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Catering Debacle At Ashton Gate

Guest bcfccider

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Guest jonnysummers

the biggest problem, IMO, with the catering at the gate is the quality of staff. The guys behind the bar and serving the pasties in the red & white are absolutely ######e. They are so slow that the club is loosing thousands of pounds a week as there is limited time and therefore, like myself, many will only but 1 pint as there is not enough for 2 (having qued for 15 mins for the first). There is absolutely no sign of any urgency to serve people and indeed we often chose to go to the Wedlocks instead as we know that even when it is rammed full, you only wait as few minutes for service. I have often thought that they should get in touch with one of the well run bars in town, like Browns, for example, to see if they could supply 'professional' bar staff instead of clueless kids. Even if they paid them £10/ hour, the increase in volume of sales would far out-weigh this additional expense -

do let me know what reply you get (hopefully something positive and not just spin)

cheers Jon

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Why bother eating ? One paragraph you say no povision for vegies, and in the next paragraph you say your friend bought a vegie pie.!!

you dont have to eat at the ground, why not have an early dinner ?

If you're looking for quick service why not join the supporters club ?

Good, quick, friendly service from the Bar staff who are all pleasing on the eye (Sorry Bob-this doesn't include you :huh: )

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Guest bcfccider

There was no vegetarian option in the Dolman stand at the Wurzels concert.

Yes I can eat before I leave, but I do think that the club could increase revenue..

If they cannot be bothered with the catering, then why not simply serve beverages?

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Why bother eating ? One paragraph you say no povision for vegies, and in the next paragraph you say your friend bought a vegie pie.!!

you dont have to eat at the ground, why not have an early dinner ?

If you're looking for quick service why not join the supporters club ?

Good, quick, friendly service from the Bar staff who are all pleasing on the eye (Sorry Bob-this doesn't include you :huh: )

With all respect arpaul, surely you are missing the point of this post.

Although I can understand your point and I have acted in the way you suggest. Of course the result is lost revenue for the Club, revenue it so badly needs.

On average I go with 5/6 other supporters to home games, sometimes more and we sit in the Dolman, up until the end of last season we took it in turns to get the half time coffees etc for evreybody in the group. Of course when I say half time I mean start queueing 10 mins before half time to have a chance of catching the start of the second half...I kid you not!

Being party to the 'refreshment rota' I was aware of the service/quality/prices. My experience -

Service is extremely slow...20 mins to get served = a joke. When you eventually reach the head of the queue...

I have been told 'we've run out of <add food/drink here>' so many times I would need a separate thread! Not only food, but basic accompaniments, they had run out of sugar on one occasion. Most of the staff could do with a rocket up their backside, if they put as much effort into serving people as they do texting mates and generally p**ing about, we would have a service to be proud of.

Quality I've not really got a gripe with that..It's hard to get 6 Prepack Kenco Coffees and 6 Yorkies wrong! surely? Although if the hot food was better value and better quality we would have probably been 'tempted'.

Price Now its been about a season since we stopped so the prices may be a little out, they've probably gone up since then!

Yorkie 80p

Coffee £1.20 (is that right? can't really remember)

=£2.00 each

x 6 supporters = £12.00 + invariably a few part timers that come for the day.

Multiply that £12.00 by 23 games = £276.00 (conservative figure)

Like I say this was last season, this season BCFC will make £0.00 from us...Why?

Slow Service

Amateurish Staff

Poor Management


Poor Value for money

The club/lindley have supporters by the balls for refreshments, what they call a captive audience, they see no need to improve things if sales are there.

I suggest you all do what we have done, boycott the kiosks until improvements become apparent after Mr Sextone notices a dramatic fall in takings.

but until then I guess 'they are looking into it'

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Guest Lockerman

Not that many years ago, when Scott Davidson was chairman the red & white cafe was at the entrance to the ground, and they did a mean breakfast, but scott wanted to close them down which he did, but instead of turning it in to office space they should have modernised it and made itbigger and sold those mean breakfast'sthemselves it was a good earner.

even the players used it regularly after training, so it was just another means of lost revenue.

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The whole catering side of things needs a big shake up - seem to be stuck in a time warp. I have been to grounds in premiership, much bigger crowds but they cope with half time demand - at Old Trafford only had to queue for a couple of minutes to get a cuppa.

Lack of choice for veggies is also an issue, really need to get better at this as missing a key market.

Like many others, I don't bother with kiosks any more because of poor choice and poor service.

Needs real improvement! :huh:

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Been there, done that!!

I wrote to Colin about this last year, my advise is do not waste your time. I am afraid that as you suggested it is an outside contractor (Lindsey caters or something like that).

The clubs response is they are making more money then ever (no surprise as they must only pay peanuts for some of the monkeys we get "serving" us, and the hot food is total rubbish!) If your friend had a "meat" pie, I should not think he is in any danger of actually eating meat.

Once the profit is mentioned the club then wash their hands of it, basically "not their business" but write to the catering firm.

The catering firm gives you a standard letter, of which the only thing it is worth doing is eating! Far more nutritious then one of their pasties!

do not want to bash Colin/Steve over this matter as they are doing a great job for the club, but this is a sore point.

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I thought this post was a contender for "most obvious topic subject of 2004". Along the lines of:

Matthews gets injured OR

Wilson praises opposition after dismal draw OR

Tinman tries his hardest

You know the kind of thing. However, it seems that you are actually being serious.

As others have said, I think you'll find the club will say that they will look into the problems and then ignore you.

Best luck, though!

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This has been mentioned before on the ask steve forum. As the money is coming in there appears to be no interest from the directors.

Also does anyone know how long the current catering contract lasts?

I have mentioned the heating of the pies which now seems better. Now they are extremely hot rather than scolding.

Maybe a boycott of all the kisoks for a game would make the commerical department take notice.

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