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Have I Got This Right?


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Good point robbered,

I an generally a positive guy but some of our fellow forum users seem to think that no one should be allowed a negative thought

If this is the case they may as well close the forum and replace it with a place to insert soviet style praise for our glorious manager and players....

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If I critise a City player then that makes me not a true supporter? I think thats what was suggested on an earlier thread about Golden Boy.
Indeed Robbo, didn't you know all our players are way above criticism. Some of them might read the forum and get upset. Awwwwwwwww...bless

I'm getting similar stuff levelled at me for my views on Fla..erm Philips :D

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Good point robbered,

I an generally a positive guy but some of our fellow forum users seem to think that no one should be allowed a negative thought

If this is the case they may as well close the forum and replace it with a place to insert soviet style praise for our glorious manager and players....

Totally agree with the close the forum comment.

It seems to me now that if you have an opinion at all that appears to be even remotely negative you are attacked personally.

All the posts are leave Leapy alone or calling Phillips "Flapper" is unfair etc. without any real argument of points put across.

Is there any other unofficial bristol city forums where you can still express an opinion?

This forum has gone downhill faster that Tony Butler's performances. It is worse than Steve Phillips kicking; it's as pathetic as a Leapy dive etc.

FOR SALE. 1 used 3 letter username for sad-arse, rose-tinted forum. Application forms to :-

Bristol City REAL Fans GroupHug :D

Follow the Sheep Lane

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Totally agree with the close the forum comment.

It seems to me now that if you have an opinion at all that appears to be even remotely negative you are attacked personally.

All the posts are leave Leapy alone or calling Phillips "Flapper" is unfair etc. without any real argument of points put across.

Is there any other unofficial bristol city forums where you can still express an opinion?

This forum has gone downhill faster that Tony Butler's performances.  It is worse than Steve Phillips kicking; it's as pathetic as a Leapy dive etc.

FOR SALE.  1 used 3 letter username for sad-arse, rose-tinted forum.  Application forms to :-

Bristol City REAL Fans GroupHug  :D

Follow the Sheep Lane

Stop moaning!
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I think what should be pointed out is that criticism is natural and is sometimes needed providing it is constructive criticism and not just victimisation which BCFC supporters are sometimes guilty of.

Criticising for the sake of it or because you have different views to someone else does not help anybody and it what should stop.

However as I said constructive criticism isn't always bad.

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If I critise a City player then that makes me not a true supporter? I think thats what was suggested on an earlier thread about Golden Boy.
Wll, it's not criticism I object to, it's when it gets personal as when DW is referred as Wonderson or Peacock is called Golden Boy. It's not necessary to get your point across.


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Wll, it's not criticism I object to, it's when it gets personal as when DW is referred as Wonderson or Peacock is called Golden Boy.  It's not necessary to get your point across.


Agree, I think there is some excellent debate on this forum and I hope everyone continues with it (as someone relatively new to it I think it's great ;) ) However some of the personal comments are unjustified and seem to be expressed purely to wind people up :D
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If I critise a City player then that makes me not a true supporter? I think thats what was suggested on an earlier thread about Golden Boy.

constructive criticism yeah fair enough but some have aimed

personal abuse at players which is not on, now i'm not suggesting

you have but it has been on here in recent times, we all have our

favourite players some like peacock and some don't fair enough

but going back a while when roberts was being called a welsh ######

that was just not on, ok moan about their play and praise their play

but lets not go down the abuse road, i don't see much wrong in our

pet names for players such as flapper or golden boy but some of

the stuff roberts was called on here was well out of order

... once again this is a general view

and not suggesting you are at fault for abuse..

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Indeed Robbo, didn't you know all our players are way above criticism. Some of them might read the forum and get upset. Awwwwwwwww...bless

I'm getting similar stuff levelled at me for my views on Fla..erm Philips :D

Shame eh, feel the same way about £60 super striker Peacock..

Discussions take place on forums, involving agreeing & disagreeing novel concept eh??

As to players getting the hump over them being discussed, ya know what to do, shape up, or ship the **** out. You all should play with pride in the shirt like Tinman does... nuff said

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Guest Mr Snufflelufagus

This is the place for critism yes. But come Saturdays we should get fully behind the managers starting 11 and support them. Moaning at them will not make them try or play any better.

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Excellent point!

My view is that is EXACTLY what this forum is for; to express views and discuss this great club of ours and everything that revolves around it.

I said in an earlier post; I don't criticise players loudly at City games; but I feel I've every right to in this forum.

There are some issues everyone agrees on; there are some that we don't.

People saying that criticising players/management makes you less of a supporter are missing the point.

One Team

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If I critise a City player then that makes me not a true supporter? I think thats what was suggested on an earlier thread about Golden Boy.
If you dont go to every game, does that not make you a true supporter?
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Guest redrobin108

Reading some of the replies on this subject are unbeliveable.

We are paying customers, we love the club, and if we feel that certain players are not pulling their weight, we have a right to complain.

It does'nt mean we love the club anyless.

99% of people on this forum are here, because they love the club and wish to express their views, but most of us, will still be at the next match.

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Reading some of the replies on this subject are unbeliveable.

We are paying customers, we love the club, and if we feel that certain players are not pulling their weight, we have a right to complain.

It does'nt mean we love the club anyless.

99% of people on this forum are here, because they love the club and wish to express their views, but most of us, will still be at the next match.

I agree that people have a right to complain/criticise, I've done it myself often enough, but is there a line between "criticising" a player and "ridiculing" him?

In my mind as City "Supporters" we should not just constantly slag off a player, it's excessive and won't actually achieve anything positive.

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One crucial point has been missed: we criticise purely because we support the team so much.

We want City to succeed, so if someone or something is preventing that, we want it resolved.

I we didn't support the club, why would we post?

Agree about the personal attack bit though, apart from when it affects play e.g. excessive drinking/smoking.

But if we are going to stop using personal nicknames for players, let's just have a cleansing exercise to purge them from our systems.

<deep breath>

Flapper Phillips.

Wonderboy Wilson.


any more?

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If I critise a City player then that makes me not a true supporter? I think thats what was suggested on an earlier thread about Golden Boy.
Well, according to that "how much are you worth," website, I'm worth almost £1.3m, so it can't be true!

Not criticising makes you a memeber of the Blind Faith Possee and that takes £2m off your value for a kick off.

You pay your money and that gives you the right to criticise which, like me, you do constructively.

That's your right. Simple as that!

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if you don't blend your critiscism with a degree of positive thinking, all you get is a moan.

Now everyone is entitled to their view etc etc.. but the sheer volume of moaning is amazing, and about the most purile things.

This thread almost turned into a giant moaners circle jerk, with poster after poster coming on and justifying their right to moan.

My argument is with those that NEVER post a positive comment, (and there are plenty)

and for those who pay & turn up at games and moan, even when we are winning, well it beggars belief.

It's naive to assume this stuff doesn't get through to players, and that sitting behind your computer with an anonymous log on entitles you to spew rubbish that frankly borders on the offensive is OK

get a life.

I'm for reasoned argument that is rooted in some level of reality, but some of the stuff on this forum is waaaaaay beyond that.

Anyhow, move on people, nothing to see here....

see you Saturday.


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I think it's naieve to assume that half-empty types will stop moaning. People will always find something to whinge about. But I'm not too sure what you mean as constructive criticism.

You can point out positives, but if the team is playing abysmally and there are no genuine positives then what's to do? (I am not saying this happening now, but it certainly was at the beginning of the season).

You can point out alternatives (I've been taught that you should never present a problem without presenting a solution), but we're not football coaches - we're merely observers with an interest and passion in the team we follow.

So what can we do as supporters?

1. Point out weaknesses without getting personal.

2. Have a stab at suggesting improvements. (have to admit that the forum has an excellent track record in being right before Danny)

3. Support the team by making a noise on matchday.

Will that do? Is this along the lines you were thinking of?

Luckily it's been quite a while IMHO that a truly depressing performance has happened and the passing, flowing style of play accompanied by player's seemingly being more committed is refreshing.

I won't even include the results in that as it's obvious.

But I feel it's clear that there is still room for improvement.

The communication between Phillips and the backs has to improve, both in and out of set pieces? Any ideas anyone how this could be done?

The strikers have got to be more clinical. Does this require new strikers, a new coach or is it just confidence?

Catering - anyone know a decent sandwich shop that wants to set up stall?

Better stop there before this turns into an essay..

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I agree with everything you've said, and you are to be applauded for taking the line about not presenting problems without solutions.

Briefly going off topic, my general feeling is that too many levels of society are plagued by negative moaning types, who can't see the point in making the effort, be it putting rubbish in a bin, or letting oldies sit down on a bus etc.

This probably makes me sound like an old f@rt but when you get a bit older (and wiser?) these things become more relevant and apparant.

grumpy old men!

For me 16 years under the Tories destroyed English society, and we're still paying now.

thank you and goodnight.

keep on keeping on mate!

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Criticism is all part of the forum. However there is on here from some people, unqualified criticism, which is just as bad as people moaning at people criticising giving no reasons. Much criticism is qualified with reasoning, but some is not and that gets on my tits :)

By all means criticise, and disagree. For me though there are too many people ready to have a go at others for either criticising or not, without giving any reasons as to why they disagree.

Take the Phillips thread as an example, Dolman moaner and open end put forward their reasons why they don't rate Phillips, and god knows how many people just had a flat out go at them. Now i disagree with them, but at least i tried to put my reasons for why, where as some people just replied with, Phillips is great, why are you having a go, with no reasons as to why they disagree.

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It's a good thing that not everyone is willing to identify the issue AND

put into action a solution to a problem otherwise people who can wouldn't be able to charge so much!

Now to form a consultancy group from forum members to aid Danny W.....

Who looks good in a suit and can talk ****?


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It's a good thing that not everyone is willing to identify the issue AND

put into action a solution to a problem otherwise people who can wouldn't be able to charge so much!

Now to form a consultancy group from forum members to aid Danny W.....

Who looks good in a suit and can talk ****?


I think the answer to that final question is in your wink, we've already got him :)
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Guest KingswoodRed
If I critise a City player then that makes me not a true supporter? I think thats what was suggested on an earlier thread about Golden Boy.
How the mighty wind up merchants have fallen.

By the same token my friend, because I have not visited every home game, and most away games, does that make me any less of a 'true' BCFC supporter?

You continue to make judgements on so called 'true city supporters' by your definitions due to attendancees, and let others judge you.

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How the mighty wind up merchants have fallen.

By the same token my friend, because I have not visited every home game, and most away games, does that make me any less of a 'true' BCFC supporter?

You continue to make judgements on so called 'true city supporters' by your definitions due to attendancees, and let others judge you.

Having an opinion about a player and airing that opinion is not the same as having an opinion about partimer "fans" who only attend matches when City are playing well or when the weathers nice.

I watch City enough to feel that I have seen plenty of the players to have a legitimate opinion on their ability and effort.The same can't be said for partimers.

Its not the same arguement at all.

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Having an opinion about a player and airing that opinion is not the same as having an opinion about partimer "fans" who only attend matches when City are playing well or when the weathers nice.
Although I agree with your original post Robbo.

Can I just say

Having an opinion about a player and airing that opinion is not the same as having an opinion about partimer "fans" who only attend matches when City are playing well or when the weathers nice.

..or when they can afford it

..or when they can get time off work

a tad unfair to tar everyone with the same brush

Just out of interest Robbored - How do you classify someone that actually plays the game, local amateur league standard, they have supported city all their life but now prefer to play and obviously can't make the Saturday games?

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Guest KingswoodRed
Having an opinion about a player and airing that opinion is not the same as having an opinion about partimer "fans" who only attend matches when City are playing well or when the weathers nice.

I watch City enough to feel that I have seen plenty of the players to have a legitimate opinion on their ability and effort.The same can't be said for partimers.

Its not the same arguement at all.

Apologies for lack of reply. Due to weekend & alcohol.

My last game watching city was Peterboro 1-1 home this season.

First game watching BCFC was Oxford home 0-0 c1973.

I fall short of critisising City players more often than most.

What criteria do you use for insulting your fellow City fan?

I look forward to your reply Rob.

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Guest Topbuzz

Not aimed at anyone on the forum but the middle class ###### stood behind me in east end yesterday ,,,we were 4-0 up had a fantastic old skool atmostphere day and he was still complaining at the occasional lost ball some people are never happy .

Occasionally i take a dislike to a player which isnt always echoed eg. Craig Woodman when he was playin right back i was like how can Danny keep praising him but majority of time keep it positive .

It nearly kicked off at QPR away between two city fans because of a few negative comments its a hot potato

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What criteria do you use for insulting your fellow City fan?

I look forward to your reply Rob.

There are two criteria imho for "insulting" my fellow City fans.In fact insulting is not the right word - it more critising.

(1) Those mindless idiots who cause trouble at matches.

(2) Those "fans" who only watch City when things are going well on the pitch.It irritates me no end when some "fans" come on here and say that they aren't going to watch the City because of a bad result or because the opposition is not that attractive.Thats not loyalty to me,thats partime.

The exception to the above is those (like cynic and edson) who live literally miles from Bristol and therefore cannot always attend matches.They have legitimate reasons for not going.But those "fans" who live within a modest travelling distances that choose not to go really ###### me off.

For me and lots of City fans watching the City is non-negociable..and the only time I miss a home game is if I'm ill or out of the country.

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The exception to the above is those (like cynic and edson) who live literally miles from Bristol and therefore cannot always attend matches.They have legitimate reasons for not going.
I would also like to put myself in this "legitimate reason" category despite the fact I went yesterday, using HSBC's marvellous over-draft facility to do so.

6 hr round trip all the same.

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Just out of interest Robbored - How do you classify someone that actually plays the game, local amateur league standard, they have supported city all their life but now prefer to play and obviously can't make the Saturday games?
I've no problem with those who play footie on a Saturday.In fact I misssed loads of City games when City were in the old First Division because I was playing most Saturdays.I only got to watch when I was injured or evening games.

I don't regret it now because playing the game is far more enjoyable than watching.

Sadly, at my age my playing days are long gone..... :) But at least I can show my loyalty to BCFC now without distraction.

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