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Guest Eddie Hitler

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Guest Eddie Hitler

I know Percy Parrot and Bat Fastard organise some things up in the smoke, and what I want to know is:

Is there a minibus going to games?

and, if so, what part of London does it leave from?

Reason being I've been offered a job in London and need to decide whether to take it (probably will) and where to live. If there was a minibus running that would certainly be a big plus.

When I lived in London before the London Branch SC didn't organise much but you did get to meet up with fellow reds.

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Hi Eddie

We have tried to organise a minibus in the past but were hampered by the fact that people tend to be a little unreliable!

There are a number of London based fans, all season ticket holders, who travel to Ashton Gate and you would be welcome to crew up with our bunch. I have an MPV with seven seats so there is nearly always a spare place. I live in Barnet but I'm sure that we could work out a pick up point to suite your new address - or pick you up from a tube station. Contact me when you are ready to make arrangements.

I organised a coach for the LDV Final in Cardiff and swore blind that I would not do it again. It took a great deal of time and I lost money for all my efforts. Again, people not turning up at the last minute was a problem although the day was a great success and ran like clockwork otherwise. Our regular merry band are all very reliable and we normally have heated debates with humerous interludes! We even take the odd bl00dy student.

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Guest Eddie Hitler

Thanks Bat, I was hoping there was something similar happening. I won't be there until May so (assuming all goes to plan) will PM you in the summer. (The fact I'm up at this time on a Saturday in order to go to work is why I'm moving jobs!).

I remember your LDV efforts very well, you deserved a medal for that one.

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