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Tins To Feature On Radio 5


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Just a bit of advanced warning for you Friday night party people.

Tins will be on Jonathan Pearce's show on Radio Five Live, this Friday at about 9.50 p.m.

Jonathan is going to talk to Tins about his upcoming 500th appearance and his testimonial year, although, perhaps I should get Tins to ask Mr. Pearce about his highlight of 2003!

Not sure if the ex-pats can tune in, but the frequency over here is 909 or 693 MHz on a standard radiogram (there's probably a satellite channel too, but I'm sure Monsieur Pitman has the details more readily to hand than I do).

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Thanks Edson for the info

Problem is when you get to my age I only listen to Radio Bristol

But will listen in on Friday night

HTV and BBC should have something on thier Friday evening slots

Maybe 20man might have Tins on his show

Or Talksport might have Tins on thier show 7pm to 1000pm Thursday

Or maybe set the video recorder for Jonathan Pearces footy night

on Thursday night/Friday morning

I think I have covered all of Tins possible options

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Thanks. Then I shall use SP mode for variety.
SP Mode? You devil, you!

Isn't it possible for one of the forum whizz kids (read: Tomarse) to record this onto one of those iPod thingummies using the mp3 format thingummy and then post it up to this forum so we can all get pleasure from Tins at our leisure?

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I was thinking last night about this, I can (I think) record it on my mini disc player and then feed it directly into my pc via a digital input that I have on my spanking new motherboard... then rip it to .mp3/upload.. job done  :D

/Just got to remember to record it in the first place! :wacko:

And to think Edson was going to use SP Mode! Tsk, you can't teach an old dog etc.

PS Tomarse, in the interests of copyright rules, I think you'll find that you had "a friend" who was going to record this. And "your friend" was going to upload it. It would be great if your friend could remember :D

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