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Have You Ever Been Hit In A Football Ground?


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Guest swindlered
yes, twice by gas, outside Eastville, once outside Ashton

one mega kicking in Bemi by Chelsea around 1979 (think we'd just beaten them 4-1

When I used to follow Derby we went up to Wolves to watch them play there. My old school teacher used to take me along with his mate and his 10 yr old son. I was only around 14.

Wolves were unbeaten at home but Derby won 2-0. Unfortunately for us we had to walk through the home fans to get to our car. Cue set upon by four - five angry young men. I got hit in the head and legged it, the teachers friend lost a front tooth and I think even his son got hit. The teacher wasn't wearing colours and got away unscathed.

Have hated Wolves ever since.

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Guest markreynolds1986
When I used to follow Derby we went up to Wolves to watch them play there. My old school teacher used to take me along with his mate and his 10 yr old son. I was only around 14.

Wolves were unbeaten at home but Derby won 2-0. Unfortunately for us we had to walk through the home fans to get to our car. Cue set upon by four - five angry young men. I got hit in the head and legged it, the teachers friend lost a front tooth and I think even his son got hit. The teacher wasn't wearing colours and got away unscathed.

Have hated Wolves ever since.

you used to follow Derby blink.gif ?

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Guest repro-red

Got hit by a coin a west brom few years back

Managed to dodge coins and wee at cardiff though

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Got a kicking and a broken watch at Oxford back in the 70,s. Also a few punchs in a motorway service station when we pulled up near a group of Walsall fans again in the 70,s. The fans that always filled me with some fear were Blackburn. Who i remember 6 or 7 running from the old open end, across the pitch at half time to put themselfs in the middle of the east end. Also the day we were surounded by Leeds fans at Elland Road, the day Gary Sparke tried to pull Chris Garlands head off. Those were the days.

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The West Midlans police at fellows park in 88 did their best to give me a smack but then, they tried to give all City fans a smack that day. West midlands scum.

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Got hit by a wayward football once at AG. (Maybe it was a Mickey Bell free kick?) Got a lump on my head nearly the same size as the ball what hit me!

Think it was only my second or third game at the gate when I was a kiddie.

Still went back though!


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The West Midlans police at fellows park in 88 did their best to give me a smack but then, they tried to give all City fans a smack that day. West midlands scum.

Seem to remember they were pretty miffed when City scum turned their crew bus over with them still inside - don't condone their subsequent action but can well understand it.

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Seem to remember they were pretty miffed when City scum turned their crew bus over with them still inside - don't condone their subsequent action but can well understand it.

Yes i remember it well. I was on the bridge with my dad as that happened. Then all the old bill run up the inbankment together and start hitting everyone.

Must admit that while walking over that bridge this season i did have a smile on my face as i remembered.

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Never been caught myself, indeed I reckon that you rarely come accross trouble nowadays if you aren't looking for it!

My Father, however... he is a different story! Being 16 - 20 in the 70s & early 80s he used to get in a fair few scrapes and didnt really try to avoif them its fair to say!! He gave it and he took it.

The worst that ever happened to him though was at the hands of City Fans. It was against Norwich, he left and was walking accross the park when he was grabbed round the neck with a chain and had a knife put to his face! "You Norwich scum" a Bristolian voice said to him!! He was less than pleased but, on displaying his tattoo they let him go with a "sorry bout that mate, didnt know you was City"....

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Guest we8thegas
Had a coin hit me at Swindle in the LDV last season...

Same match a mate of mine got hit by a coin stood next to me so he threw a FULL bottle of coke into the chavs,bounced off the dividing wall,hit one in the head and sparked him clean out straight down,no messing whistling.gif

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A guy took a swipe at me after the Wednseday just gone. I was talking to my brother, and was pretty happy after the result, and i thought it was only City fans around, so we were singing Easy Easy and a bloke kicked me and said 'How easy was it mate'? I walked away very quickly and luckily nothing came of it, but if he had fully connected with me, there were a few City fans and Weds fans around, it could have kicked off.

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Guest Colorado Red

I think that the only time I was hit inside of a ground was way back in the late 70's. Half a dozen Swansea supporters had decided that they wanted to watch the match from behind the goal in the East End. A skirmish ensued. It quickly died down, and we thought that all the Swansea had been removed. I was walking along the gangway at the back heading towards the toilet. A tall skinhead was walking toward me. Next thing I knew, I was flat on my back. He'd decked me with one punch, knocking out my two front teeth in the process. As I raised my head up though I did have the pleasure of seeing him disappear beneath a pile of angry City fans. whistling.gif

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Never been hit watching City though I did go to Luton with some gashead mates and got a right good kicking. Think it was Devine retrubution, God must be a City fan. The 2 good things to come from that was the gas lost and I bled all over a police inspector!

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Never been hit watching City though I did go to Luton with some gashead mates and got a right good kicking. Think it was Devine retrubution, God must be a City fan. The 2 good things to come from that was the gas lost and I bled all over a police inspector!

... and presumably you vowed never to watch them again.

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The West Midlans police at fellows park in 88 did their best to give me a smack but then, they tried to give all City fans a smack that day. West midlands scum.

City fans turning the police van over, parked just outside the ground, with coppers still inside it, had nowt to do with it of course. whistling.gif

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Guest SouthGlosRed
Had a smack in the mouth by an Arsenal fan at the gate when we were in the old 1st div, mind you it was mayhem that day, you could hardly see a blade of grass in the park after that game with so many people scraping.

Bin set upon at Swindon by 7 or 8 skinheads at a evening match in the league cup too

I can remember that big scrap on the park as well.

A big group of Arsenal fans were on the park first, singing 'Bristol where are you ?'

All the city fans from the Park End and East End had left earlier, and had gone round the side streets to the back of the park, and along the side. They all then leapt the railings and ran down the slopes towards the Arsenal fans. It was just like a scene out of Zulu !

The police decided to join in as well, with motorbikes and horses whizzing across the park.

Total mayhem.


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Bradford City away, Littlewoods quarter-final, circ 1988. Left early, got and stopped at a pub in Halifax by lunch time, got properly drunk, carried on to Bradford for evening game, walking down road, all kicks off, next thing I know, I'm on the deck having been hit by what felt like a 4 be 2. Never saw it coming. Blood everywhere, St Johns patched me up and advised I get to hospital, but with kick off looming, no time for that. So, into the hell hole that was Bradford's away end (anyone know what I mean?), and watch City win 1-0. After game, we stop at bleak, remote pub somewhere on the Yorkshire Moors. Semi-amazed to find it full of City fans, few more pints to deaden the pain, and onward journey home. Back in Bristol, by now about 3am, driver stopped at Frenchay for my overdue stitches. Funny thing I remember, the doctor getting really p!$$ed off cos I didnt have it done in Bradford! Lazy git!

A near scrape was away at Spurs, circa 1977. Went into the away end, only to find it full of North Londoners and the 4/5 coach loads of City fans trying to look as inconspicuous as possible. I spot a massive, older bloke wearing a red and white scarf, so I go and stand by him, feeling smug and safe. After a while the massive bloke starts chatting to his mate. "Where did you get the scarf from?" says the mate. "Took it from a Bristol supporter" comes the reply. I sloped off and didnt speak a word to anyone till I was safely back on my coach, and was almost pleased when Dave Rogers scored an own goal to give the home side victory.

Someone mentioned getting a kicking in Bemi at home to Chelsea, late 70's. I was walking down West Street with my mate, and when some older City lads decided to start chucking half bricks at the Chelsea hordes headed towards Parson Street train station, which was not a good idea, my mate had the presence of mind to hop on a passing bus, leaving me to be chased by Chelsea at the rear of the fools who started it. Being quite quick, I got away, but was then faced with choice of returning my journey home a few minutes later, along planned route - which took me over Parson Street, or walking the long way home. I deceided on the former, the problem being I didnt really want to dispense with 3 red and white scarfs I wore at the time. So I stuffed em all up my tartan fur-lined bomber jacket (anyone remember those?) and proceeded towards Parson Street looking like the Michelin Man, and coolly whistling.gif walked through the middle of 500 Chelseas waiting for their train.

Happy days.

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Guest Tactical Genius

I once chucked a coin at some Leicester fans. They chucked it back and it hit the bloke next to me. Old Bill stormed our section looking for me, but I had quickly moved on.

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Lee Peacock gave me a black nail a few seasons ago, i was sat behind goal and he fired one in, missed the goal (no surprise there) and hit me in the face, i managed to put my hand up in time to deflect it and lost the nail on my index finger in the process sad.gif

Although even funnier than that was before kickoff when some dude was climbing up the steps with his tray of teas and got smacked realllly hard in the back of his head by the ball, he dropped his teas and just said you C***.

Man that was funny, maybe it was you!?


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Had to run from stoke fans twice, once at Wembley and when we were in the championship(or what it was known as then 98/99) at ashton gate.

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I may be unlucky but in my past I seem to remember some very bad incidents and some quite amusing, like many on this forum I have a few stories, not enough for a book but maybe a chapter or two.

I don't really wish to pour petrol on the already blazing theme of football violence as I have been accused on this forum of condoning the actions and implications of Football thugery before. RUBBISH!

Sometimes in life people appear to be plagued by bad luck, I am one of those people at least I am when I watch City away.

I was hit by a coin at Reading and later, truncheoned with many innocent others for unknowingly breaking a police cordon.

I had boiling hot Coffee poured over me at the tea bar against Millwall away when City rushed the exits to try and get at Millwall through the car park, the same day I had my wrist broken by British Transport Police whilst being caught in a crush as City tried to get off a train in South Bermondsey.

On other occasions I have been ambushed at Sheffield Utd, after being ejected from the ground after 2 minutes of the game, to this day I honestly still do not know what for.

I have been bombarded with marbles as we came out of Swansea station, jumped in covent Garden by Stoke Fans the night before we played the Auto windscreens final, kicked up the arse by Wrexham fans on the first game of the season and hit by a seat in the Dolman as a youngster when Pompey decided to sit about 3 rows in front of me.......oh and got some broken glass shrapnal in the arm when drinking in the Prince of Wales after our Millenium win........

Don't sit next to me at a City game!!!!!!!

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I once chucked a coin at some Leicester fans. They chucked it back and it hit the bloke next to me. Old Bill stormed our section looking for me, but I had quickly moved on.

Similar thing happened to me at Filbert Street....

Big, rough following from Bristol, you could sense trouble all day. We were all squezzed into the corner of the stand with just some "chicken wire" and a line of the old bill between us and those nasty looking Leicester fans. Various objects were being thrown back and forth, not by me I add, and then "Wollop" a coin smacks me right on the shnozzle....man that hurt...from there on it got quite nasty, city started surging towards the fence and with me closest to it, got a right pounding from a copper who you could tell was right up for it.

An asian steward in our end was getting a bit of grief before he got lumped on the head from behind, as he went down I feared he was going to get a right shoeing...only for the city fans to scatter when he pulled a knife out on them....crazy days.

In fact some of the worst trouble I have seen over the years have been city away to leicester.

One of my mates got hit by a stray trainer against charlton at home...now that was funny!

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Guest Tactical Genius
One of my mates got hit by a stray trainer against charlton at home...now that was funny!

I take it that was before they introduced the Technical Area near the dug-out.

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Bradford City away, Littlewoods quarter-final, circ 1988. Left early, got and stopped at a pub in Halifax by lunch time, got properly drunk, carried on to Bradford for evening game, walking down road, all kicks off, next thing I know, I'm on the deck having been hit by what felt like a 4 be 2. Never saw it coming. Blood everywhere, St Johns patched me up and advised I get to hospital, but with kick off looming, no time for that. So, into the hell hole that was Bradford's away end (anyone know what I mean?), and watch City win 1-0. After game, we stop at bleak, remote pub somewhere on the Yorkshire Moors. Semi-amazed to find it full of City fans, few more pints to deaden the pain, and onward journey home. Back in Bristol, by now about 3am, driver stopped at Frenchay for my overdue stitches. Funny thing I remember, the doctor getting really p!$$ed off cos I didnt have it done in Bradford! Lazy git!

A near scrape was away at Spurs, circa 1977. Went into the away end, only to find it full of North Londoners and the 4/5 coach loads of City fans trying to look as inconspicuous as possible. I spot a massive, older bloke wearing a red and white scarf, so I go and stand by him, feeling smug and safe. After a while the massive bloke starts chatting to his mate. "Where did you get the scarf from?" says the mate. "Took it from a Bristol supporter" comes the reply. I sloped off and didnt speak a word to anyone till I was safely back on my coach, and was almost pleased when Dave Rogers scored an own goal to give the home side victory.

Someone mentioned getting a kicking in Bemi at home to Chelsea, late 70's. I was walking down West Street with my mate, and when some older City lads decided to start chucking half bricks at the Chelsea hordes headed towards Parson Street train station, which was not a good idea, my mate had the presence of mind to hop on a passing bus, leaving me to be chased by Chelsea at the rear of the fools who started it. Being quite quick, I got away, but was then faced with choice of returning my journey home a few minutes later, along planned route - which took me over Parson Street, or walking the long way home. I deceided on the former, the problem being I didnt really want to dispense with 3 red and white scarfs I wore at the time. So I stuffed em all up my tartan fur-lined bomber jacket (anyone remember those?) and proceeded towards Parson Street looking like the Michelin Man, and coolly  whistling.gif walked through the middle of 500 Chelseas waiting for their train.

Happy days.

I was among a "throng" of City fans in a pub on the edge of Saddleworth Moor, stayed there way past midnight and watched midweek soccer special on ITV, enjoyed the highlights of the City game, the commentator made reference to JJ subbing himself for Carl Shutt in the last minute and said "he could bring on his own grandmother now and it wouldnt make a difference"

Quality reporting.

CHR city.gif

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

As we're moving on to away games.............

.......Preston fans didn't like a group of us sitting in there end

At Reading a Reading fan chased me round a car several times, I don't think he liked 2 of us singing on a packed bus full of Reading fans.

Never even had a scratch though from football, bargin smile.gif

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Another amusing incident I recall was at Burnley, circa, 1990, last day of season - City won to put Burnley into the old fourth division. After the game, our minibus broke down outside the ground, so we waited for RAC or whatever. By now the place was deserted. Except that, the Burnley lads in the pub outside the ground noticed us waiting, and quite a large group (far superior in numbers to a minibus-full) came down the road towards us. One nut case among our group decided the best form of defence was attack, and ran towards them, half heartedly followed by the rest. Amazingly, the Burnley turned and ran, but not before putting a brick through the windscreen of the bus.

But the funny bit was this. One of our lot, a seasoned campaigner, who (unlike me) seemed to enjoy the incident, recounted how one of our foes had thrown an object at him during the brief melee. His story went along the following lines:

"Well", he said, "I've been about a bit, but I've never had this before. Do you know what they threw at me? A biro!! I've been to Chelsea, I've been to Millwall, I've been to Leeds, but I've never had a biro thrown at me before!"

And he seemed genuinely p!$$ed off about it, as though it were an insult to him.

I haven't seen the bloke for years, but if you're reading this Chris - quality. I sometimes still think and laugh about it now.

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Guest Colorado Red

Peterborough away, early 90's. We parked our van up at The Coach & Horses (I think). A pub about a mile or so from the ground. It was very quiet in there. Only about half a dozen old locals enjoying a few pints. We had a few ourselves Then we headed off to the ground. We left our Transit parked right out in front of the pub. After all, this is Peterborough. It surely doesn't matter that the van has Bristol emblazoned all over it. dunno.gif

After the match (I think we lost 2.0) we thought that we'd have a coupla pints in the pub before returning home. The same half a dozen locals are still in there. But there was one new addition. Sat up at the bar on his own was a nasty looking skinhead in his late 20's. We settled in ok there. A few of our number were having a game of darts. One of our lot did say later that he had noticed the shaven headed one was spending rather a lot of time chatting upon his mobile. But he thought nothing of it at the time. Anyway, all of a sudden the guy starts mouthing it off at a couple of our lot. He's going on about how he's spent time in Horfield prison, and that "Bristol ain't nothing!" rolleyes.gif There's about nine of us. So we pretty much ignore him. Then, he swings a punch, and a little scuffle occurs. I'm still sat down at this time. He gets hit, and lands near my feet. Ever the gentleman, I actually get up and help him to his feet, saying something like "Leave it out mate. No need for this".

At that moment both front and back doors of the pub burst open, and about 30 Peterborough pile inside. There's a large pile of glasses upon the bar. They start hurling them at us. The members of our merry little band who still have darts in their hands try for a double top. It's complete chaos inside the pub for probably only about a minute or two. But it certainly seemed longer at the time. Then the Peterborough mob vanish just as quickly as they had arrived.

We got off relatively lightly. Just a few cuts and bruises. Could have been a lot worse. I've still got a little scar behind my right ear, where a glass hit me. One of the locals ran across to her house opposite the pub, and returned with a first aid kit. She then proceeded to patch up any cuts which we had.

The moral of this story has to be that no matter where you may go watching City don't park a van covered in 'Bristol' stickers anywhere too obvious. doh.gif

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Guest Josef Stalin

We've got the singing area, so based on the popularity of this thread (mostly old boys and wannabees) why not petition for a fighting area? they could put in removable seats (for throwing) and higher steps so the little burberry boys could learn to (Am I naughty or what!) into each others pockets.

(j o k e )

The only story I will tell of is when I went to see York City play with some friends (while staying up there) and just before the game after a few pints one of our group normally quiet and reserved, got lairy and in the ensuing 'scuffles' with the law ended up punching a police horse! the horse didn't like it, nor did the 20 or so officers nearby who promptly arrested him and he was banned from all grounds.

got bitten by a police dog when West Ham played at AG in the early 80's (cup game 2-2)

Was in Moscow late 80's and saw Dinamo play Alma Ata, the 2 away fans (yes 2) were surrounded by armed soldiers and there were probably more soldiers at the game and outside than there were fans - strangely there was no trouble, wonder why?


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Guest Rowley Birkin

I remember the Spurs away game in the 70's too, as we got a severe pummeling that day, off the pitch.

We went on the City Special train, and were put in the Park Lane End, before segregation.

Nearer it got to kick off time it seemed the less and less City fans were about, until we were completely surrounded by their mob, who lovingly proceded to kick and punch us onto the pitch!

I remember everyone splitting up and jumping in "The Shelf" and mingling to hide ones self.

To make matters worse, bloody Keith Fear scorerd with minutes left, and we won 0-1!

Made it back to the station only receiving a couple more slaps of good sportsmanship.

Another occasion we were playing Arsenal at home, and lost 1-3.

I wish it had been 0-3, as when we scored after jumping wildly in the air, I was brought down to earth as I landed on the corner of the terracing, and being the 70's, went right over on my 4"platform shoe, severely spraining my ankle, and had to be more or less carried back to the car!

Happy days.

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Guest TheOne

My mate was hit a few seasons back and we were just walking to the ground, Millwall Fans were causing grief and when we walked past the pub about 2 coppers swiped at my mate about 3 times to get back, we were only walking past the pub to get to the ground, this was in Bristol aswell!

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We've got the singing area, so based on the popularity of this thread (mostly old boys and wannabees) why not petition for a fighting area? they could put in removable seats (for throwing) and higher steps so the little burberry boys could learn to (Am I naughty or what!) into each others pockets.

(j o k e )

I'm not sure exactly what part of your post was the joke but I think it is unfair to suggest that this post in any way condones violence or is full of "old boys and wannabees".

Most of these stories involve some form of running away/backing down so we should not assume that every one posting is a hooligan.

Also, it is a fact of life that in the 70s and 80s there was trouble at football on a regular basis. The wannabees then werent wannabees - they were in it because often you had no choice!

Nowadays there really isnt much trouble anymore and this is why the "wannabees" exist. They are the young burberry lads who are very brave from a distance but woul;d run if anything ever did happen! These are the people that annoy me.

So, after that little ramble I shall return to my point.... Just because they are recounting memories doesn't mean that people are hooligans in any way shape or form. They may HAVE been at one time or they may have been in the wrong place at the wrong time (that used to be enough for a battering!) so lets just enjoy the remeniscing of the bad old days and allow these people to recount their tales without being stereotyped eh? I for one have enjoyed this thread. Decent read I am sure you will admit, very few of the annoying short & pointless comments that litter many others...

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I'm not sure exactly what part of your post was the joke but I think it is unfair to suggest that this post in any way condones violence or is full of "old boys and wannabees".

Most of these stories involve some form of running away/backing down so we should not assume that every one posting is a hooligan.

Also, it is a fact of life that in the 70s and 80s there was trouble at football on a regular basis.  The wannabees then werent wannabees - they were in it because often you had no choice! 

Nowadays there really isnt much trouble anymore and this is why the "wannabees" exist.  They are the young burberry lads who are very brave from a distance but woul;d run if anything ever did happen!  These are the people that annoy me.

So, after that little ramble I shall return to my point....  Just because they are recounting memories doesn't mean that people are hooligans in any way shape or form.  They may HAVE been at one time or they may have been in the wrong place at the wrong time (that used to be enough for a battering!) so lets just enjoy the remeniscing of the bad old days and allow these people to recount their tales without being stereotyped eh?  I for one have enjoyed this thread.  Decent read I am sure you will admit, very few of the annoying short & pointless comments that litter many others...

You're 20 years younger than me Luke, so you wouldnt have seen most of the dark days, but that is a quality reply, spot on.

And as your reward..... I will give you another one!

Late 60's/early 70's, my dad took me to Eastville for a Gloucester Cup game, and outside the ground 3/4 skinheads were beating up a solitary rival fan. Everyone around was just walking past and ignoring it, but my dad, who isnt a big man and certainly not noted for aggressiveness, went red with rage, ran over and started giving the skinheads a pumelling, shouting something like, "leave him alone you b******s". The look on their faces was a picture, and they ran away clearly frightened and shook up. I was so proud of my dad, and it taught me early on to always stand up to bullies - cos most will run a mile if you do.

What is heart-warming about this thread is that the nasty incidents are mainly from blokes of my age or thereabouts, from the 70's/80's. I recall the infamous City-Rovers game on Sky a few years back, and thinking at the time I wouldnt be able to take my son to football if it was going to go that way again. Thankfully, that hasn't happened, and so we now have 3 generations of season-ticket holders at AG.

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Peterborough away, early 90's. We parked our van up at The Coach & Horses (I think). A pub about a mile or so from the ground. It was very quiet in there. Only about half a dozen old locals enjoying a few pints. We had a few ourselves Then we headed off to the ground. We left our Transit parked right out in front of the pub. After all, this is Peterborough. It surely doesn't matter that the van has Bristol emblazoned all over it.  dunno.gif 

After the match (I think we lost 2.0) we thought that we'd have a coupla pints in

I was once chased from just along the road from the Peterborough ground back to the station. Now that would have been late 70s and we were playing them in a cup game - seem to remember we had Chris Garland playing for us. Thik is was a draw.

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You're 20 years younger than me Luke, so you wouldnt have seen most of the dark days, but that is a quality reply, spot on.

And as your reward..... I will give you another one!

Late 60's/early 70's, my dad took me to Eastville for a Gloucester Cup game, and outside the ground 3/4 skinheads were beating up a solitary rival fan. Everyone around was just walking past and ignoring it, but my dad, who isnt a big man and certainly not noted for aggressiveness, went red with rage, ran over and started giving the skinheads a pumelling, shouting something like, "leave him alone you b******s".  The look on their faces was a picture, and they ran away clearly frightened and shook up. I was so proud of my dad, and it taught me early on to always stand up to bullies - cos most will run a mile if you do.

What is heart-warming about this thread is that the nasty incidents are mainly from blokes of my age or thereabouts, from the 70's/80's. I recall the infamous City-Rovers game on Sky a few years back, and thinking at the time I wouldnt be able to take my son to football if it was going to go that way again. Thankfully, that hasn't happened, and so we now have 3 generations of season-ticket holders at AG.

Thank you - it is extremely true that I didnt see most of the 70s and 80s. Indeed my first game was in 87 so I only caught a few years of the 80s when it was clearing up anyway.

I do have a father who has been there & done it though which has meant that I have heard numerous stories... the time they got lost in Northampton (I think), all drunk and four blokes c.20 years old in a mini. It was so foggy they couldnt see a metre ahead of them and they were driving down a windy lane with two of them heads stuck out the window giving it "left a bit, right a bit" so the driver didnt go into the ditches either side! There was nobody around on this country lane until they all got out to have a wee and all of a sudden a policeman asked them what they were doing!!!! I don't condone any of the actions taken but as a story (told better than my father and more vivid as I know the guys who were in the car with him) I think its great!

And your Dad taught you a valuable lesson too... so its not all bad!

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I'm not sure exactly what part of your post was the joke but I think it is unfair to suggest that this post in any way condones violence or is full of "old boys and wannabees".

Most of these stories involve some form of running away/backing down so we should not assume that every one posting is a hooligan.

Also, it is a fact of life that in the 70s and 80s there was trouble at football on a regular basis.  The wannabees then werent wannabees - they were in it because often you had no choice! 

Nowadays there really isnt much trouble anymore and this is why the "wannabees" exist.  They are the young burberry lads who are very brave from a distance but woul;d run if anything ever did happen!  These are the people that annoy me.

So, after that little ramble I shall return to my point....  Just because they are recounting memories doesn't mean that people are hooligans in any way shape or form.  They may HAVE been at one time or they may have been in the wrong place at the wrong time (that used to be enough for a battering!) so lets just enjoy the remeniscing of the bad old days and allow these people to recount their tales without being stereotyped eh?  I for one have enjoyed this thread.  Decent read I am sure you will admit, very few of the annoying short & pointless comments that litter many others...

hear hear young Luke. take me for example, mild mannered be-speckled Nester. I was in Bedminster outside a chip shop when I got my kicking from chelsea - we're talking 10 - 15 lads maybe a mile or two from the ground on an evenuing match - get out of that one! I got hurt (and my blue pin-stripe baggies were torn, which really geed me off) - luckily I was fit and could get up and run very very fast.

I took my son who was 5 at the time (he's 20 now) to Ashton v rovers, we're coming out near the Park End to get to Hotwells and it kicks off, some poor gas bugg3r got a smack righ tin the face and my son was terrified. Who wants that.

However, it was a weird time with people getting into fights all over the place. One main point is that it never stopped me going. I've been to loads of away games and 90% of the time I wear my city shirt (although I'm a bit dubious at Burnley, where I feel nervous ...).

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Guest Josef Stalin
I'm not sure exactly what part of your post was the joke but I think it is unfair to suggest that this post in any way condones violence or is full of "old boys and wannabees".

Most of these stories involve some form of running away/backing down so we should not assume that every one posting is a hooligan.

Also, it is a fact of life that in the 70s and 80s there was trouble at football on a regular basis.  The wannabees then werent wannabees - they were in it because often you had no choice! 

Nowadays there really isnt much trouble anymore and this is why the "wannabees" exist.  They are the young burberry lads who are very brave from a distance but woul;d run if anything ever did happen!  These are the people that annoy me.

So, after that little ramble I shall return to my point....  Just because they are recounting memories doesn't mean that people are hooligans in any way shape or form.  They may HAVE been at one time or they may have been in the wrong place at the wrong time (that used to be enough for a battering!) so lets just enjoy the remeniscing of the bad old days and allow these people to recount their tales without being stereotyped eh?  I for one have enjoyed this thread.  Decent read I am sure you will admit, very few of the annoying short & pointless comments that litter many others...

I was making a joke, not a point.

so stop being so pompous.

Football's changed quite a lot from when I was young, I was only illustrating that nowadays we have 'no smoking areas', and 'singing areas' so just for old times sake why not have....

You jump in with both feet when perhaps you could have read the post for what it's worth.


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I was making a joke, not a point.

so stop being so pompous.

Football's changed quite a lot from when I was young, I was only illustrating that nowadays we have 'no smoking areas', and 'singing areas'  so just for old times sake why not have....

You jump in with both feet when perhaps you could have read the post for what it's worth.


My point was not necessarily aimed at you and I don't think it was necessary to take offence or to call me pompous. I pointed out that I was unaware which part of your post was a joke (ie the bit about the wannabees etc or the bit about the specialised section) and therefore thought I would share my feelings on the topic.

Edit - just noticed your sign off and to be honest wish I hadnt bothered to dignify you with a reply. I would not personally abuse you in any way shape or form although I will point out how childish that you using that particular sign off is.

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I was making a joke, not a point.

so stop being so pompous.

Football's changed quite a lot from when I was young, I was only illustrating that nowadays we have 'no smoking areas', and 'singing areas'  so just for old times sake why not have....

You jump in with both feet when perhaps you could have read the post for what it's worth.


If it helps, "Josef", I read your opening paragraph pretty much the same as Luke. Maybe it was just clumsy wording - describing most of the people on this thread as "old boys or wannabees" could be interpreted as a tad insulting and/or dismissive. I certainly think of myself as neither.

Any way, Ive got 10 minutes before I get out on the golf course - so.....

..... I once got hit after a football match - by my missus. City had just failed to beat Swindon to get in the play-offs, early 90's, so I came home in a foul mood, and launched an object at the door just as erindoors opened it. Cue a mouthful and a right hook which she landed beautifully.

The things I/we go through for City.

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Guest Josef Stalin
My point was not necessarily aimed at you and I don't think it was necessary to take offence or to call me pompous.  I pointed out that I was unaware which part of your post was a joke (ie the bit about the wannabees etc or the bit about the specialised section) and therefore thought I would share my feelings on the topic.

Edit - just noticed your sign off and to be honest wish I hadnt bothered to dignify you with a reply.  I would not personally abuse you in any way shape or form although I will point out how childish that you using that particular sign off is.

Hey maaan just sharing my feelings with you, know what I mean.

(to explain; that WAS a sarcastic and personal sideswipe - in case you misunderstood any part of it)

use the ignore button, I know I will.


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Never been caught myself, indeed I reckon that you rarely come accross trouble nowadays if you aren't looking for it!

My Father, however... he is a different story!  Being 16 - 20 in the 70s & early 80s he used to get in a fair few scrapes and didnt really try to avoif them its fair to say!! He gave it and he took it.

The worst that ever happened to him though was at the hands of City Fans.  It was against Norwich, he left and was walking accross the park when he was grabbed round the neck with a chain and had a knife put to his face!  "You Norwich scum" a Bristolian voice said to him!!  He was less than pleased but, on displaying his tattoo they let him go with a "sorry bout that mate, didnt know you was City"....

Me dad has told me a lot of stories about the 70`s and he told me that one of his first ever away games was against norwich and there was only a coach ful of City fans there on a tuesday night and after his mate had 20 Norwich fans just taking it in turns at him.

Also his worst experience was Wolves under the subway where they waited for them.

Whereas myself all I have seen is a great day out at Hull, and in the LDV against Swindon when around 300 City lads serged over towards the Swindon fans and saw the Swindon lads running to the top teir of their stand to stay away from them, o it was such a pleasing site.

There is some places where you just know whats going on just by the look of the travelling fans from Bristol.

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Guest we8thegas
the LDV against Swindon when around 300 City lads serged over towards the Swindon fans and saw the Swindon lads running to the top teir of their stand to stay away from them, o it was such a pleasing site.

ah such a pleasant scene that was biggrin.gif

hark now hear,the city sing,the Swindle ran away laugh.gif

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Guest we8thegas
Yes ive been reminded that one for the last 5 years Dollymarie as my mate is a Stoke fan  devil.gif

my mate in the next street has been to Stoke twice on the coach and both times he's stepped off he's been nutted disapointed2se.gif

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We were robbed though, cos the ref hadnt blown his whistle for the free kick!


That ref had his last game at Wembley then he retired cant remember his name.

Was Careys fault unfortunately cos he was arguing with the ref and it enabled Stoke to take a quick free kick. I was gutted we lost that game was a fantastic day out. We must have been one of the last clubs to play at Wembley before it was demolished.

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You're right, it was the last ever game played at Wembley.

Quite historic really!


Apart from the play offs of course. Yes was a great day biggest crowd for the auto windscreen (now Ldv) at Wembley. Over 70k fans. A sea of red and white. Didnt see much trouble that day either which was suprising.

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Guest Bub The Zombie

no one started on me, at away games!

but then again no one talks to me being a zombie!

we do have feelings you know.

we all don't eat people ( only now and again!) devil.gif

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