so he can get off the ground without them keeping him nailed to the floor! ph34r.gif

edit : Scott as in Groundsman Willie, not Brown! tongue.gif

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Picture the scene:

With that (and don't ask me how) he manages to get all of our telephone numbers and calls us all up and says "So hot shot, you think you have all the answers to turning around this disasterous season, tell me just one thing you want me to change for the Torquay match and I'll do it, and lets see if it makes a difference!"

It's probably someone claiming to be BT/BCFC but is really trying to sell me a new Gas and Electric contract?

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Of course Tins asks for my opinion on a daily basis, and even though I say so myself, I like to think I've given him some pretty good advice over the season.

Some of my gems include: 'Lita? Are you mad? Danny was right about him. Get rid', 'Steve Brooker? Don't waste your money', 'That team's easily good enough to beat Brentford', 'Sign Dinning, he's quality', 'Don't worry about arpaul .. he loves you really' and 'Rectally, with a red hot poker'.

I have to go now. I must talk to Steve L with some more thoughts about the new badge. I was thinking blue quarters, with a pirate ship on it .....

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I'd say ignore all the negative comments on the forum and in the press.Have faith in your're own ability to build a successfull team and get someone in to help out with more experience than you to provide an alternative view.

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Guest taipan
Of course Tins asks for my opinion on a daily basis, and even though I say so myself, I like to think I've given him some pretty good advice over the season.

Some of my gems include: 'Lita? Are you mad? Danny was right about him. Get rid', 'Steve Brooker? Don't waste your money', 'That team's easily good enough to beat Brentford', 'Sign Dinning, he's quality', 'Don't worry about arpaul .. he loves you really' and 'Rectally, with a red hot poker'.

I have to go now. I must talk to Steve L with some more thoughts about the new badge. I was thinking blue quarters, with a pirate ship on it .....

Your post has provoked a humourous outburst in taipan.

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I'd say ignore all the negative comments on the forum and in the press.Have faith in your're own ability to build a successfull team and get someone in to help out with more experience than you to provide an alternative view.

I would say take note of some of the construtive comments on this forum.

Take a good hard look at the situation & ask yourself -

"How come I have turned a top 3 team into a mid table one, that is so inconsistant & very ordinary."

"If we don't get in the Play-Offs,will the season ticket sales dip"

etc etc etc etc.

Basically take a long hard look & ask whether the job is too big for you as Manager?

Do you want the smile back on the Supporters faces ?

How long do you need to get it right ?

Ah thats down to others maybe.

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Guest hairyshamrock
"...Looking ahead to Torquay however, if you could get the Doc fit, Dinning interested, Coles focussed, and Wilkshire in position...

He'll reply to this with the Alan Ball quote of "Anythings possible in football, I've seen Bestie turn down a drink and i've seen Emlyn Hughes buy one...!"

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