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Lee Miller

Bristol Boy

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I think it would be unfair for people to comment unless they watched the game.

Fair enough, however well he played though the statistics don't lie. :(:D

What he needs (and we need) are goals right now, no matter what the opposition a couple last night would have done no end of good for his confidence and standing.

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Confidence. A goal or two and a run in the first team is all he needs. He's obviously got ability, the goals against Notts Co and QPR show that. Give him time.

:Party12: :Party12: :Party12: :Party12: :Party12: :Party12: :Party12: :Party12:

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I think the fact that he didnt score against non-league opposition says it all :D

So by your reckoning - if Thierry Henry failed to score against them then you'd say he wasn't very good?

C'mon - just because the opposition are #### doesn't mean that your always going to score against 'em!

Give the guy a break, I've doubts he will become a great player! :(

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Personally I think he takes a lot of weight of off Peacock when he plays, and would probably pick him Saturday if Woodman is going hit crosses like Tuesday.

As I said a goal or two would have done him good though, it helps all strikers. :Party12: :Party12:

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Confidence. A goal or two and a run in the first team is all he needs. He's obviously got ability, the goals against Notts Co and QPR show that. Give him time.

:Party12:  :Party12:  :Party12:  :Party12:  :Party12:  :Party12:  :Party12:  :Party12:

He's had both!

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Fed up saying it really, but I'll say it once more...Lee Miller is by far the most complete forward we have. The only one in fact.

Doesn't say much!

The ball gets played to him and it sticks - it doesn't bounce off him and it rarely gets wasted. He can hold up the ball and he is the only forward we have who can head a ball.

I'll agree with his heading.Not the rest.Just look at Mooney's work for Swindon and you'll see holding and link up play.Plus he's lightweight and is easily moved off the ball.

It needs to be square on Peacocks head for it to go with 10 yards of a teamate or even closer for a goal.

10 Goals against Two wins it for me.

Peacock hor Roberts don't have half the control that Miller has, but at least Roberts has pace.

I wouldn't say half but Roberts is quicker.

Matthews ? Better than Peacock as a footballer, that is obvious - but no application whatsoever, doesn't look after himself.

Forget Matthews he's never fit

And to intimate that just because Miller didn't score against Cheltenham reserves makes him a dead loss is just plain stupid.

The point is, his lack of gaols against ####.He will come good. And the Scottish first division is way way above the standard of the English divi2 by the way.

Not on what I've seen and Miller proves it.

It may be a bit slower - but you won't get away with the kick and rush rubbish that I see week in and week out in divi2 here.

So,apart from the fact that our attacking play is pants, why is this complete player not scoring goals? That's what he was bought for a lot of money to do??

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So does anyone know what sort of service Lee was given??

If he had a decent service, then yes, he deserves a bit of stick.

But if it's been like the 1st team in recent weeks, then how can you expect him to score from no chances given to him??

I think you'll find, even the best strikers in the world would struggle to score if they don't get the service :(

At the end of the day, Lee came for £300,000 not £3m, in reality not a shed load of money compared to some failure signings other clubs have made!!

Give the guy a break, he's young, away from his home and his family (including young child) and trying to adjust to life as best he can, the last thing he needs is this sort of stick.

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I would agree that Woodman is a better bet than Bell. Bell puts in half an effort whereas Woodman gives much more effort; Woodman is young and has a good few years of improvement ahead of him, while Bell is on the downward slope.

Also Bell's contract is up at the end of this season and honestly I can't see the lazy so-and-so getting a new one.

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For what it's worth, Miller is going to be better value for money than Peacock.

We paid £600k for Peacock and, unless he receives a cross to his head, or a pass to his feet, in the box he will fluff it or not even try.

I've lost count of the number of times I 've seen a cross floated into the box dropping within 5 yards of Peacock and he makes no attempt at it.

Miller is the better technical player and does try to get on the end of any cross which comes within 10 yards of him.

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For what it's worth, Miller is going to be better value for money than Peacock.

We paid £600k for Peacock and, unless he receives a cross to his head, or a pass to his feet, in the box he will fluff it or not even try.

I've lost count of the number of times I 've seen a cross floated into the box dropping within 5 yards of Peacock and he makes no attempt at it.

Miller is the better technical player and does try to get on the end of any cross which comes within 10 yards of him.

Peacock 10

Miller 2

Given Lp's injury, I guess about the same number of games.

LP was overpriced at £600k but that was in another era before the ass fell out the Nationwide Football Market.

Another DW Signing.

I'm not comparing them-I'm questioning LM's value for money.

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