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In My Opinion...


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........compulsory for City fans at AG, unless they're impaired.

This is going to be highly controversial, but why do "supporters" bother turning up , if they can't add to the atmosphere in a positive, friendly way, in order to intimidate the opposition.

Take the Cardiff play-off 2nd Leg as an example of when the team were crying out for encouragement from the WHOLE crowd, to generate a goal; and b***er all happened, apart from thee usual suspects.

IT'S PATHETIC, but that's only my opinion...what's yours.


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Dont think it should be compulsory - football nowadays is a family game, and the last thing you want to do if you have managed to convince the wife that Ashton Gate is a great place and you are trying to encourage your 5 year old son to love the sport of footy is to hear, "the referees a silly person.."

However, i dont have a wife or a 5 year old..............

Singing should be something you want to take part in, looking at the other threads there seems to be more than enough of us to generate a quality atmosphere at the gate, however it seems to be the same issue of where do we go and the sound that is actually thrown onto the pitch due to the shape of the stand.

However, i still dont think football will ever go back to how it was when we had terraces, especially at the gate...

Sadly, due to season tickets blady blady blah a singing area is the tiny area in the atyeo.. Hopefully pay on the dayers will show some supoport to the East end - We will have to wait and see...

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- football nowadays is a family game, and the last thing you want to do if you have managed to convince the wife that Ashton Gate is a great place and you are  trying to encourage your 5 year old son to love the sport of footy is to hear, "the referees a silly person.."

When I first was taken to Ashton Gate aged about 8 or 9, it was the loud, boisterous, sweariness of the crowd that was probably more alluring than the football itself. You're right, football never will return to those days and for some, that's an improvement. But I know when I was at school nearly every kid wanted to stand on the East End (or the Tote End) and be involved in the excitement. A generation on, most want nothing more to do with football than a Sky Sports subscription and I find that quite sad.

I love the notion of the stewards ejecting non-singers from the ground!

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Guest red_pill
This is going to be highly controversial, but why do "supporters" bother turning up , if they can't add to the atmosphere in a positive, friendly way, in order to intimidate the opposition.

Whilst I understand what you're saying, I predictably resent the inference that non-singing "supporters" (as you put it) are anyway inferior. Anyone who buys a season ticket or goes to the majority of games is, in this premiership era, a true supporter.

Singing is for those who feel comfortable doing so and enjoy it, and it does add to the atmosphere, but doesn't make anyone a better fan.

Apart from anything else, where I sit in the Dolman, if I started singing, I'd feel like I was singing a solo for those around me, and my vocal chords aren't quite up to that!

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........compulsory for City fans at AG, unless they're impaired.

This is going to be highly controversial, but why do "supporters" bother turning up , if they can't add to the atmosphere in a positive, friendly way, in order to intimidate the opposition

Erm, why should supporters have to sing and chant!? If somebody sings for the majority of a game, it doesn't make them any more of a supporter than somebody that occasionally sings, or sometimes never sings.

Why do supporters bother turning up!? To watch a game of football, and support their club.

I can see it now, half of the crowd being kicked out by stewards for being quiet.

If people don't want to join in with songs/chants, then they won't. There is nothing that you, the club, or anybody else can do to change that.

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........compulsory for City fans at AG, unless they're impaired.

This is going to be highly controversial, but why do "supporters" bother turning up , if they can't add to the atmosphere in a positive, friendly way, in order to intimidate the opposition.

from thee usual suspects.

I find your quote contridictery,"add to the atmosphere in a friendly and positive way,order to intimidate the opposition."

How can you be intimidating and friendly at the same time?

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How can you be intimidating and friendly at the same time?

By creating a wall of sound, with continual singing and chanting by everybody, without the need for swearing.

It can be done.

If you ever watch American Football Matches on Sky you'll see my point.

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........compulsory for City fans at AG, unless they're impaired.

This is going to be highly controversial, but why do "supporters" bother turning up , if they can't add to the atmosphere in a positive, friendly way, in order to intimidate the opposition.

IT'S PATHETIC, but that's only my opinion...what's yours.

:D  ;)  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :angry:  :angry:

I have supported City for over 40 years and in the early days joined in the inane chants but more recently I have become increasingly embarrassed by the stupidity of "the best team in the world" and "stand up if you hate the gas" etc so am quite happy to just go and watch the football - which is what it is all about anyway. I'm sure the club would be delighted if all those who do not wish to sing gave up their season tickets because of suggestions like yours - I would venture to suggest the number would fall from 8,000 to less than 800 and then you would have no club to support so either accept that we are all different or go forth and multiply. Only an opinion of course.
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"If you ever watch American Football Matches on Sky you'll see my point..."

And if you ever go to an NFL game you'll note, other than perhaps at the Raiders or the Dog Pound where intimidation actually came in the physical form of fists & dog biscuits, there ain't no "wall of sound" & what there is tends to be limited to the duration of each play.

I'll break this to you gently, but all those sound effects, be they motor racing, horse racing, football or cricket are all enhanced in the mix & are often contrived from other events to that being shown. Never To The Dark Side probably has a whole catalogue of the things under his bed. A sound engineer I know at the Beeb explained that if they put out what they actually recorded live at each event, rather than a mixture of real & historic recordings, then you'd all be taking your Dolby 5.1 surround sound systems back to the retailer bemoaning the lack of noise at each event.



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I don't know about compulsary singing, but I do know what you are getting at greenun. I am a fan who gets very "into" games, I'll shout at the ref, I'll shout at the players I'll shout at anyone and when we score I go mad. I spose this means when other don't do the same as me I wonder why. If I see a fan just standing there clapping politely when we score I ask myself why are they at the match at all? OK if it's the 5th goal in a 5-0 thrashing I won't start jumping up and down screaming uncontrollably, but for most goals, especially in away games I do.

I don't want to deter people from coming to city, but I really want to have it like the old days again, and maybe the answer to this is to go back to terraces?

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Guest lilciderhed

I'm not old enough to have been in the old east end or around when the terraces were at the gate, but last season was my first as a season ticket holder and I used to think the atmosphere werent that bad.

Now I'm into my second season of being a season ticket holder, and it seems like the atmosphere is detirierating (spelling?) game by game.

There are about eight people who sit around me and my mate that sing, and where like the only ones for ten or so rows that join in with the chants and you do feel weird when you get loads of 'non-singers' turn around and give you dirty looks.

Maybe this is the problem, apart from the h block in the Atyeo and the B block of the Dolman, people wanting to sing are scattered around the ground.

Being 14 and easily bored, when you look in the paper and see were playing teams like Wycombe who take around 200 away, you just think of the same old story; one goal in a boring first half and another in the second, theres no atmosphere at all in these games. Now dont get me wrong I love City and theres nothing like the atmosphere at away games, but with no atmosphere and a boring game you do sometimes wonder whether its worth going (I always do go, but it is often dull nowadays).

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I sit up with a group of my mates in B Block Dolman where there is a lot of cheering. However I have many of my mates who sit at the oppostie end of the dolman and they always complain that the atmosphere was ####.

The atmosphere is only #### because you don't bother cheering.

If everyone around the ground begins to cheer so will everyone. This should be encouraged.

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I've heard lots of brilliant chanting at City recently, but only when the team is giving us something to sing about. I know "you only sing when you're winning" is supposed to be a huge insult, but when City are just noncing about kicking the ball back and forth among the back 4 before launching it up field just in time for ol' Leapy to foul someone, it sure as hell doesn't make me feel like singing! Especially if we're losing against a team we should be beating comfortably.

Chicken and egg, I know, but there you go.

By the way, I couldn't agree more about the inane chant thing; "if you all hate Bristol Rovers" is one thing, but "if you really ######ing hate them" and "if you hate them with a passion" is going a little far.

"If you treat Bristol Rovers with the contempt they deserve by largely ignoring them, clap your hands" - now that would be a chant I'd join in with!

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I've heard lots of brilliant chanting at City recently, but only when the team is giving us something to sing about.  I know "you only sing when you're winning" is supposed to be a huge insult, but when City are just noncing about kicking the ball back and forth among the back 4 before launching it up field just in time for ol' Leapy to foul someone, it sure as hell doesn't make me feel like singing!  Especially if we're losing against a team we should be beating comfortably.

Chicken and egg, I know, but there you go.

By the way, I couldn't agree more about the inane chant thing; "if you all hate Bristol Rovers" is one thing, but "if you really ######ing hate them" and "if you hate them with a passion" is going a little far.

"If you treat Bristol Rovers with the contempt they deserve by largely ignoring them, clap your hands" - now that would be a chant I'd join in with!

Nice post, and sooooooo true.

Fact is boyz n girlz we aint yer typical lower division side, we do have loads of these prawn sandwich type supporters, and loads who just sit and watch, its the way it is.

my ole lady always reckons I'm going to get chucked out for swearing at a key point- this is in the Atyeo as well, she may be right, still part of going to games...shame sometimes the team plays so boringly that it kills atmosphere.

After Goodfella came on at County (On the radio at least) the noise level went up appreciably, this may be a coincidence, but he made an instant impact on the game, and our support grew quickly as well....

Just a thought..

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I reguarly sit in the Atyeo stand (H-block) and think the atmosphere is great, although I had to sit in Eastend at Bournemouth game, we were all chanting and could not even hear the Atyteo. At least in the Eastend it will be constant cheering because you aint going to sit back and be mouthed at by the away supporters.

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Love it when the crowd get behind the team from the start - tends to be when there is a good away following, teh atmospehere really gets going.

Best is when the team are playing well, score an early goal and give us something to cheer about, then I guess the atmosphere is something to experience, otherwise the Gate can be really quiet.

Hope Saturday is one of those good days with noise from the start - should be if the East End really works :):D:D

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