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Chant For When The Teams Come Out!

Guest H Block Drum n' Bass

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Guest H Block Drum n' Bass

I was just wondering if we could start a chant when the sides come out? I noticed that when cardiff came out their fans started singin 'bluebirds, bluebirds'. It would really give the team a boost and up the atmosphere! Any suggestions?

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Get back to a few of the old simple one's.

"Bring on the Champions" - City's players know we are chanting about them, lets them know we have confidence in them too!

"Danny, Danny, Danny la Rue" to the oppo's keeper. Or maybe "one Dale Winton, there's only one Dale Winton"

"Get into them!", roared, at kick-off.

"In the net, in the net!", at corners.

"Attack, attack, attack, attack, attack"

Lots of short, sharp, chants rather than the long winded songs that often seem to be mooted on here. Its a football match, not choir practice. :D

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