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Citys Captain

Guest Weav

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there is so many possible players for the captaincy-

Scott Murray (if he plays)

Alex Russel

Danny Coles

Louis Carey

Steve Brooker

Marcus Stewart

Matty Haywood (outsider)

Jamie Smith (if he plays)

Tommy Doc (huge outsider)

Do you thin tinns will give it to a new boy? i think he will either russel or stewart????

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there is so many possible players for the captaincy-

Scott Murray (if he plays)

Alex Russel

Danny Coles

Louis Carey

Steve Brooker

Marcus Stewart

Matty Haywood (outsider)

Jamie Smith (if he plays)

Tommy Doc (huge outsider)

Do you thin tinns will give it to a new boy? i think he will either russel or stewart????

Brooker for me. Last season when called to captains duties, he led from the front. The job brought the best out of him+ he's probably not someone the other lads would want to be offside with.

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Although Brooker might seem a good choice, you have to wonder how much of a part he might play with the arrival of Marcus Stewart.

He could be starting the season on the bench - not really where you want your captain!! Although hopefully we will get to see Brooker, Stewart and Lita all starting together - although where and what formation is yet to be seen!!

If Brooker is not a main option, then what about Steve Phillips?

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Guest Wurzel of Oz

Colsey for me did well as vc under the doc - noone else is secure in their place/been here long enough

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Guest claloudav

Phillips or Carey. However I'm not sure if a goalkeeper captain would be as effective. It's good becasue he can see everything what is going on, but then again he can't really communicate as much with the team and the manager because of his location on the pitch.

He does shout many instructions at the defence and perhaps if he was captain they would pay more attention.

I do think it should be a respected player who has been at city for quite a time.

I always thought Carey did alright when he's been given the arm band.

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Guest alex1089

In the present squad i'd say give it to Brooker or Carey but if Coughlin comes in then he should get it.

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Guest cornwallred

From what Torquay fans tell me living in this part of the world Russell could well be Tinnons first choice.

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It's difficult to judge as we haven't seen any of the new players play for us yet, are aren't really certain who's playing where either.

Being captain definately improved Brooker immensley last season when he was given the role.

My feeling at the moment would be for carey to take the role, since returning he has settled down and put the effort in consistantly.

I suppose a captain should be a good leader and communicator. Not go and hide when things go wrong and be able to lift others when needed. He should be the first name on the team sheet and be someone the Manager can rely on. He needs to be confident in his own game as his concentration will be needed elsewhere too. He needs to be respected by the others. Who can do all that and more?

How did Tommy doc get the role for so long??? dunno.gif

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Guest Rob_BCFC

Louis Carey I reckon. He is experienced, and has been at the club for a while now (11 years I think) except for his brief exit. Danny Coles is took young in my opinion. I wouldnt like to see a new person come in and be captain, I would prefer it if it was someone who has been here for a while (i.e. not Brooker). I wouldnt mind Phillips either but he is in a poor position to be captain as he cannot command instructions to the players except when the opposition have a corner.

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From what Torquay fans tell me living in this part of the world Russell could well be Tinnons first choice.

Not sure that a new player should be given the armband - doesn't feel right and might put some of the longer serving players backs up. I would say its between Coles, Carey and Philips although agree that Brooker did well with it last season.

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