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Leave Murray Alone!

Guest Kustard

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Guest Kustard

The main reason I have come back on the forum today (after a few years absence!!), is that I am sooooo annoyed at the treatment of Scott Murray. I have to get this off my chest!!

Okay he didn't have a great game and hasn't been as good since he came back to City from Reading, but does he really need to get grief from the so called "supporters" every time he gets the ball.

Right now he is obviously lacking in confidence....is it really going to be boosted by booing and aggression towards him. As far as I am concerned if you are going to act like that, go watch the Rovers. Do you not remember when Murray was a star player for us...well give him the support and he could be once again.

What made me soooooo upset/angry/annoyed today was the stupid idiots behind me who actually cheered when he went down injured....ARE YOU SICK!!! He is a City player, wears a City shirt, how on earth can you be happy he is injured. I wouldn't even cheer the opposition player being injured.

If you need to waste your anger on anyone, then boo the opposition, put them off, not one of our own...are you mad...do you want us to lose!! Or maybe you were Gasheads in disguise!!

At least Murray set up the 2nd goal...shut up the idiots for a bit. Even though they told me to sit down when I clapped him being subbed....I wouldn't have made such a point of it if they hadn't been so thickheaded.

Well done to the other Scott...Mr Brown for getting man of the match. He has shown what a bright future some of the youngsters have at City and put on a great display today.

"Come on you reds!!"



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The main reason I have come back on the forum today (after a few years absence!!), is that I am sooooo annoyed at the treatment of Scott Murray.  I have to get this off my chest!!

Okay he didn't have a great game and hasn't been as good since he came back to City from Reading, but does he really need to get grief from the so called "supporters" every time he gets the ball.

Right now he is obviously lacking in confidence....is it really going to be boosted by booing and aggression towards him.  As far as I am concerned if you are going to act like that, go watch the Rovers.  Do you not remember when Murray was a star player for us...well give him the support and he could be once again.

What made me soooooo upset/angry/annoyed today was the stupid idiots behind me who actually cheered when he went down injured....ARE YOU SICK!!!  He is a City player, wears a City shirt, how on earth can you be happy he is injured.  I wouldn't even cheer the opposition player being injured.

If you need to waste your anger on anyone, then boo the opposition, put them off, not one of our own...are you mad...do you want us to lose!!  Or maybe you were Gasheads in disguise!!

At least Murray set up the 2nd goal...shut up the idiots for a bit.  Even though they told me to sit down when I clapped him being subbed....I wouldn't have made such a point of it if they hadn't been so thickheaded.

Well done to the other Scott...Mr Brown for getting man of the match.  He has shown what a bright future some of the youngsters have at City and put on a great display today. 

"Come on you reds!!"



Yes well said. I heard some idiots behind me in the Ayteo shouting abuse at Murray. Had enough negativity at the gate this season. We were also winning at the time mad.gif Yes they are thick Dinnings not around so have a go at Murray. Yes his season has been poor and he knows it, his confidence has not been good you can see it in his face when hes close to the pitch. I don't think that season helped him when he scored all those goals as since then hes dipped. However we need his experience for the close of the season. Cotterill can play well in his position but whatever happens Tinnion will have him in the squad. Lets get behind the players instead of making jibes at them. We all want to get in the play-offs don't we??? city.gif

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Murrays nothing like he was - Get over it

Cotteral is the way forward

The King is Dead, Long live the King

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Where exactly did the abuse come from ?

I was sat in the bottom left hand corner of the Ateyo and never herd anyone say anthing but wakey wakey city when they fell alseep beginning of the second half...

So where were you say and what was said as I think your making it up... And tbh he looked lathargic today nothing on the Old Scott Murray (so maybe it was justified).

And I must say apart from the assist in the second half he look quite ordanary. 

Dave C on the other hand made me smile when he came on and the first thing he did was show some neat touches to skin some Port Vale defender and every time.

Dave C over Scott Murray any day tbh biggrin.gif  Scott's just not the same man he was when he left :/

Block c Ayteo at the back. Cotterill way ahead yes abuse Murray no mad.gif

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Hi Kustard, nice to meet you in the Baccy Factory this evening! Keep posting kid! cool.gif

In my opinion Scotty had one of his best games of the season this evening and it clearly meant so much to him to have supplied the assist for Heff's goal.

As I said to you in the pub earlier, I reckon it's all down to confidence with Scott and I genuinely believe he has it in him to return to his best form - though clearly he's going to need the full backing of the crowd to achieve that. Needless to say he has the unconditional support of the away following. He just needs similar support at home and no doubt he'll be flying notworthy.gif

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Hello Kustard! Nice to see you back on the forum.Unfortunately Richieb is away in New York for a few days....

As for Murray,the bottom line is that he's been lacking in form and has taken some stick from the minority on here.I don't think thats to be unexpected with all the moaners looking to scapegoat someone after every poor result.Virtually every player has at sometime been subject to ridiculous critism this season.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed
Hello Kustard!  Nice to see you back on the forum.Unfortunately Richieb is away in New York for a few days....

As for Murray,the bottom line is that he's been lacking in form and has taken some stick from the minority on here.I don't think thats to be unexpected with all the moaners looking to scapegoat someone after every poor result.Virtually every player has at sometime been subject to ridiculous critism this saeson.

You do more moaning than most, so maybe you want to adress your own issues before passing comment.

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Guest Kustard

Where exactly did the abuse come from ?

I was sat in the bottom left hand corner of the Ateyo and never herd anyone say anthing but wakey wakey city when they fell alseep beginning of the second half...

So where were you say and what was said as I think your making it up... And tbh he looked lathargic today nothing on the Old Scott Murray (so maybe it was justified).

And I must say apart from the assist in the second half he look quite ordanary. 

Dave C on the other hand made me smile when he came on and the first thing he did was show some neat touches to skin some Port Vale defender and every time.

Dave C over Scott Murray any day tbh biggrin.gif  Scott's just not the same man he was when he left :/

Where exactly.....Dolman Stand....Block E, Row ZA, seats 11 - 13 (at a guess). I don't have any reason to make this up....I am p*ssed off that people think it is funny that one of our players was injured, it is not justified to laugh at one of our players when he is down injured.

I agree that he is not the player he was, but he is hardly going to be any better with "fans" slagging him off. He needs support from the "supporters".

Give him a break. I agree totally that right now Cotterill is playing better than Murray, it doesn't mean I wish any harm on Murray or I wish that the team don't play well because of it.

I go to see City and I support them, that is more than can be said of the idiots behind me.

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Guest Kustard
Hi Kustard, nice to meet you in the Baccy Factory this evening! Keep posting kid!  cool.gif

In my opinion Scotty had one of his best games of the season this evening and it clearly meant so much to him to have supplied the assist for Heff's goal.

As I said to you in the pub earlier, I reckon it's all down to confidence with Scott and I genuinely believe he has it in him to return to his best form - though clearly he's going to need the full backing of the crowd to achieve that. Needless to say he has the unconditional support of the away following. He just needs similar support at home and no doubt he'll be flying  notworthy.gif

Hi Rocker!! Cool to meet you too...

After today's match I am thinking I might go Tuesday...Don't know if my nerves can take it though!!!

It is all about confidence with Murray, that is why the nastiness towards him today made it worse, I just know with the right kind of backing from the fans we will hopefully see him back playing as we know he can. You could tell he knew what was going on, the way he clapped the Dolman after the assist with the 2nd goal. Was it a bit ironic!!

We always seem to have a scapegoat in the team to take the flack for everything, I just think that there are 11 men out there, we won today, lets give them praise not ###t!!

See you soon.

"Come on you redz"!!"

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Guest Kustard
Hello Kustard!  Nice to see you back on the forum.Unfortunately Richieb is away in New York for a few days....

As for Murray,the bottom line is that he's been lacking in form and has taken some stick from the minority on here.I don't think thats to be unexpected with all the moaners looking to scapegoat someone after every poor result.Virtually every player has at sometime been subject to ridiculous critism this season.

Hiya matey

Don't know how long this comeback will last....gets too damn addictive....it took over my life before........hahahaha!!! biggrin.gif

I know what you mean about a scapegoat...always seems to be someone at City that gets the grief...poor things. Recently it was dear Matt Hill, just before that Aaron Brown, then Matt Hewlett, Carl Hutchings, even great Mr Tinnion!!! Gets on my nerves. I just think if you support a team....well then please do that!! If you wanna be nasty...go support the opposition! As far as I am concerned I only want good things for this team and if a player has a bad day, I will still support him in the next match. If he was that bad he would be playing for the Gas... smile.gif

Hope to see you soon.



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Guest WillsbridgeRed
Hi Rocker!!  Cool to meet you too...

After today's match I am thinking I might go Tuesday...Don't know if my nerves can take it though!!!

You come on here, moaning about the fans - BUT don't EVEN GO TO ALL THE GAMES

What a joker

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Guest alex1089

I totally agree Kustard mate, i may be slightly known as someone with to much optimism but i think murray really plays at his best when he is confident. If Murray can keep these crosses going in then he may be crucial to our team. This is the one and only time we can do something about going up or not and us fans really must put the disappointments of the other part of the season behind us and push on for the playoffs because we have the youth the experiance and the managers knowing of the club to push and we must get behind them. Imagine another night like the Hartlepool game?? It would be fantastic wouldent it. So get behind every player, every pass and Behind the whole team because we need this. city.gif

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Guest Kustard
You come on here, moaning about the fans - BUT don't EVEN GO TO ALL THE GAMES

What a joker

First of all does it really make you more of a fan/man if you go to every single match home or away?! Does it make you more passionate or more knowledgeable....I don't think so.

I have been there where season after season I have followed the City boys home and away, every single frigging match. Just because I am a little skint right now doesn't make me less of a fan.

I have been living in the north of England for the last 4 years and couldn't make every single home match, I still paid to have Bristol City World so I could hear every commentary of every match I missed. No matter if I never go again or go every single bl**dy match it doesn't make me more or less of a fan. They are in my blood, I support them and that means I don't slag them off and cheer when players go down injured.



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Guest WillsbridgeRed
Shut up Willsbridge Red. Get away from your keyboard, meet the person in the flesh - then decide if they are a "true fan".

More than happy - Met enough people as I don't hide behind my PC and actually DO something about supporting my team - Like helping to lift the lads for 90 mins - Do you? no thought not

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Guest WillsbridgeRed
First of all does it really make you more of a fan/man if you go to every single match home or away?!  Does it make you more passionate or more knowledgeable....I don't think so.

I have been there where season after season I have followed the City boys home and away, every single frigging match. Just because I am a little skint right now doesn't make me less of a fan.

I have been living in the north of England for the last 4 years and couldn't make every single home match, I still paid to have Bristol City World so I could hear every commentary of every match I missed. No matter if I never go again or go every single bl**dy match it doesn't make me more or less of a fan.  They are in my blood, I support them and that means I don't slag them off and cheer when players go down injured.



I don't want your sob story. There's nothing worse than people coming on here harping on about their fellow fans.

There's too much of it. and it's always the same.

"If you think this then your a mug" is along the lines - Today it's "If you slagged off Murray you're a bad fan"

What a laugh.

No it doesn't matter a fig if someone goes to one game or a thousand (that was thrown in to stir things up) BUT WHAT DOES MATTER is that that person can say what the hell they want.

Footballs a game of opions, hence people should air their views, not keep them quite because its a fans fav they dislike.

(City Rocker, I've moved on from Nazism to Monarchism, come join me w00t.gif )

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Guest WillsbridgeRed
cheeky-smiley-022.gif In yer face subber

Shouldn't you be somewhere singing some Pro IRA songs like all the other good little celtic fans sleeping.gif

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Guest WillsbridgeRed
Same thing.

P.S. Cromwell was a murdering scum who got no love from his mummy

What the hell has Cromwell got to do with either idealism - Infact, his puritanicle religous belief probable made him as much anti-Nazi as anti Monarchist

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Guest Kustard
Hello Kustard!  Nice to see you back on the forum.Unfortunately Richieb is away in New York for a few days....

Goddamn....can't believe my best mate Richie B is away in New York....what will I do without him to argue with


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If Tins selects Murray thats not Murrays fault so support him. Players have different playing careers.Very few really excel after 32. Tins was an exception, lived the clean life and trained harder. Bell at 34 this year always gives his best but is too slow. Murray imo at 31 this year has turned the corner for a winger, a position requiring speed and ability to beat a man. At this stage Cotterill is the better man for the job, but Murray is a good experienced man to have as back up.

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Guest Bow_Legged_Chicken

Wishing a player injured is not right. No player deserves to get injured unless he is wearing blue and white quarters!

Wishing injury on your own players is just plain stupid, No Murray is not his old self BUT he is still a good squad player and his love for the club makes him happy to be a squad player.

Personally I think its people having a laugh, going to the extremes for a alugh not meaning what they are saying. Some people think this type of humour is apthetic sad and maybe a bit sick. Some don't its opinion. But I'm 90% sure no person would go down the gate and honestly with their whole heart wish injury on a player and mean it. Not a legend like Scotty anyways. I think your sad for taking it so seriously and not just ignoring the idiots for beeing so foolish.

Too be honest I have used this type of humour in other circumstances, I find it funny at times so understand and respect that this may humour others in another circumstance.

BUT I would also like to say if a palyer is playing badly he deserves criticism. Its a bit hypocritcal moaning at people not praising palyers when they are doing well and then moaning at them for criticising them when they are doing badly.

I slag off players when they are playing badly I will shout come on "insert bad players name here" sort it out your playing ****. Ever player loves their name being sung, and I do that more tha nanything however I feel as a professional football, players should be able to take criticism constructively if they feel they also want the praise when they are doing well. If you keep praising a player who is playing badly then he is just going to carry on doing it! Think ahh never mind I will just walk around the pitch whats the point in putting in 110% effort if I'm going to be loved anyway? If you want to praise players when they are doing badly, then you should also be prepared to critice palyers when they are doing not so good. then it will be down to the management to say if it was justified or not and suggest how he could do better.

I feel praise, priase, praise is what makes players lazy. Tins has already admitted that the players get it too easy behind the scenes, if everyone just praised them all the time even when playing terribly then they will be getting it too easy on the pitch too.

For the record I do what I can supporting wise, from travelling to most games to singing. Also for the record I only criticise palyers who put in a blatent lack of effort and not those who are just having an off day. Don;t want everyone to start saying I'm not wanted there bla bla bla just because i have a go when i feel its needed!

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  • Admin
Wishing a player injured is not right. No player deserves to get injured unless he is wearing blue and white quarters!

Wishing injury on your own players is just plain stupid, No Murray is not his old self BUT he is still a good squad player and his love for the club makes him happy to be a squad player.

Personally I think its people having a laugh, going to the extremes for a alugh not meaning what they are saying. Some people think this type of humour is apthetic sad and maybe a bit sick. Some don't its opinion. But I'm 90% sure no person would go down the gate and honestly with their whole heart wish injury on a player and mean it. Not a legend like Scotty anyways. I think your sad for taking it so seriously and not just ignoring the idiots for beeing so foolish.

Too be honest I have used this type of humour in other circumstances, I find it funny at times so understand and respect that this may humour others in another circumstance.

BUT I would also like to say if a palyer is playing badly he deserves criticism. Its a bit hypocritcal moaning at people not praising palyers when they are doing well and then moaning at them for criticising them when they are doing badly.

I slag off players when they are playing badly I will shout come on "insert bad players name here" sort it out your playing ****. Ever player loves their name being sung, and I do that more tha nanything however I feel as a professional football, players should be able to take criticism constructively if they feel they also want the praise when they are doing well. If you keep praising a player who is playing badly then he is just going to carry on doing it! Think ahh never mind I will just walk around the pitch whats the point in putting in 110% effort if I'm going to be loved anyway? If you want to praise players when they are doing badly, then you should also be prepared to critice palyers when they are doing not so good. then it will be down to the management to say if it was justified or not and suggest how he could do better.

I feel praise, priase, praise is what makes players lazy. Tins has already admitted that the players get it too easy behind the scenes, if everyone just praised them all the time even when playing terribly then they will be getting it too easy on the pitch too.

For the record I do what I can supporting wise, from travelling to most games to singing. Also for the record I only criticise palyers who put in a blatent lack of effort and not those who are just having an off day. Don;t want everyone to start saying I'm not wanted there bla bla bla just because i have a go when i feel its needed!

Small point, telling someone they're playing "****" isn't constructive criticism, it's just criticism

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Guest Bow_Legged_Chicken

If i was told in work I was performing **** I would take that on board and would even be embarrassed to think I was letting ym team mates down. If i also had 10,000 paying people there watching me I would feel embarrassed about letting them down and would expect them to be annoyed. I would also then accept their annoyance and make sure in my next game I go out and make them sing my name.

Criticsm fro mthe fans will only turn constructive with the help of the management. Its their job to help and support the players. its their job to tell them to ignroe us we were wrong or to tel lthem yes mate you were **** this is what you have to do to make them sing your name.

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Freedom of speech: shutup.gif who gave you the right to control other peoples thoughts.

Other people have the right to say what they think just as you have whether its total boggutts or not.

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Guest Grandad48

Lets face it Murray is past his best, he didn't beat his defender very much yesterday and when he did he couldn't cross the ball.

Cotterel came on and beat the defender twice within minutes of coming on and put in good crosses.

Enough said me thinks.

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Guest Brum Red

Kustard was this abuse constant throughout the game or just little snide comments made every now and then?

I ask because I often here comments when a players gone down injured and he's been playing badly such as "good now we can get him off". It doesn't necissarily mean that they are actuallly happy he is injured just that they think he's having a bad game.

Abuse is a part of football, I really don't think there is any ground in the country which you would not here such abuse. Think how boring the game would be if everyone was nice all time! I personally do not abuse specific players but will pass comments such as "oh that was useless" if i get frustrated. I really don't think that this makes me a bad fan. I wont judge people for giving abuse because it is a part of football.

However, if they were making a serious comment that they wanted him to be injured then that is not right.

Keep The Faith


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Guest Bow_Legged_Chicken
Oh dear. So drunk last night I don't even remember posting on here  blushing.gif  I now realise that yesterday's game was in the afternoon, not the evening and also now accept that Mr Willsbridge has moved on from Nazism to Monarchism  shifty.gif

Willsbridge is evil you should see his Goatee devil.gif just like that mans!!!

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Guest The_Boy

The bottom line is that Murray's "season" was it 01/02? (cant remember!) was a blip in form that came good. Was he ever that good before then? I seem to remember him putting in alot of effort but not being that effective which is what we are seeing now. He is older, lost a yard of pace and lacks the confidence in himself to perform as well as he did in that 1 season. In all honesty its time that Cotteril gets the starting place as we saw what he can do when he came on yesterday. admittidly it was towards the end of the game against a knackered defence but he just looks more of a threat when playing than Murray. city.gif

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Had some guy shouting behind me, when cotteril skinned a man 'are you watching murray?!'. Hang on stop the press, does this bloke not realise that dave cotteril is a 17 year old lad, and murray is 30, who does he think is going to have more energy? Some people are a bit thick down the gate sometimes doh.gif

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Had some guy shouting behind me, when cotteril skinned a man 'are you watching murray?!'. Hang on stop the press, does this bloke not realise that dave cotteril is a 17 year old lad, and murray is 30, who does he think is going to have more energy? Some people are a bit thick down the gate sometimes doh.gif

i think you've just proved his point then wink.gif

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Guest Kustard
Lets face it Murray is past his best, he didn't beat his defender very much yesterday and when he did he couldn't cross the ball.

Cotterel came on and beat the defender twice within minutes of coming on and put in good crosses.

Enough said me thinks.

Yes and I think you will find that I TOTALLY agree that Cotterill should be playing instead of Murray right now. I don't disagree with that.

What I do disagree with is "fans" slagging off Murray the WHOLE match and cheering that he is injured. If he is out there with a City shirt on and playing for our team, they support him please. He doesn't need our own fans against him.

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Guest Kustard

First of all I don't think I am sad that I have sat at a match for 90 minutes and heard constant abuse to one of our players from some of our so called "fans". It totally and utterly p*ssed me off. They were serious, they cheered when he was injured....enough said!!

I agree, we supporters have an opinion and if someone is playing bad I won't deny it and I will wish that the management will sort out the situation. But it will never, ever, ever, ever resort me to wanting that player injured. The minute they are on the pitch in a City shirt, I am sorry but I will try and support them and not make stupid, pathetic comments. If it is constructive critism, fair enough, but these people thought Doherty was Murray at one point...DUH!!!

Players do not need praise, praise, praise, unless they deserve it. But I certainly have never seen a player at City who is lazy and gets away with it. The "fans" are the first to jump on their backs if they don't perform.

If I have been to a match and a player hasn't performed well, I am the first to admit it (as I am sure the player is as well), but I won't give them abuse during the match. As I said, if a player is playing that badly then surely the management will notice and sub him. If not, just give the team 100% support.

We were winning yesterday, we didn't deserve grief. There are eleven players in a team, if we were losing then slag the TEAM off...not one player!!

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Guest Kustard
All I said was that I never herd anything my side of the Ateyo .... so Scott prolly never herd it ..... comming from the quite side :P

Seat 24 Block H row J...... The guys behind me you know what I mean by noise !!!

I actually believe Scotty heard everything, you must have heard the crowd groaning when he got the ball (even though it is damn quiet in Block H). When he assisted the 2nd goal, the clap to the Dolman wasn't unintentional....there was meaning behind that...

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First of all does it really make you more of a fan/man if you go to every single match home or away?!  Does it make you more passionate or more knowledgeable....I don't think so.

I have been there where season after season I have followed the City boys home and away, every single frigging match. Just because I am a little skint right now doesn't make me less of a fan.

I have been living in the north of England for the last 4 years and couldn't make every single home match, I still paid to have Bristol City World so I could hear every commentary of every match I missed. No matter if I never go again or go every single bl**dy match it doesn't make me more or less of a fan.  They are in my blood, I support them and that means I don't slag them off and cheer when players go down injured.



Now you realy have made it worth while making a come back. You REALY!!!! HAVE BEEN MISSED ON HERE MY GOOD BUDDY. IF I HAVE EVER MET A TRUE Bristol City fan you are the one.

I was talking with Scott last wednesday @ Clevedon Town watching the city reserves. He told me all he needs is a goal to give him a boost. Yes he has been disapointed in himself this season but he will come back to his old self soon. Reading between the lines of our conversation i think he needs supporters help though just a little. (The latter is my thoughts)

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Guest Kustard
Kustard was this abuse constant throughout the game or just little snide comments made every now and then?

I ask because I often here comments when a players gone down injured and he's been playing badly such as "good now we can get him off". It doesn't necissarily mean that they are actuallly happy he is injured just that they think he's having a bad game.

Abuse is a part of football, I really don't think there is any ground in the country which you would not here such abuse. Think how boring the game would be if everyone was nice all time! I personally do not abuse specific players but will pass comments such as "oh that was useless" if i get frustrated. I really don't think that this makes me a bad fan. I wont judge people for giving abuse because it is a part of football.

However, if they were making a serious comment that they wanted him to be injured then that is not right.

Keep The Faith


Yes this abuse was constant from kickoff to the final whistle. Comments along the line of they hope he gets injured, don't pass the ball to Murray (hang on, isn't it better he gets the ball than the opposition! - otherwise we will end up in a Newcastle situation if you know what I mean!), I couldn't help but go mad at the 2nd goal...it did shut them up for 5 minutes.

I totally agree, if a player does something wrong I am the first to comment, we all do that and even Chelsea can't play perfectly every game!! During a game we all clap when a player is good and make comments when they do something wrong, but if we have a shred of decency we don't cheer them down injured, boo them on the ball and actually hope the opposition takes the ball off them. We are all entitled to opinions, which we all have. But I would like to think the majority of people are there to support the team and hope they will win, which won't be helped by singling out one player and putting him under pressure. At one stage yesterday, every time Murray got the ball I was so anxious that he didn't do something wrong, so god knows how he felt!!

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Guest Kustard
Freedom of speech: shutup.gif who gave you the right to control other peoples thoughts.

Other people have the right to say what they think just as you have whether its total boggutts or not.

I can't control people's thoughts, but they can keep their mouths shut if it is wishing people injured!!!

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Guest Kustard
The bottom line is that Murray's "season" was it 01/02? (cant remember!) was a blip in form that came good. Was he ever that good before then? I seem to remember him putting in alot of effort but not being that effective which is what we are seeing now. He is older, lost a yard of pace and lacks the confidence in himself to perform as well as he did in that 1 season. In all honesty its time that Cotteril gets the starting place as we saw what he can do when he came on yesterday. admittidly it was towards the end of the game against a knackered defence but he just looks more of a threat when playing than Murray.  city.gif

Well the season after that he was our top scorer...and as far as I am concerned that was his best season, but as you have pointed out he must have had more than one good season for us.

Did I once say in my original post that Murray should be playing ahead of Cotterill....NO!! That wasn't my point. People keep picking up on this point, but not once did I make any reference to this.

I have said this before and will say it again, if I was Tinman I would pick Cotterill over Murray right now. But maybe as you said he is more of a threat coming off the bench when the defence is knackered....maybe that is a good tactic!!

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It was 02/03 when he was top scorer and voted fans player player of the year, so that was his best season ? Although the one before that wasn't bad either.

Gotta say I haven't heard him getting any more stick than anyone else when we've played played badly and maybe it's just a bit of frustration if there is cos in my book he's still one of our best players. Yes he's lost a bit of pace and maybe we won't get another season like that out of him, but to be fair he's not been our worse player by a long way this season, still gets past the defence at least once or twice a game, and as he showed with yesterday's second goal it only takes once to score. He also hit the post and had at least one other shot on target ?

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Where exactly.....Dolman Stand....Block E, Row ZA, seats 11 - 13 (at a guess).  I don't have any reason to make this up....I am p*ssed off that people think it is funny that one of our players was injured, it is not justified to laugh at one of our players when he is down injured.

I agree that he is not the player he was, but he is hardly going to be any better with "fans" slagging him off.  He needs support from the "supporters".

Give him a break. I agree totally that right now Cotterill is playing better than Murray, it doesn't mean I wish any harm on Murray or I wish that the team don't play well because of it. 

I go to see City and I support them, that is more than can be said of the idiots behind me.

mate, i sit dolman block e, row zc and i didnt hear anyone laughing at murray. i'll admit that I'm not murray's greatest fan and ive moaned and groaned, but do you seriously think that anyone would wish injury on their own player?

no, i didn't think so either.

now, if i am sitting in one of the two rows you have pointed out, and i didnt hear anything like what you have described, then maybe it could be because you are getting your wires crossed? were people laughing at a murray injury? or maybe, JUST MAYBE, supporters actually talk to each other and were sharing a joke during a break in play. now, you've probably heard a lot of comments come from where i sit aimed at murray, but also at tinnion, bell, phillips etc. etc. but we have never wished a player to be injured. there is a difference between wanting players to perform and wishing injury on someone.

to say people are laughing (not that they were) at murray's injury and hoping he would get injured and subsequently substituted is totally misinformed.

of course, i cant tell you what you heard, but there is such a thing as interpretation. maybe the way you heard people laughing and joking at the time of the injury led to people adding 2 and 2 and getting 5.

i honestly admire your passion for our club, and i share it, but to sound off on something which is so subjective is astonishing.

i agree that the collective groans come a mistake do not help, and for that matter, nor does the booing when it has occured. i also agree that we should support the lads every saturday also.

the thing, as i have said before, murray is an incredibly frustrating player. his enthusiasm is great, but should he be playing if he isn't doing the business? no. i think while murray has lacked the application this year that he had in those previous, his desire is never to be doubted.

thought i would get that off my chest, considering i was in the section you named and 'shamed'.

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Guest Kustard
mate, i sit dolman block e, row zc and i didnt hear anyone laughing at murray. i'll admit that I'm not murray's greatest fan and ive moaned and groaned, but do you seriously think that anyone would wish injury on their own player?

no, i didn't think so either.

now, if i am sitting in one of the two rows you have pointed out, and i didnt hear anything like what you have described, then maybe it could be because you are getting your wires crossed? were people laughing at a murray injury? or maybe, JUST MAYBE, supporters actually talk to each other and were sharing a joke during a break in play. now, you've probably heard a lot of comments come from where i sit aimed at murray, but also at tinnion, bell, phillips etc. etc. but we have never wished a player to be injured. there is a difference between wanting players to perform and wishing injury on someone.

to say people are laughing (not that they were) at murray's injury and hoping he would get injured and subsequently substituted is totally misinformed.

of course, i cant tell you what you heard, but there is such a thing as interpretation. maybe the way you heard people laughing and joking at the time of the injury led to people adding 2 and 2 and getting 5.

i honestly admire your passion for our club, and i share it, but to sound off on something which is so subjective is astonishing.

i agree that the collective groans come a mistake do not help, and for that matter, nor does the booing when it has occured. i also agree that we should support the lads every saturday also.

the thing, as i have said before, murray is an incredibly frustrating player. his enthusiasm is great, but should he be playing if he isn't doing the business? no. i think while murray has lacked the application this year that he had in those previous, his desire is never to be doubted.

thought i would get that off my chest, considering i was in the section you named and 'shamed'.

I only named and shamed row ZA because I was accused of lying and making this up. You were two rows behind that and I no way accuse you of doing the same thing. I was in row Z and heard every word of "hahahaha....he is down injured...its ###### great....he deserves to be injured". Plus more and more that I can't even be bothered repeating. It made me sad, it made me sick, it made me ashamed to be sat near these so called fans.

I am NOT making this up. I am NOT exaggerating. I HAVE NOT got my wires crossed. I have been going to see City for long enough to understand the difference between general football banter and pure sick abuse. And I am NOT blaming everyone in block E. Just the 3/4 behind me.

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