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Wilson Has Done A Magnificant Job

Guest berksred

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Guest berksred

The problem with the Wilson knockers is that they have unrealistic expectations. Third at the start of the new year ain't a bad position to be in and we will overtake QPR once they hit their inevitable bad run. Plymouth have come from nowhere and are looking good but may struggle if they sell Frio and suffer a run of injuries. We have a very strong foundation and Wilson has bought incredibly well, concentrating on buying young players. Some say that we are not bringing enough acadamy players through but when Tinnion and Butler don't play the average age of our team must be only 23/24. Wilkshire and Miller took a bit of time to settle in but what shrewd buys they have turned out to be. Lets get Murray back on loan, play Goodfellow on the left and see the goals flow!

Danny may have made the odd mistake - persisting too long with the Doherty/Burnell combination in midfield for example but hey, we all make mistakes!

At times we place excellent football and we will soon give someone a right old thrashing!

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the last few games home and away we have played some quality football, enjoyed it, rather watch that than boring long ball stuff.

We have a quality squad of young players, ready to win this division and good enough to stay in 1st Div.

Thanks to Danny Wilson for his commitment and vision in building a good young squad that will stay with us for years to come and will get better and better.

Div 1 football here we come and we'll stay there

:Hmm, yeah that's really funny Tarquin.: :Hmm, yeah that's really funny Tarquin.: :Hmm, yeah that's really funny Tarquin.:

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In 3 Years we've won the LDV Trophy.

That's a long way from "magnificent" in comparison with clubs that have:

a.No Academy

b.Awful Grounds

c.No Fans

d.No money

e.No away support

Name them?





Look how far Preston have climbed.

Bolton were in a very similar position to us 6/7 years ago.

This club has under acheived before Wilson and we've under acheived since he's been here, even given the mess that Clueless left us in.

He's finally seen the light with the central midfield partnership and played Wilkshire where he should have played from August and, I hope, signed a good player in Marc Goodfellow who looks impressive on the City World highlights.

He's made rickets like Lever and some of the loans and his tactics and selection have raised questions, however, this is a a game of opinions and I'll be delighted if we win promotion.

That won't prove all the DW detractors wrong.As with his recent changes and signing, it will actually show we were spot on!

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I disagree he has done "a magnificent job". He doesn't/Hasn't include the younger players which is hurting us now, look at the younger players he has included Coles/Docs/Hill etc. are now intricle parts of the team. He is not setting us up to achieve in the longterm.

I will say he is doing a good job for the moment but I am still not sold on him remaining here next season (regardless if we go up or not)

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The Wilson critics will claim that City are in 3rd spot despite Wilson and his fans will say that its because of him.The facts are that City are not bottom of the league and are in fact serious promotion candidates.

I don't have strong feelings either way.As far as I'm concerned Wilson is our currant manager whether we like it or not and therefore we should support him.If he fails in obtaining promotion this season then I'll be one of many calling for a change then even though I suspect we won't get it with Wilson having 2 years of a 3 year contract remaining.If Steve Landsdown has made one mistake in his reign so far that deal could be it.That remains to be seen in about 4 months time.

I really don't see why Wilson gets so much stick on here.I sometimes think that you can't please some City fans.Just take a look at the league table and slag of Wilson if and only if City don't get promoted come May.

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In 3 Years we've won the LDV Trophy.

Bolton were in a very similar position to us 6/7 years ago.

This club has under acheived before Wilson and we've under acheived since he's been here, even given the mess that Clueless left us in.

Certainly before Wilson came we under acheived, but Wilson has done well with the remnents of a squad assembled by 4 or 5 inept managers or coaches which have preceeded him.

Perhaps we the fans, should look at ourselves as under achievers!! Too many look at the LDV as meaningful success-I've been slated before for calling it Mickey Mouse but still stand by it now

As for Bolton, who we beat at Wembley back in the mid eighties!! I bet their website is full of angry supporters whose patience is wearing thin, waiting for the return of the LDV/Autoglass/Sherpa Vans/Freight Rover/Mickey Mouse Cup.

Wake yourselves up, get behind Wilson and lets get out of this awful division.

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He has steadied the ship, lead us to LDV success, and I believe improved our final leauge possition by 1 place every season (I'm probably wrong about that, but am sure I heard it somewhere). I see this as steadly improvement. His team selection and tactics often leave me and others bemused, but he is the manager and "should" know what hes doing.

Steady Improvement yes, Magnificant Job? Yeah right!

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It is strange therefore that he is respected in the game, away from AG that is.  Witness the reception he gets from Barnsley fans.  I don’t think we would give too many of our ex managers such a welcome.
Yes, but most fans will always salute an ex manager who has won them promotion at some time. Thats why we would salute the likes of Joe Jordan and John Ward, but not Tony Pulis or Russell Osman.
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Yes, but most fans will always salute an ex manager who has won them promotion at some time. Thats why we would salute the likes of Joe Jordan and John Ward, but not Tony Pulis or Russell Osman.
I would salute Tony Pulis if he returns to Ashton Gate at any time...


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Magnificant - NO, Improving - Yes, but still some way to go.

With the academy, the backing of the board and the previous 3 years building 'his' team, the only position at the end of the season that can be called a magnificant achievement will be promotion as champions. Runners-up will be acceptable, but not magnificant and a play-off place will be no progress at all.

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Nothing has changed. STILL no longer rate Wilson, 4th season, and we still aint automatic contenders yet. We still have p*** poor games, Wycombe away this and last season, and we've bottled others Baadiff last season, and Blackpool the season before, we've failed to kill off opposition too often(10 draws), and if Goodfellow finally proves to be the missing link, its taken too long to find him.

Closed by 2 points on Plymouth, but, they still didnt lose, and QPR won.

I think that we have proved we are play off contenders today, but will we bottle it again, and are we good enough to stay up, if promoted. The Jury is still out on that.

Credit is due to the team today, and especially the fans-you could be clearly heard while we were on top, and most of the second half, and Goodfellow for his well taken goal.

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Up until 6 or 7 weeks ago Wilson had seemed to run out of ideas, results were poor and preformances were even worse. Since then the Tommy and Joe partnership had been broken and we have played a lot more fluent football.

I still feel we need a goal poacher up front, maybe he is banking on Leroy in the near future and hoping to save the club a few pounds thus enabling him to strengthing in other areas, which he have done by buying Goodfeelow. Miller is another young striker who have impressed me but you are playing a waiting game untill they reach their potential and the one thing Managers don't have a lot of is time.

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It's also worth adding thanks to the Board in making money available at crucial times to be able to bring in new faces.

They could have easily used it to negate the club's losses.

I just hope it is rewarded.

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Wilson Has Done A Magnificant Job???? AT KEEPING US IN DIV 2 YES...

but being fair to wilson his style of football is suited to div.1 and not the

s####py div.2 we just have to get out of this league for him to prove it

but how long will that be?????????? :wacko:

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Promotion as Champions this season will clear my considerable doubts about Danny Wilson's real ability after 3.5 seasons as manager of BCFC as a Div 2 club. The board of directors have invested heavily in their support and cash for Danny Wilson and Co and now, surely, it's payback time. Pay back = BCFC firmly established in Div 1.
my fault with wilson and city on the pitch is being consistant, we will

go a few games winning then a load of draws and a few lost games

to get promotion we need a consistant run of won games which city

just can't get together and when it comes to big games like the play

offs we just stumble, we need to get tougher. :wacko:

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I keep saying and the older guys on here will back me up, Dolmans board gave Alan Dicks 8 YEARS to build a squad, a set up and a team capable of getting us into Div 1. Throughout that period there were many time's they nearly gave in to the calls for his head, and he has admitted himself that it was only Galleys goals that kept us going at times.

I know time's have changed, the pressure is greater etc, but the most successful managers are still the longest serving, Ferguson, Wenger and of course Dario Gradi.

Keep the faith it'll be worth it IMHO.

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I keep saying and the older guys on here will back me up, Dolmans board gave Alan Dicks 8 YEARS to build a squad, a set up and a team capable of getting us into Div 1. Throughout that period there were many time's they nearly gave in to the calls for his head, and he has admitted himself that it was only Galleys goals that kept us going at times.

I know time's have changed, the pressure is greater etc, but the most successful managers are still the longest serving, Ferguson, Wenger and of course Dario Gradi.

Keep the faith it'll be worth it IMHO.

You are right about the Dicks era. Success was not achieved overnight but the fans then weren't much different than today. There were plenty of calls for the manager to be sacked but the board at the time did not bow to pressure.

The Rovers board have chopped and changed managers a lot recently and have usually opted for the "Fans Choice". That has proved to be a recipe for disaster and should be borne in mind when X or Y are touted as who should be our next manager.

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Guest berksred

Probably had a drink too many when i started this post and should really have said Wilson is doing a magnificant job rather than has done a magnificant job. BCFC Seatle is wrong to say DW is reluctant to bring in youngsters. At the end of the day, if a player is good enough Danny will pick 'em. The transfer policy remains spot on with the emphasis firmly on youth. I know it's an unpopular view but I still prefer Butler to Hill at the centre of our defence but hey we all have oor own opinion. At the end of the day it's all starting too look pretty good! COM'ON

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The problem with the Wilson knockers is that they have unrealistic expectations.
... they also forget what a basket case this club was when he took over.

There were seven home-grown lads in yesterday's starting line up, the average age of the team on the continues to fall and the whole squad is leaner, meaner and more accomplished than any I can remember since the 70s. That's not to say there isn't room for further improvement but it is also clear that is happening anyway.

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