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Steve Landsdown


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Steve Landsdown says in todays EP that City have a stronger squad now than they were this time last season and that he's happy with the way things are going.

He also said that "I am not prepared to have a nice little football club in the provinces - I want it to go somewhere."

And that if City are to get out of this Division then the club had to look to do something.City came close to signing Lester from Forrest but he chose to go to the Blades and City also spoke to Cureton but he chose S.Korea.Landsdown confirms that McSheffery was also a target.He's optimistic that Goodfellow will provide and extra dimension to City's game like Wilkshire has.

The income from Murrays sale has gone on Miller and Wilkshire so the Goodfellow cash is coming out of the Directors pockets.

Landsdown also recognises that City need "extra firepower" but (rather worryingly) he makes no comment on whether City are actively seeking to sign a goalscorer other than Goodfellow.

Good to see the Chairman so upbeat about City's position both in the league and in the squad.A vote of confidence then for Wilson which must a blow to the Wilson detractors who would have seen Wilson long gone by now had they had their way.

Whether the chairmans optimism is well founded remains to be seen.

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