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He has been quoted as stating on ceefax "my contract is up in the summer and I don't except City to offer me a new one".

Therefore with this loan deal to Rovers lasting a month maybe more I don't think we will see him in a City shirt again.

Rovers might want to keep on loan till the end of the season if that was possible and they would pick him up at the end of the season for nowt.

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Personally, if that is the result, I think the best thing we can do is to wish him well wherever he might end up. He's been injured and/or unfit for so much of his City career we've probably never really seen what he might have been capable of.

If he can get himself a job elsewhere - even at Rovers - then good luck to him!

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I feel sorry for the guy. He has not had the rub of the green with injuries and as a result from the fans.

When he has played he has shown glimpses of great talent and I think his all round game probably makes him a better striker than Peaccock. Sadly we will never know just what he was capable of. I imagine he will be missed around the club as he always comes across as being a bubbly sort of character despite all of the setbacks.

He was MOM for Rovers last night and people are talking about the gulf between Divs 2 and 3. I think the big gulf is between Div 3 and the Conference. Grazioli couldn't score for Rovers but is now top scorer in the Conference and last season's top in the Conference, Agogo, can't score for Rovers. Having said that perhaps it says more about the Rovers.

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As i said in the other threads, If he lost sum weight, i reclon he could be a good player - however we need to start looking to the future - and optimistically!

Is he a first division striker?

I would say...... no.

Miller and Peacock look like they could be alright, with Lita and Roberts in reserve...

We look like we could be alright to get out of the division with the team we have, but we need to look at one that will stay in Div one when we get there...

My opinion is to release more than a few squad players who do not seem to play for the shirt and get a few high level signings in the summer - after promotion!

We do not wanna get like we were when we last went up there, with a wage bill the size of eight bellies stomach!

Or am i being TOO optimistic?!

We need a winger - come on Goodfellow - show us what your made of and please, please, tin man - dont get injured...!

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