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Guest BCFC Matt

It'll be a shame if we cant get a decent number in there but like Phatwill said, even if there are 150+ of us, at least we can make more noise than the rest of the ground. :D

Should be a laugh.......!

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well lots of people i know who are going in the east end cant be bothered to travel down to the gate so will just pay a fiver on the day :D

so I'm sure there will be more people than expected.


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Without being too negative, IMO it is now the time to give up on ever getting the East End back in the current climate.

Instead all the people on here who are obviously so for this, should direct their efforts in to the Fans Forum Committee and get fully behind the excellent suggestion for a dedicated singing section.

The Fans Forum Committee will need novel ideas on how this will work to convince the board members who are on this committee.

Anybody who wants this really needs to get on board now. If they don't there is not a prayer the club will even consider this an option for 2004/05 season.

You will then be left with the same kak atmosphere all next season, and yet another one-off opportunity (that may ultimately fail) to get in the East End again.

If the number of threads their has been in the last few weeks about the East End were about suggestions for a dedicated singing section, the Fans Forum Committee would have formulated plans/ideas to hand by now.

Screw Chesterfraud. We want to sing all season. We want a Dedicated Singing Area!!!

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Guest two acres red

all the flyers i left down the local have gone so i imagine we shall get a few more in. i expect some of the fans are just going to pay on the day as well. and a few people i know said they will be going in there as well.

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"Last week seems an age away and Saturday 3pm also seems well into the future.

Seen on BC's website today that their "home fans on away end" experiment not going great guns - only about 120 tickets sold to date.

Perhaps they'll feel better if we all don straw hats, put a bit of hay in the corner of our mouth and chant "ooh arrr, oooh arrr" a lot whilst listening to Wurzels records.

I just need footy - and to end our appalling record at Ashton Hate."

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Guest oneforthe

I will be there i have exchanged my season ticket got a few others who havent got season tickets coming as well and i did spread the word around h block so the main singers from there should be there.

If we do are best and sing are hearts out and make as much noise as possible at least we will have tried.

:Party27: :Party27: :Party27:

the only other problem i see a part from there not being enough of us i hope i am wrong on that is the stewards being to jobs worth :D and spoil it :Fume:

not like saturday they left us alone no trouble and everyone enjoyed themselves ok the result helped as well. Still cant believe they let us in the top tier bet we wont get away with that again.

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Guest bcfccider

I have exchanged two season tickets, plus will buy four more tomorrow.

It will be a party as we sing the full range of City songs


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the only other problem i see a part from there not being enough of us i hope i am wrong on that is the stewards being to jobs worth  :D and spoil it  :Fume:

not like saturday they left us alone no trouble and everyone enjoyed themselves ok the result helped as well. Still cant believe they let us in the top tier bet we wont get away with that again.

Left "us" alone and then people decided to snap the backs of chairs!! I guarantee that if you DO NOT rush the fence and DO NOT stand up when you are aware that this is not allowed, then the stewards will not cause you any problems at all.

Unfortunately I cannot see the above two DO NOTs being adhered to. We shall see....

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Why say that there is only 124 of us in there? That's not going to encourage people who were undecided now is it! Like you say quite a negative article, but i'll stick with my previous theory that I reckon they'd be happier for it to be a flop!
I guess it's a matter of opinion but I suggest that the club has done a very good job publicising this, as have a fair few supporters. I think that people will look to blame the club for everything they can and hence they are being blamed for this too!

I suspect the reason for the low numbers is simply that people do not want to give up a decent view of the game to sit with few others in a terribly desgined stand for no reason other than the suggestion of nostalgia.

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Guest redrobin108

The biggest problem about the East End, is the pricing.

£15 for a adult ticket.

I firmly believe if the tickets had been cheaper, more fans would take up the offer.

Also lets also look at the opposition - Chesterfield.

Also the publicity - have you heard any adverts about the east end on the local radio stations.

Posters up around ashton gate on previous home matches.

My believe is the club want it to fail, so are not really putting too much into the project.

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Guest city slicker 71
Left "us" alone and then people decided to snap the backs of chairs!!  I guarantee that if you DO NOT rush the fence and DO NOT stand up when you are aware that this is not allowed, then the stewards will not cause you any problems at all.

Unfortunately I cannot see the above two DO NOTs being adhered to.  We shall see....

To some extent I agree with your views on blaming the club for everything but on the issue of standing up is it any wonder when the insipid response for those hoardes from Plymouth, Sheff Wed Cardiff Swindon and Southampton who did just that for 90 minutes was loosely interpreted as:

" They don't come from here so we don't have a problem with them". If ever there there was a case in point for investigation it has to be this crass stupidity which serves no other pupose than to stir up hostility. They then have the gall to try and switch the potential trouble factor onto their own supporters with the plod looking on in anticipation of an easy earner despite Richard Goulds concern that they are nervous. :D



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Guest Bow_Legged_Chicken

There has been a few adverts put on radio brizzle, me dad told me.

had well said Swindon Hater, "better than the Ateyo Library" :D

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Agreed, this trial was never about getting the best seats in the stadium, it's a trial for all those fans who are sick of sitting in silence at Ashton gate and want to come together :D and make some noise.

The view is not as bad as people make out, It's the worst view in the ground granted, but every time I have been in there I haven't missed any part of the game due to a pillar being in the way, It's one of those bullmarsh stories that are fed to you, by those who would get great enjoyment of seeing it fail.

I'll be in there on Saturday, I'm not a spotty teenager anymore, far from it, 30 years young and proud, I just want to have an atmosphere back at the gate, even if it is just for one game. I'm prepared to give up my prawn sandwiches for this game too, so come and join me, throw away those prawn sarnies and rub shoulders with dirty balding fat thirty year olds like me.

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Guest Cider_Army

As I am attending alone (my bro is away) I will be making my cider my friend, a few before tha game should make me sing dance and have a good time! If anyone sees me fall over (the fat guy with Cider Army on the back of his shirt) then please help me up as I have to work later on. It should be a laugh though even if it is simply nostalgia.

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Guest two acres red

ive already got my ticket but i must go to the ground tomorrow to get 2 more for a friend that dont finish work till 6pm

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