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Guest GoneWest

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Guest GoneWest

Well done SL, Tins, the Scouts - you've secured a quality player with Alex Russell. Right attitude, temperament, a 100%er with skill and shooting ability too. Watched him a dozen times and he's caught the eye on every occasion (apart from playing us at Plainmoor - but that was one of our midfield's rare good days).

The Club today has turned the corner in my view. The only way is up!

My order for the two bricks is on its way after I've visted Ladbrookes.


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Guest BCFC Wes
Well done SL, Tins, the Scouts - you've secured a quality player with Alex Russell. Right attitude, temperament, a 100%er with skill and shooting ability too. Watched him a dozen times and he's caught the eye on every occasion (apart from playing us at Plainmoor - but that was one of our midfield's rare good days).   

The Club today has turned the corner in my view. The only way is up!

My order for the two bricks is on its way after I've visted Ladbrookes.


When I saw we signed him I thought the complete opposite, an old Torquay reject who is a League 2 player at highest. I think we should be signing quality players who are able to play above this level with a bit of a future ahead of them. I can't see him being better than Cole Skuse of Luke Wilkshire

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When I saw we signed him I thought the complete opposite, an old Torquay reject who is a League 2 player at highest. I think we should be signing quality players who are able to play above this level with a bit of a future ahead of them. I can't see him being better than Cole Skuse of Luke Wilkshire

Yep, we will have varying views - until we hit the league campaign we can only hope that BT has at last made a decent signing.

The aim is automatic promotion so theses signings know what to expect.

Jury out til first 10 games.

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When I saw we signed him I thought the complete opposite, an old Torquay reject who is a League 2 player at highest. I think we should be signing quality players who are able to play above this level with a bit of a future ahead of them. I can't see him being better than Cole Skuse of Luke Wilkshire

wait and see dear fellow!!!

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Guest GoneWest

Get ready to eat your words.

From what I've seen he's class, which is a view held by all (without any exception)of the Torquay regulars that I work with and who see him play week in/out. They're all surprised he hadn't been 'bagged' by a Championship club.

Wilkshire's a lightweight and inconsistent, Skuse may have potential but he's far from the finished article and I ain't sure what's his best position. Neither Wilkshire or Skuse could be classed as leaders. Alex is a leader and is consistent.. try naming any of our other midfielders who poses these qualities.

Trust me - one of the few who was saying after a season (not 4) that Wilson was a problem, one of the few who was saying the Club was 'rotten to the core' mid season before the radical action commenced.

Tins is getting it right. This is the first time I've had real optimism for the direction this club is heading in since the Dolman era.

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Yep, we will have varying views - until we hit the league campaign we can only hope that BT has at last made a decent signing.

The aim is automatic promotion so theses signings know what to expect.

Jury out til first 10 games.

Don't much like Brooker, Heff, Brown or Carey then?

Jury out til first 10 games.

So why are you judging him now then??

Or are we to read this as "Absolutely NO praise in the opening 10 games. If, after 10 games, we are top, I may grudgingly and cautiously say he might be doing something right. However, I am more likely to say the time to judge will be in May, and then, if we are up, I'll hope the elation of the fans allows me to slip quietly away."

A psychologist might suggest that by not renewing your season ticket, you are already judging him.

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when i first saw his name come up on the Official Site. I thought Tins could get a better Central Midfielder then Alex Russell of Torquay. I thought he was just some Old Torquay Reject also.

But from what i have heard both from City and Torquay fans. This guy sounds as though this is the Hard Midfielder we need to replace Tommy Doherty. I wish him good luck and i Expect praying smiley.gif

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Get ready to eat your words.

From what I've seen he's class, which is a view held by all (without any exception)of the Torquay regulars that I work with and who see him play week in/out. They're all surprised he hadn't been 'bagged' by a Championship club. 

Wilkshire's a lightweight and inconsistent, Skuse may have potential but he's far from the finished article and I ain't sure what's his best position. Neither Wilkshire or Skuse could be classed as leaders. Alex is a leader and is consistent.. try naming any of our other midfielders who poses these qualities.

Trust me - one of the few who was saying after a season (not 4) that Wilson was a problem, one of the few who was saying the Club was 'rotten to the core' mid season before the radical action commenced.

Tins is getting it right. This is the first time I've had real optimism for the direction this club is heading in since the Dolman era.

I think you'll find that some people's anti-Tinnion hatred overshadows their ability for rational thought and therefore Tinnion could go out and sign Ronaldinho and people would question his credentials.

I'd ask these people how many times they have seen Russell perform.

Anyone who falls into this camp and wishes to bookmark this post feel free because I am in NO DOUBT WHATSOEVER that Alex Russell will be a success for this football club.

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Well, that's my opinion.  And that is what a forum is for innit - having a dig and calling it an opinion  razz.gif

From experience, the people who are quickest to bring out the "oh that's personal abuse" card are usually the ones who love dishing out abuse to club employees most regularly whistling.gif

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Guest GoneWest

Don't think I've been a happy-clappy, aside for a few false dawns, since Dicks left. Indeed, 'grumpy old man' would be a better description as I edge into the forty-five somethings.

Genuinely feel a new buzz about the Club though - even from 100 miles away down the M5. Jesz let's hope I'm right.

Twinge of sadness about the Doc who inevitably is on his way out now.. but we couldn't wait forever for him to see the light. He could have been elevated to Gerry Gow hero status but now just follows many others as an 'also ran' (although he normally didn't!).

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And there are those who actually expect us to attract premier or championship players here on the premise that they must be interested in coming to BCFC, and it is somehow the fault of the club or manager that we can't get such players - most of whom we wouldn't want anyway.

These people are not Earthlings. They are of another planet.

Others automatically denigrate anything the club does (not sure why, just terminally negative I suppose).

These people are Earthlings but not what is known as BCFC supporters.

Others think that any player over the age of 30 must be crap or, if they come from the likes of Rochdale or S****horpe etc they must be crap.

Again, these people are Earthlings but they know jack poo about football.

Well, that's my opinion.  And that is what a forum is for innit - having a dig and calling it an opinion  razz.gif

If you keep posting posts like that one Cynic you are going to have to get a new name! Nothing cynical at all there, in fact you are arguing AGAINST people being cynical.

Are you quite well??


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