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The place to go in the 70s was the Eastend,but after 82 a lot of the vocal support came from the enclosure, it then in the late 80s moved on to the dolman stand after a membership scheme was introduced for the enclosure.

This happend in alot of grounds up and down the country, the hey day of the "ENDS"WAS the 1970s.

Even at places like Liverpool and Manu this happend. I went to Manu in 1989 to see spurs and stood in the Strattford End but all the atmosphere was from the utd fans came from their standing enclosure beneath one of their stands the local callled it the monkey house , it was where the thier hooligan element went.

Like it or not and I know alot of people will be upset at this but it was the 1970s hooligans in the Eastend that gave it that unique atmosphere and a buch of kids on the internet and a couple of trumpets will not recreate what haven't happend for 20 years.

My suggestion to the younger fans is to start something that is part of your culture and your life. Its up to you to create you vibe at Ashton Gate. Get together and buy a block of 500 season tickets for the middle of the Ateyo Stand before all the old duffers and moaners snap them up, make people stand up and take notice of you.

This is a call to arms to all the young uns out there go forward with pride.

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accept some of what you are saying but I don't believe that you need violence to make atmosphere. Not one bit. I also disagree with the bit about 'kids and trumpets'- we make noise away from home everywhere we go.

We have the numbers, we have the passion- all we need is the place for it to work. On Sat 17th January we will have it...the East End!

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The need for violence to make an atmosphere! Thats not what I belive and not what I said.

But you can not recreate the atmospere of the 1970s Eastend with out refering to it .

You do not need to go back in to the Eastend to create an atmosphere and try to live out days gone by. The young supporters make you own mark on Ashton Gate. I suggest you reclaim the Ateyo stand.

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The need for violence to make an atmosphere! Thats not what I belive and not what I said.

But you can not recreate the atmospere of the 1970s Eastend with out refering to it .

You do not need to go back in to the Eastend to create an atmosphere and try to live out days gone by. The young supporters make you own mark on Ashton Gate. I suggest you reclaim the Ateyo stand.

I disagree. I think we need fans to all be sat together, unreserved and with the low metal roof in order to make any noise and not have Ashton Gate awash with songs about other teams each week.

History and nostalgia don't make noise...neither do low metal roofs...but the latter helps echo and amplify noise!

I think we can recreate our own atmosphere...not just a diluted version of the 70s. It will be new, modern, exciting, louder and better!!! Just in the same place.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

I think it's widely accepted that there was more atmosphere in the 70's because of the bovver boy scene.

Times have changed, football is more fluffy and family orientated now, even the players act like little girls.

Songs like "you're going to get you're fing head kicked in" replaced by "is that all you take away" - Nuff said really

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Guest Bow_Legged_Chicken

All i got to say on this subject is all you that are negative about the subject, have you ever been in their for a proper trial, a trial that could be big.

How can you say it will be #### if you don't experience it, the more of us in there the better it will be, the more of you negative ones that go in their the more likely it will change your mind and thoughts about the East End.

I'm only 16, used to go in the East End as a young un but obviously can't remember it that well, but what ican remember is all those times i have been in there for the trials and even when there was only about 50 of us in there we made noise and its sounded bloody good from where we were, even when everyone got too hot and bothered the last 10-20 of us keeping up the East End party had a superb time.

Any of you that go away should know the whole feeling, the atmosphere, the buzz is a hell of a lot higher and thats what it is like in the East End.

So can i just call all of you that are negative about the whole subject to come in and just try it JUST THIS ONCE to help out your fellow fans and more importantly City to another win.

How do you know you wouldn't like it if you don't try it?

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Excellent post BS3.

I'm an old East Ender, and returned for the first "re-opening". It was great fun in a nostalgic way, but could never be the same with the seats there.

There was alot of threats and aggression in the old East End chants; these days those same chants would probably lead to immediate ejection with the easy access that seating provides for stewards to get to the fans. The chanting mob were packed tight in the middle in in the 70's and the police or stewards pushed in to make ejections at their peril.

Your idea of 500 or so "singers" block booking behind the goal of the Atyeo is an obvious but good one. The noisy, young fanatics traditionally go behind the goal and if their numbers were really in the hundreds they would be heard alright whatever the acoustics.

I don't think the East Enders at the last trial match were even allowed to stand throughout - probably a good thing as in the trial game when i went in there a lad was knocked over the seats when we scored and injured his head.

I'm all for tradition and atmosphere at the Gate and support the lads who are trying to recreate it in the East End. But it can never be the same and the idea of the new generation "making their mark" in a loud bought up section behind the Atyeo goal seems an excellent one to me.

Until the new East End is built of course - then we want it back!

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Guest two acres red

At the last east end trial we were told to sit down by the stewards. and a few off us said what about the notts county fans your a steward in the east end make them sit down did they no they never.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

We weren't told - I think It was more along the lines of a beer monster shouting "right, you lot sit down now"

And they wonder why they're hated. i'm suprised they havn't built spotlights in the Atyeo yet to pinpoint people escaping from their seats during play.

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Guest Uncle Ern

Nogbad's comments ref the old East End are spot on.

Willsbridge-you took me to task for my tounge-in-cheek comments on an earlier thread. You have to have experienced the atmosphere and passion that used to exist to gain any perpective of how it was.

New biologically cleansed football is devoid of any such passion, and "policed" by self important lackeys called stewards.These cretins would have been eaten in my day.

I accept it will never be the same again but we can make it the next best thing by making a right racket.

I will be there waving my pension book at the stewards and rattling my false teeth.


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Guest WillsbridgeRed

"Willsbridge-you took me to task for my tounge-in-cheek comments on an earlier thread. You have to have experienced the atmosphere and passion that used to exist to gain any perpective of how it was"

Oh was that the taking ends comment? I couldn't resist it.

After reading books like Hoolifan and hearing the storys on here and told to me by people down the pub, I would have loved to be a 20 something in the 70's. Not just for the football, but the whole mod scene that was going on at the time.

"New biologically cleansed football is devoid of any such passion, and "policed" by self important lackeys called stewards.These cretins would have been eaten in my day."

This now being the post 96 business monster that used to be a sport? Players diving, fans moaning about the food, being told to sit down - It is all rather depressing

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Guest Uncle Ern

Willsbridge:-Mod scene-now your talking. Having experienced first and second generation ie pre and post Quadrophenia I can honestly say that modern life is totally rubbish!

Even nostalgia isn't what it used to be, although you can get more spares for a Lambretta LI series 3 now than you could in the 70's. :D

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